Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1692: Dog biting dog

These rice countries only want to take control of the wormhole.

China has naturally prepared a response law, and immediately asked the representatives of the country to explain why there are rice-type missiles bombing the islands of China. This missile is the source of disaster, just like the key to open the Pandora's box. Now, the representative of China strongly urges the country to confess the source of this missile. Otherwise, China will stop talking to it!

This is right, we must lead the anger of the national society to the rice country. Huaxia’s explanation is that the Chinese military has made great efforts to maintain the wormhole in a stable state, but a rice-type missile triggered this disaster, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the Philippines. And the disaster is far from over, the **** creatures continue to wreak havoc, and the countries near the Philippines are beginning to be affected.

After all, the country is the world's first power. Many times, many countries are looking at the country. However, this time the situation is different. The reason given by China is very good. This time, the chief culprit in igniting the war is the country, at this time they Actually, he can still condemn China in such a high-profile manner. The original words of the Huaxia spokesperson are "shameless, boring and unreasonable."

China’s side is surprisingly tough. Anyway, the country does not give the source of the missile. China will not continue its dialogue.

This meeting was forced to be interrupted.

But after an hour, the meeting continued and the people of the country made a compromise for the first time, ready to announce the source of the previous missile.

In the eyes of the public, the people of the country announced the relevant information of the missile. The missile was originally launched from the submarine of the Sui National Self-Defense Force. When the missile was launched, the country immediately conducted an investigation and quickly got results, because the country has hundreds of military bases and more than a dozen military satellites in the Asia-Pacific, not to mention the missiles were made by the country. They naturally know their source.

However, this time the United Nations conference can be described as twists and turns. Just after the representative of the country of the country announced that the missile was launched by the Laos submarine, the Laos immediately expressed their rebuttals, indicating that they were not launched by them. They were clearly the submarines of the country itself. For the rice country, the black pot.

The development of this matter is obviously beyond the expectations of the people. It is necessary to know that the military and political affairs of the Laos have been "castrated" by the rice country. Basically, they do not have their own right to speak. It is entirely in accordance with the deployment of the people of the country. According to the past situation, if the people of the country are determined to be missiles launched by the submarine of the Laos, then the country will definitely recognize it, and even Huaxia thinks so. When the representative of the country of the country stated that the submarine had received the wrong command to "mistake" the missile, the Chinese side was prepared to accept the result. As a result, who knows that the country has actually bitten the rice country.

"Dog bites the dog! Hey, interesting." Qin Lang saw this scene, could not help but laugh, he believes that at this moment do not know how many Chinese people are laughing for this scene.

Subsequently, the representative of the country of rice naturally had a dispute with the country, and after a few disputes between the representatives of the country, they were angry and left.

Half an hour later, the Prime Minister of Laos issued a public statement stating that in order to cope with the invasion of aliens, Laos will fully restore national sovereignty, exercise 100% military autonomy, and demand that the military of the country be from Laos within a week. With the withdrawal of military bases, Laos has the ability to defend national security.

When this news was released, I don’t know how many countries were astonished.

Although many people know that Laos is ambitious and always wants to get out of the shadow of the defeat of World War II and want to restore its status as a military power, it does not expect that the country will take this opportunity to completely break with the country.

Many countries think that the country is protecting the country, and that the country is only a vassal of the country, but whoever thinks of the country does not think so. They think that the people of the country are suppressing the development of their industrial and military power, so they have always tried to amend the constitution. Trying to restore their military power, and this time they found a suitable opportunity.

When many Asian countries were hit by alien monsters, Laos was "independent" from the shadow of the country, ready to comprehensively upgrade their military strength.

The news was too sudden and shocked!

At least for Asian countries, this is not a good thing, especially for Nan Han, who clearly feels that history may repeat itself, and the shadow of the aggression of the Chinese people may once again envelope them.

The break of the Shu Kingdom, naturally, did not get the approval of the rice country. This time, the rice country is considered to be a tiger. They let the country sit on the ground. The intention is to curb the rise of China. Who knows that the dog of the country has broken the dog’s rope. Give the owner a bite.

Things have developed into this way, the forces of all parties are unpredictable, but the country suddenly emerged from the state of military castration, and is also expected by China. After all, after the Second World War, Laos has always been repentant and ambitious. Restoring military power has always been their ambition. This time, the country seems to be rushing, but in reality it is probably an opportunity to make an attack.

Of course, Mi Guozhen is not willing to eat this dumb loss. After all, the owner is bitten by his own dog. This is a very faceless thing, and the country has deployed many military bases and weapons in Laos, and they cannot easily evacuate.

However, on the second day, Laos successfully carried out nuclear bomb experiments on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean, and at the same time showed their nuclear missiles to the outside world. At this juncture, everyone in nature understands that the country has long been prepared. They "break up" with the country of rice. It is definitely not a temporary rise, but a premeditated plan.

The nuclear missiles displayed by Laos are very powerful, and they are intercontinental missiles. These missiles are enough to carry out a comprehensive nuclear strike against the homeland of the country. This time, the people of the country have been arrogant. The blood of this nation contains crazy genes. If the people of the country do not withdraw their troops, they will inevitably make more mad moves.

This time, the people of the country were devoid of dumb losses. They obviously wanted to raise a dog to curb the Chinese lion. But knowing that the dog was eventually raised as a tiger, the military experts in the country quickly concluded that the people of the country Intercontinental missile technology is clearly obtained from the military of the country, although it is not known how the Chinese people get these military secrets.

The people of the country can only condemn the withdrawal of troops on the one hand. After all, the country is most familiar with the characteristics of the people of the country, knowing that these people are crazy.

On the other hand, China announced that it would break off diplomatic relations with the country and declare that it would retaliate against the missile attacks in the South China Sea!

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