Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1712: Big exhibition dragon

"Li Lao Ge, Yuan Tianjun's things in Dongfu, and his Taoist priests, I will hand it over to you." Qin Lang smiled at Li Yuanyin. For Yuan Tianjun's Dongfu, Qin Lang had no interest at all. After all, it is now possible to let Qin Lang Not much is of interest. Li Yuanyin and Yuan Tianjun are both self-cultivators. Perhaps the things left by Yuan Tianjun can be used in Li Yuanyin. Even the Taoist monks left by Yuan Tianjun can be used by Li Yuanyin. It is undoubted that yin and yang complement each other. Many comprehensions actually have Taoists, which is of great benefit to reconciling yin and yang.

However, Li Yuanyin had no interest in these women. He said to Qin Lang: "I will take them away, but I am not interested in these women."

"How to deal with it, that is your business." Qin Lang smiled and was ready to leave.

"Brother, don't go too busy, my brother wants to know why you are doing this?" Li Yuanyin said, "Although there are not many self-cultivators in this world, there are so many good ones. You are not allowed to cut off the dragon veins. I am afraid it is equal to They declared war."

"They can learn the aura from the spiritual pulse, but they can't play the dragon's idea, because I want to restore the smooth flow of the dragon vein, and even restore the Chinese dragon pulse completely." For Li Yuanyin, Qin Lang does not hide his true motives.

"You want to restore the dragon's veins? This is not easy." Li Yuan Yin said, "In the end, there are still too few auras in this world. Although there are some spiritual veins, these spiritual veins are really a drop in the bucket for us. Only the aura of this dragon vein is barely usable. It is really difficult for you to let them give up the dragon veins."

"I am the guardian of this dragon's pulse. I have this power. What's more, I have always been a patriarchal soldier. If they are willing to give up, this is naturally a happy situation. Otherwise, I have to come hard." "On this issue, Qin Lang is obviously not prepared to compromise.

When Li Yuanyin saw that Qin Lang was so determined, he would not persuade him. He knew that the little brother’s ability was extraordinary. Even before he even shot, Yuan Tianjun was also dead. The strength of this little brother is so fast that he is even sighing.

Qin Lang and Qin Yu continued to march in the direction of the dragon's veins. On the way, they encountered the array of methods and practitioners who blocked the dragon veins. They all cleared the way, and unwittingly arrived in Fujian and Hong Kong.

In this area, although there are dragons flowing through, but the dragon is very thin, it seems that there are some problems.

Qin Lang and Qin Yu deliberately stayed and prepared to find out the reason.

At this time, the two stayed in a tea restaurant.

In the early morning, the sky was lightly raining. In the weather in October, there was some coolness, but it did not hinder the local people’s intense interest in eating morning tea.

At this moment, the tea restaurant is already full of people.

In many places, the breakfast shops are very busy. At least when they have breakfast, they are in a hurry, but the people here are very leisurely. They are very beautiful and rich, and the taste of tea is very leisurely. Some people here are purely to chat with friends and family, but some people are here to talk about business. Among the teas, some people’s business has already been discussed.

"Qin Lang, how long will we stay here?" Qin asked Qin Lang.

Today's breakfast has been eaten for more than half an hour. This is not like the style of Qin Lang. Because the two people came along this road, they were almost sleepy, and they didn't stop at night. It seems that Qin Lang seems to be in a hurry, but why today? An abnormal situation.

"Don't worry, I am waiting for someone." Qin Lang said.

"Who are you waiting for?"

"I don't know, they came, we will know." Qin Lang said while tea.

After a moment, Qin Lang’s words were proved. At this time, a middle-aged man stopped in front of Qin Lang and sat opposite him. Just like a person familiar with Qin Lang, he calmly said to Qin Lang: “You are the sect. People? We have already noticed you along the way."

Qin Lang did not deny it. He only asked one sentence: "So, do you know what I am coming to?"

"Isn't it a renewal? However, time seems to be early." The middle-aged humanity.

"It’s not too late, it’s too late to come.” Qin Lang said, “But I don’t need your renewal. I just need to take back my things.”

"Retracted? No! This won't work!" The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed. "The agreement between our family and your sect is not like this! How much money do you need, our family can solve it for you! No other resources are needed. problem……"

"I just said that I have to take back my things. For more than a hundred years, the land has been recovered for more than ten years. This dragon should also come back. Otherwise, this Chinese dragon figure is incomplete. Forget it, you are just a small person, but for those who buy a life for a family, I am not embarrassed, tell your master, let him get it out early. Otherwise, once I start, you should know the result. "Qin Langdao.

"You... even if you are a man of the sect, you are too overbearing!" The middle-aged man seemed to be angry. Huo Di stood up and wanted to blame Qin Lang, but he found that he could not stand up, as if there was an invisible The power of hegemony suppressed his body.

"Humble, you don't even reach the Wusheng level, don't be angry in front of me." Qin Lang said.

"Please give us a reason, why are you doing this?" The man seems to be unwilling.

"Why? Because my strength is strong enough! Is this reason going?" Qin Lang said this, and let the middle-aged man leave.

Until the middle-aged man left, Qin Hao seemed to understand the intention of Qin Lang and asked: "Is this family's family affecting the dragon in this area?"

Qin Lang nodded and said: "The original thing can be big or small. If it is not because of the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, I don't want to worry about it. After all, they are just a group of businessmen, a group of businessmen chasing material interests, this is also There is nothing wrong with it. However, these people or their ancestors once traded with the people of the sect, so that they plundered the dragon of this land. Hey, the means of the sect is still brilliant, and their methods are difficult to see. Come out - you are drinking tea here today, I heard the conversations of these people, what do you think is different from other places?"

Qin Hao shook her head, and she did not pay much attention to these ordinary people.

"Qin Xi, you follow me this way, not only to see more, but also to listen more. Do not think that the lives and words of these ordinary people have no influence on your practice. In fact, this is not the case, the real way of practice, In fact, it is in these people's lives."

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