Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1683: Circuit switch

The so-called breakthrough of Xie Luozhen actually made some in-depth research and development on the "circuit diagram" provided by Qin Lang, because Qin Lang had speculated that this thing might be a circuit, but even Qin Lang, it only guessed it. However, the power of this thing can not be underestimated, at least Qin Lang used this thing to give the white Yin guy the "yin".

The reason why it was handed over to Xie Luozhen, because Qin Lang's time is not enough, and this thing is a technological product after all, and it is the right way to hand over to Xie Luozhen. It turns out that Qin Lang’s guess is correct. This thing is a circuit, but it is an extremely advanced circuit. Advanced to this circuit can carry a variety of different energy sources at the same time.

The circuit familiar to the human world naturally only has current flowing inside, but this circuit can carry various energy sources such as current, light energy, nuclear energy, etc., and even it can extract unknown power directly from the void.

This alone is enough to show that this circuit is indeed a product of a very high-tech civilization, but Qin Lang is most concerned about the use of this, which is why Qin Lang gave it to Xie Luozhen, and Xie Luozhen did not let Qin Lang Disappointed, I got some answers in a short time, at least the most obvious result was that she found the "switch" of this circuit.

Some people may think that finding a circuit switch is not a problem at all, but it is definitely not an easy task for a primitive person to find the switch of a modern circuit; Xie Luozhen can find the switch of this mysterious circuit, naturally A great skill. At least, Qin Lang himself does not know how to let this circuit end the power cycle. Therefore, he quietly waited for Xie Luozhen to give an answer.

"About this circuit, it is actually a highly condensed complex multi-element, which seems to be just a series of complicated lines. In fact, it incorporates many technological elements beyond our thinking. So, many things seem simple. But in fact it is extremely complicated things, such as the chips we use on computers and mobile phones today, some chips are not the size of nails, but they condense the essence of our modern technology. Avenue to Jane, this is the case with this circuit. Because the technological civilization that created this thing has reached the peak of technology, they can incorporate many of their technological elements into a seemingly simple circuit."

Speaking of this, Xie Luozhen may feel that she is too excited, so she let her mood calm down a bit, and then explained with Qin Lang, "We have done research, every line of this circuit, almost It is the product of the crystallization of technology, so this circuit appears on any carrier, it will produce energy flow, because it is very adaptable. However, this circuit is complicated, but our people still found a breakthrough and found it. Switch. Well, just in this position -"

Qin Lang is like a primary school student. He listens to Xie Luozhen to explain the circuit diagram in physics. Then, after Xie Luozhen’s instructions, Qin Lang saw the “switch” of this circuit: it can control the whole circuit by opening and closing one of the lines. Start and shut down.

Speaking of this seemingly very simple physics knowledge, but Qin Lang knows that Xie Luoqi and others have spent a lot of time analysis and experimentation, only to find this key breakthrough.

This is certainly not easy. Just like an ancient scholar reading modern physics books, he will certainly be confused. If you want to figure out the truth, it will take a lot of time.

Fortunately, Xie Luoqi and others have succeeded. Although they are far away from the complete deciphering of this circuit, at least they have found a breakthrough, and this breakthrough is quite important because it means that this circuit can be put into practice. Used.

Perhaps the ancients did not understand the principles of modern circuits, but this should not prevent them from enjoying the results of modern electrical appliances, as long as they are familiar with how the switch buttons of electrical appliances are used.

Yes, the biggest achievement of Xie Luoqi and others today is to figure out the switch of this circuit. As long as the switch is clearly understood, it is naturally possible to enjoy the results brought by the top technology civilization.

According to the information provided by Xie Luozhen, Qin Lang used his own mental power to form a circuit in the void, and then he used the start and close of this circuit according to Xie Luozhen, this process is quite smooth, Qin Lang test It has been successful several times, but once this circuit starts running, it will continue to extract the energy of the surrounding and even his body. Although Qin Lang can close it, but it can not precisely control it, but at least it proves that Xie Luoqi and others have reached the conclusion that they have found a breakthrough.

"So, do you find a suitable carrier?" Qin Lang is more concerned about what practical value this thing can bring to the Dragon Snake.

"Of course, we already have a suitable carrier - crystal!" Xie Luozhen showed Qin Lang their first experiment, which is indeed a crystal, and is a very pure white crystal, which depicts the same The circuit, which looks like a crystal art, is actually a crystal circuit board, but one of the lines is movable, that is, the circuit switch.

After turning on this circuit, Xie Luozhen placed an energy detector nearby. When Qin Lan saw that the energy detector's data was rapidly rising, the crystal circuit board began to release some ray of light, but the crystal itself. It has not been burned out, which means that it can withstand the various types of energy that this circuit draws from all around.

However, in ten seconds, the value of the energy detector is about to reach the level of the explosion, so Xie Luozhen also stopped its operation, and then said to Qin Lang: "Mr. Qin saw that it is such a small circuit. The plate can raise energy to the standard of a small nuclear reactor within ten seconds, which is terrible! However, this is the biggest gift that God gave us!"

A card-sized crystal circuit block can easily create the huge energy of a small nuclear reactor, and now it can be easily turned on and off, which is really the biggest gift given by Xie Luozhen, because this A crystal circuit card, you can develop a lot of vehicles beyond the modern era, and maybe even a spacecraft, because this magic circuit can even draw energy directly from the void, which means that it can be continuously retrieved as long as it is running. A variety of energy is indeed very suitable for the energy required by the spacecraft.

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