Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1697: No sword

After receiving the dragon, the poisonous insects on the Duron Peninsula were all deterred by Qin Lang. These poisons quickly remembered the breath of Qin Lang. They began to obey the command of Qin Lang and listened to the command of Qin Lang and the insect flute.

Qin Lang is very satisfied with the situation of the Duron Peninsula. The purpose of his visit here is to test the development of the Duron Peninsula on the one hand and to recruit and recruit horses on the other. I worked so hard to build such a poisonous insect base, which cost a lot of magic stones. What is Qin Lang for? It is not just to cultivate powerful poisonous insects, but more importantly, these poisonous insects are used by themselves. What he needs is a more powerful army of poisonous insects.

In the past, the poisonous insects in the poisonous sacs were more than enough to deal with the masters of the human world. However, it is still not enough to deal with the powerful creatures in the outer world. Therefore, Qin Lang only constantly stimulates and evolves the viciousness of these poisonous insects, so that they can Used by Qin Lang, it became a new force of Qin Lang.

Now, it is almost the same, and now these poisonous insects on the Duron Peninsula, even the masters of the Wusheng level can be hurt, and in groups, the masters of the Wusheng level can only avoid their edge.

Qin Lang used the insect flute to direct all kinds of poisonous insects, and then they all collected into the poisonous sac. After a while, Qin Lang had a million "big army" in the poisonous sac, and Qin Lang now has these poisonous worms, obviously more than before. The poisonous insects in the poisonous sac are too much.

After collecting a million troops, this Duron Peninsula has been quiet a lot, but because the nests and dens are still there, with the catalysis of magic, it will not take much time, and here will be a huge number of The poisonous insects come.

The speed of the spread of the poisonous insects is already very alarming. With the catalysis of the magic gas, the quantity is not a problem at all. In addition, with the continuous proliferation and evolution, the power of these poisonous insects will become even more terrifying.

After getting a million poisonous insects, Qin Lang did not leave immediately. He carefully examined the formation of the Duron Peninsula. This is to make sure that the magic here will not vent, and the poisonous insects may leave here at will.

In addition, Qin Lang added some magic stones to the formation. This is because the poisonous insects on the Duron Peninsula are now almost become magic insects. If there is not enough magic, their growth and evolution will be affected.

After doing a good job, Qin Lang returned to Li.

When I arrived at the Li family, Qin Hao’s affairs had already been dealt with. As a sword spirit, she now has a different feeling for Qin Lang. When she saw her, Qin Lang always felt the omnipresent sword from her, but this Seeing her again in a moment, her body is not a bit sturdy, just like an ordinary woman.

"This...nothing! Have you reached that realm?"

Qin Lang couldn't believe that Qin Lan had already reached the supreme realm of the legendary kendo, that is, the martial art to the highest realm with no sword in his hand and no sword in his heart.

This realm sounds mysterious, but it is indeed the supreme realm of kendo.

As a sword spirit, before the Qin dynasty has reached the realm of "no sword in the hand, there is a sword in the heart", this realm Qin Lang also reached, Fang Hongyue also reached, but for the third realm, is regarded as a legend The realm of the realm, because almost no one can reach the realm, but also the mysterious realm of the martial arts practitioners dream of.

"There is no sword in your hand, no sword in your heart. How much is this realm?"

Qin Lang couldn't help but ask Qin Qin, this is purely because of curiosity. However, Qin Hao answered this question, she shot directly to Qin Lang.

Qin Hao’s shot is very simple and very casual. Without a bit of smoke, the **** are pinched into a sword and stabbed toward Qin Lang. However, she does not seem to have any swords and murderousness until the attack is about to hit. At the time of Qin Lang, it showed a huge power, and then her whole person seemed to disappear completely. In the eyes of Qin Lang, there was only one giant sword falling from the sky.

This sword does not have any moves, but the feeling of giving people can not be evaded, or it is impossible to avoid this sword anyway. This is no longer a kendo category, but a kendo. It incorporates other mysterious things: it incorporates the laws of heaven and earth, integrates into the general trend of the world, and incorporates other "Tao".

This sword is indeed not a pure kendo.

Even Qin Lang did not know how to take this sword, so he could only use the sacred field to take defense, but when the giant sword touched the field of the sacred road, it suddenly disappeared. Then Qin Lang saw that Qin Qin still Standing in the same place, looking like a leisurely, just like never taking a shot.

"Sure enough!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but sigh. The highest realm of this kendo is really extraordinary. However, after Qin Lang saw this attack by Qin, he also knows where the realm of this realm is.

This realm is not so much the highest realm of kendo. It is better to say that it has transcended the simple kendo and entered a new field.

There is no sword, it is because the kendo of Qin has an unusual kendo.

Do not say anything else, just Qin Hao, the means of sending and receiving freely, it is already quite good, Qin Lang attack power can be stronger than her, but definitely can not do her without smoke. Kendo, originally a technique that was infinite and sharp, was not able to see the "edge" of Kendo when she shot, but it became even more terrible.

"The state without a sword is just the beginning."

There is no smugness on Qin’s face, and he said calmly, “Only when you reach the real “nothing” realm, it’s Dacheng. At that time, not only did you have no sword in your heart, but there was nothing else in your heart. One thing, can’t be lawless, can’t be rampant!”

Qin Lang understands the meaning of this statement. Now Qin Qin has indeed reached the realm of no sword. This realm is quite remarkable, but for her, this is still not the highest realm. Her sword-free realm only transcends the ordinary kendo and incorporates other "dao" in it, which makes her kendo power much better. However, it also allowed her to see a higher realm. That is the "no realm". This realm is not just a sword, but a real "nothing."

"There is no realm? Hey... this is not a way to forget it! Great!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but sigh. After all, it is Jian Ling, a natural kendo practitioner, and Qin Yu's "No Realm" is also very helpful for Qin Lang's practice. Nowadays, Qin Lang’s practice is very complicated. The way he practiced is “the holy road to the sacred road”. This kind of practice can accommodate many rules of the world and many realms, but it is too complicated, but can really accommodate There is only one way in Tianwanjie and the world:

No way!

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