Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1665: Smart housekeeper

Great efforts mean huge gains.

Originally thought that the undead spar on the battlefield was the biggest gain, but after entering Baiyincheng, all the talents knew that the real harvest was still in this city.

Also, this guy in Baiyin ruled the city and did not know it for hundreds of thousands of years. After such a long period of accumulation, the city is naturally rich.

What's more, these undead creatures are different from other creatures. They are almost unintentional, so the wealth of this city is almost impossible to enter. The guy in Baiyin can indeed be called the richest man.

In addition, after entering the “City House” of Baiyincheng, the group of people went through the research and found that this Baiyin City was not built by Baiyin. This city is more ancient than Baiyin, perhaps because Baiyin has killed the previous one. The city owner, so captured the city.

In this undead city, there are actually special "military factories" and "military camps". The former is specially built for armor and weapons. In these places, Qin Lang and others have discovered new discoveries. They originally thought that the armor of the undead warriors was their own refining. It’s made, but it turns out that this is not the case. In this city, there are special “military factories” that are building weapons such as armor and swords.

However, it is not strange to think about it carefully. After all, not all of these undead are warriors. There are always some undead who used to be craftsmen or forge masters. After these guys become undead, they will naturally become undead in the city. "Technical workers" continue to carry out their work day and night.

Oh, it’s impossible to say that day and night, because there is no such thing as a sun and a moon, at least not the sun and the moon, so there is no day and night, maybe time is the most useless thing.

The armor and the sword are forged, and this discovery surprised everyone, and at the same time felt that there might be a lot of value hidden in it.

Today, when fighting with the millions of undead army in Baiyincheng, everyone saw the power of these armor and weapons, and also saw the mounts such as the undead horses and giant elephants. It must be said that these undead mounts are obviously more reliable than cars and armored vehicles, especially during the Doomsday War, because they do not need to consume at least energy.

In addition, these undead mounts also have some power, and if used properly, they can be turned into a combat power.

In addition to the mounts in the "military camp" and the equipment in the "military factory", everyone is more interested in the treasure house of Baiyin.

This guy in Baiyin is probably the only one with higher intelligence in this undead city. At least Qin Lang thought so before, but after the group attacked the city government, it changed this view because of the “housekeeper” of the city government. "It is also a wise guy. This guy is a very old man, and it releases the stewardship temperament:

The sly body, the humble gesture, and the little savvy talk, all show that it is indeed a housekeeper.

"Respected city owner, welcome back."

The old butler said very reverently to Qin Lang, it seems that Qin Lang is really its owner, and it seems to have been waiting for Qin Lang for many years.

This is the quality of the old housekeeper. Even Qin Lang has to admit that this is a very qualified butler, but it naturally does not easily believe in a dead creature, especially a dead creature with wisdom, so he calmly asks: "White Yin has been destroyed by me, do you know? It is your original owner."

"It seems that Baiyin killed the previous city owner. I think it will have this day. However, I am just a housekeeper, just want to be a housekeeper, so you have destroyed Baiyin, you are my master. "The old housekeeper is very sure and very sincere.

"Well, what's your name?" Qin Lang asked.

"Master, you call me a housekeeper. I know that you don't believe me now, but I will let you trust me through sincere service. I am your servant and a servant of this city. I know that as long as you are pious. Serving the Lord of the City, I can continue to exist, because you need someone who is familiar with the city to manage, you need a real housekeeper, right, my master?"

It is really natural to be a natural material. It seems that this old butler is very accurate about his position. It knows the city owner of the iron-clad city, knowing how to protect himself.

Yes, no matter who is the master of the city, it is bound to need a "person" who is familiar with Baiyincheng to familiarize and manage the city. The "old housekeeper" knows to be loyal to the city, not to the truth of Baiyin. It finds its own way of survival, it does not need to have much strength, it only needs to understand this truth.

Because of this, when Baiyin seized the city, the old housekeeper continued to exist; also when Qin Lang captured the city, it could still survive; perhaps one day another person became the master of the city, it It can still exist, as long as it continues to uphold the truth of its existence.

Because he swears allegiance to the owner of the city, the butler is almost utterly ignorant of the problems of Qin Lang, and actively handed over the key to the treasure house of the city government.

Although the rest of the people are not at ease with this housekeeper, Qin Lang believes that the current housekeeper can be trusted, because Qin Lang does not feel any trace of hostility from Qin Lang, as long as it reveals any hostility. It is impossible to escape the sense of Qin Lang, so so far, Qin Lang believes that it can be trusted.

Moreover, this housekeeper is more ancient than Baiyin. As a housekeeper who has existed for so long, it may not care who will be the position of the city owner, as long as it can continue to be the steward of the city government.

The treasure house of the city's main government is simply a real treasure house. This treasure house makes Qin Lang's eyes straight and straight. This makes Qin Lang feel that the previous **** battles and sacrifices were not in vain. I got the city and got the treasure house of the city. The poisonous sects, the Dragon Snakes, and the Mozong, Taoism, and Esoteric forces have great benefits.

Qin Lang has no idea of ​​exclusive advantages, because there are so many benefits here, even if several sects come together with the people of the Dragon Snake Force, they are not enough.

Undead spar, piled up like mountains; all kinds of weapons, piled up like mountains; and the treasures of various undead worlds, can only be described as mountains.

This is the welfare of the adults of the undead world, because once the city owner is done, they can continue to accumulate the soldiers and horses, because these soldiers and horses will almost never die again. After the soldiers, these undead warriors can almost continuously collect resources and treasures for the urban masters without the need for food and other consumption. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of years, after countless years of precipitation, these things have entered the treasure house of the city.

Although there are many things in the treasure house, this house can certainly remember every thing in the treasure house, and the number can be clearly remembered. With such a skill, it is no wonder that the butler has a place in Baiyin City.

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