Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1658: 擒 擒 擒 擒

Thousands of people are fighting against the millions of troops, and they are still millions of undead army members who are not afraid of death and ignorance. Anyone thinks that this time may be the end of the egg hitting the stone, but even if the ending is not good, no one will give up. Because survival is the instinct of every soul. In the absence of a retreat, fighting for survival is also the instinct of every soul.

When the dog is in a hurry, he will jump into the wall. The rabbit will bite when he is in a hurry. What's more, a group of desperate warriors, whose potential and hidden strength are all motivated, can indeed form a huge force.

The two sides have entered a state of short-handed contact, which can be described as a sword and a sword, a gun and a gun, flesh and blood, and roaring!

The battle is very tragic, but fortunately, these rivers and lakes can hold their own formations at critical moments. The reason why these human warriors can compete with these undead army is because they are elites in the rivers and lakes and the army. They are rational, Understand tactics and know how to use your strengths to attack each other's weaknesses.

Tactics, formation, and cooperation, this is the advantage of human warriors.

These undead army, although they also have their own advantages, but their disadvantages are also very obvious, it is obvious that all these undead army are under the control of Baiyin, their own wisdom is not high, so once the white yin is If you kill it, then the action of this undead army will inevitably be affected.

Since the other party's weakness has already appeared, then Qin Lang has no reason to turn a blind eye, but Qin Lang also knows that Baiyin, the "ghost witch" dare to show up, then it must have strong confidence and strength, it must think that it can easily Milling these people, and then treating these people's flesh and blood as its spoils and food.

What's more, Bai Yin is in the army of a million, and the spiritual power cannot detect its existence. Qin Lang believes that other masters must also try to stage a good show of the thief, but the mental power of anyone close to the white body. Next, the result is that the mental power is swallowed up, not only can not determine its position, but also its own spiritual power to the ghosts as a snack, and even exposed their own position.

Qin Lang's mental strength will not be swallowed by Baiyin, but he is also unable to determine the specific location of Baiyin, but from another perspective, Baiyin is also unable to determine his position, because Qinlang's spiritual field is integrated, Baiyin The spirit of the spirit wants to spy, then it is likely to lose some of its spiritual power. At the spiritual level, Qin Lang has never been afraid of any opponent.

The law of heaven and earth in the earth world has impeded the improvement of Qin Lang's physical strength, but he cannot restrain his spiritual strength. Therefore, Qin Lang's spiritual cultivation has now reached a terrible level.

Can not find the location of Baiyin, Qin Lang is not worried, because he naturally has a way to force Bai Yin to take the initiative to find him!

"Hell Seal - Open!"

Qin Lang’s hands control an ancient seal of hell. When the world’s barriers are not loose, this **** seal can establish a temporary passage for **** creatures to come from this passage, not to mention that the world’s barriers are now loose, hell. The seal is also easier to open, and the resulting passage is more durable.

The seal of **** is open. Naturally, more **** creatures are swarming out. At this time, Qin Lang has already rushed into the army of the undead. Once these **** creatures come out, they will naturally collide with the undead army. The two sides naturally It started to work hard. As for Qin Lang himself, there is no need to worry about the betrayal and raids of these **** creatures, because at this moment his body is full of **** fire, and there is a deterrent to the seal of hell. These **** creatures are in any case afraid to talk to Qin Lang. Competing.

In an instant, Qin Lang has already smashed a **** road in the undead army. This is the real blood road, because countless **** creatures have been fragmented by the undead army along the way, and countless undead warriors have been destroyed.

Qin Lang didn't know where Baiyin was, but he didn't need to know, because the reason why Qin Lang made such a big move was to attract the attention of Baiyin and force him to fight.

Baiyin can not care about the previous 100,000 undead strikers, but it can't even care for the millions of troops. After all, its white-yellow city needs to walk the dog. As an undead creature with independent consciousness and wisdom, the meaning of the existence of Baiyin is natural. It is to become the hegemon of this world, and then wait for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to resurrect or re-own the flesh, because the collision of the heavens and the world begins. When the collision of the heavens begins, countless creatures will be destroyed. Kill, there are countless masters will fall, but it will bring countless opportunities and countless possibilities.

A mortal may have the opportunity to enter the fairy world and gain a long life; the beast may also become a enchanting; the undead may also resurrect...

In short, such a hegemony as Baiyin is definitely a plot. Before it abandoned the 100,000 undead army, it was to test the strength of Qin Lang and others, and at the same time form an encirclement of Qin Lang and others according to the situation. But now, Qin Lang has become a variable, a variable that may bring great damage to the undead army of Baiyin. Under such circumstances, Baiyin does not make sense to personally kill the Qinlang variable.

The thief first blasphemes the king, not only knows Qin Lang, but the other party naturally understands.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang went into the army of millions of undead, a very evil spirit finally swept over to him, and Qin Lang was not polite, directly swallowed and suppressed this spiritual power through the spiritual field.

Although this spirit is very evil and terrifying, the thoughts of Qin Lang's dark reincarnation are specifically to devour the spirit of darkness and evil. How to struggle with this spiritual power is finally swallowed up by Qin Lang's spiritual realm.

Qin Lang swallowed the other side's spiritual power, which is also a kind of provocation. Although he does not know how the ancient witches existed, this does not prevent Qin Lang from provoking it. In this situation, the two sides are not your death or me. Death, so under such circumstances, no matter what the other party is, Qin Lang will not be afraid of it.

Perhaps it is the provocation of Qin Lang, perhaps it is not tolerate Qin Lang’s slaughter of his undead army. Bai Yin really responded:

Qin Lang rushed for a while, and suddenly saw the **** creatures in front of the body bursting constantly, as if they were squeezed directly by an invisible force to the internal organs and ** burst!

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