Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1672: Two sides


Inspired by Qin Lang’s thoughts on the dark reincarnation of the heavens, he wanted to devour his Yang Ling, and the head of Moshaman’s Yang Ling was extremely angry. This anger carries the will of Shiva. As a **** above the high, Qin Lang’s approach is simply The performance of the gods.

However, regardless of whether the other party is a **** or a devil, Qin Lang has already swallowed up a lot of extraterrestrial demons with the darkness of the heavens. Since it can kill the demon, of course, it does not care to kill a few self-righteous deities.

If the other party is the real Shiva, Qin Lang must be running immediately. He will never think that he can compete with a really powerful god. However, the other party is obviously just a avatar. Even a avatar is not, but it is A force "borrowing the upper body" only, but the head of Moshaman's Yang Ling combined with the "freak" formed by Shiva's will and strength, the essence of this freak is still the head of Moshaman's Yang Ling, as long as see through At this point, Qin Lang does not think that it is really terrible.

The stronger the spiritual strength of Qin Lang is, the stronger the power of the dark reincarnation thoughts of the heavens. The most characteristic of the dark spiritual power is the engulfing. The darkness of the darkness of the heavens is the darkness of the universe, so it can swallow the world. all.

At this time, Qin Lang’s power of darkness has begun to devour the spiritual power of the head of Moshaman. His entire spiritual world has become dark, and the only thing that shines is the fire and the third eye.

"Hey! Kill the world! Fire through the dark!"

The head of Moshaman’s Yang Ling made a roar, and the third eye on his forehead became more awkward. A raging fire came out of his eyes and appeared around the head of Moshaman’s body, letting Qin Lang’s dark spirit Force can't get close to his Yang Ling. At the same time, the fire of the gods continued to swim, trying to fight back against the spirit of Qin Lang.

Qin Lang also had to admit that what really made him feel trouble was the **** three eyes. Even he could not understand what the essence of this fire was, and his dark reincarnation thoughts could not devour this kind of flame. Instead, it will be restrained by this kind of flame.

"You humble reptile, actually want to swallow the will of the gods! Even if it is just a little sacred fire, it is an obstacle that you can never overcome!" The head of Moshaman's Yang Ling continued to snarl to Qin Lang, and his Yang Ling's power continued. The ground is strengthening.

"Shenzhen? I have it too."

Qin Lang smiled disdainfully and reached out to the head of Moshaman's Yang Ling, but Qin Lang's fingertips did not fire.

Moshaman sneered, thinking that Qin Lang was just bluffing, but at this time, he suddenly noticed a strong mental strength behind him, and then felt a ignited fire coming from behind his back. This fire was very special. In particular, it pointed out that it actually had no temperature, even a little cold, but when this fire collided with the fire around the head of Moshaman, it burst into a burning fire.

The head of Moshaman was surrounded by pain in an instant, because Qin Lang’s ignition light was very strange. This is a kind of fire that can bring pain to his body and spirit. This is the red lotus industry fire, the most rumored from the world of hell. Terror fire.

If the fire from the third eye on the forehead of Mossman’s forehead can be called a sacred fire, then the red lotus fire of Qinlang can definitely be regarded as a magic fire. If it is on the grade, the red lotus fire of Qinlang should not be weaker than The fire of the head of Moshaman.

But the difference is that the fire of the head Moshaman is not released by himself, but the "spirit" from the mysterious space and time, but the fire of Qin Lang comes from himself, so one is "remote control" and the other is in person. In the battlefield, the situation is naturally different.

The cultivation of the "God" believed by Mossman is naturally much better than Qin Lang, but it is too far away from here, and it must be supported by the head of Moshaman's Yangling, which is subject to many restrictions and is evenly matched. In the case, it is definitely Qinlang's advantage.

Moreover, Qin Lang also has a "helper"!

Qin Lang's helper is another Yang Ling.

His flesh couldn't get here in an instant to fight with Moshaman, but his Yangling could. Before Qinlang's bright Yang spirit had already expelled some of the drawbacks of Dasivaia, now he came over, just to Packing head Moshaman.

That little **** fire was released by this bright Yang spirit. At this time, two Yang spirits appeared, and immediately attacked the head Moshaman. Two very different spiritual forces, two different spiritual fields, let The head of Moshaman’s Yang Ling was in trouble for a moment.

The first Moshaman sensed an unprecedented crisis. This is the first time in his life that he met people in the field of hidden spirits and twin spirits. Such a person is simply a monster. He knows that today may be unlucky. The only chance is to pray for wetness. Grandma can bring more power to him, maybe his Yang Ling can not bear this power, but at least can defeat the opponent.

The idea of ​​Moshaman was excellent, but Qin Langyi would not know his thoughts. Another bright and sunny spirit of Qin Lang appeared here. In the first time, he used the spiritual field to cut off the spirit of Moshaman to Shiva. Induction makes him unable to gain more power through the “God Drop” approach.

In short, Qin Lang wants to lose his head to Moshaman.

One Yang Ling is responsible for the attack, and another Yang Ling is responsible for cutting off the back road of Moshaman. This tactic is simple, but it is fatal.

In a short time, the head of Moshaman’s Yang Ling could not get the power of Shiva’s **** from the void, which means that his end is coming. Under such circumstances, temporarily losing the source of power means that Completely ruined.


The power of the fire around the head of Moshaman began to weaken, and the power of the Qin Lan Honglian fire began to rise rapidly, enveloping his sacred fire and Yang Ling.

As a kind of fire in the world, the growth of the red lotus industry is extremely slow, unless it can swallow and absorb other fires in the world. Fortunately, the fire of the Shiva **** is a kind of fire.

Whether it is a fire or a fire, anyway, for Qin Lang's red lotus fire, this kind of fire from the outside world is the best nutrition. For this kind of fire, Qin Lang can even temporarily let go of Moshaman.

"Measure the scale! Repress!"

There is not much time left for Qin Lang, so he will not leave it, and he will sacrifice it directly. This amount of heavenly rule combines the holy, the kendo, the undead, the hell, etc., which condenses many worlds. The law and the essence of Qin Lang's practice, this is a secret weapon of Qin Lang. Under such circumstances, Qin Lang's momentum is to completely suppress the head of Moshaman and swallow his fire.

The two Yangling of Qinlang were attacked at the same time, and with the sudden attack of the measuring ruler, the spiritual world of the head Moshaman was completely defeated by Qin Lang, and his Yang Ling had no chance to escape, because the spiritual field of Qin Lang was like prison. Covered him like that.

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