Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1735: This is the same root

When talking to the old man, Qin Lang knows what is going on. Before Qin Lang offended several predators, and killed Song Confucius, the other side naturally made trouble. In order to calm the matter, the old man and Yan Admiral made The concession, the result of the concession is that Song Jigang arrived here.

For the lord, this concession is a must, otherwise the other party will continue to send out, these people may not be in the construction, but they are very good at obstructing the construction, they can find many excuses to let the new martial ninth The zone is not working properly.

Therefore, Song Jigang came to this base, which is the result of the promotion of several predators.

At the same time, it is also the result of the compromise between the old man and Yan.

However, although the old man and Yan Yan have made some compromises, the result of their compromise is also very interesting, that is, people like Song Jigang were sent here. Although the family of the big crocodile was very strong, Song Jigang was the pig teammate who was given to them by the old man. So when Qin Lang returned to the ninth district of Xinwei Military, the people of Song Jigang were cleaned up, and the base Control also fell into the hands of Qin Lang, and the daily compulsory course after Song Jigang was to read the daily newspaper.

If there is anything wrong with the base, Song Jigang can also be sent out to recite the black pot. After all, he is still the person in charge of the base in name, which is another use of Song Jigang.

Although the base has undergone some changes, it is all planned by Qin Lang, so everything is under the control of Qin Lang. Qin Lang’s original class is responsible for safety. The few people who died are Song Jigang’s ties. People, these people are completely cleaned up.

The means of Qin Lang can be described as Thunder and Wan Hao. After regaining control of the base, the entire base is full of joy.

The problem of the ninth district of the Xinwei military was fixed, and the South China Sea was taken over.

Qin Lang thought that there was similar trouble in the South China Sea Hell Island base, but unexpectedly, the control of **** to the base is still under the control of Wu Caiyun, because Wu Caiyun has performed exceptionally strong this time, even Directly release the words: "Who wants control of the Hell Island wormhole, unless she is dead!"

Women have such advantages, they can give up their words, and even they can directly pour. Under the insistence of Wu Caiyun, the wormhole on Hell Island is working well. However, with the return of Qin Lang, the pressure faced by Wu Caiyun will naturally weaken.

Qin Lang believes that the problem of violent resolution is still weak after all. There should be a more sophisticated solution, so Qin Lang asked Wu Minghou, Wu Minghou smiled and asked Qin Lang: "First talk about your thoughts, you want to put those families can Are the forces used to be destroyed?"

"No." Qin Lang shook his head. "I can't do it. I know that they have the power of their family in China and around the world. It is definitely not good to clean up, and if it is not necessary, I don't want to use them for internal consumption. It is really boring." ”

"You have this idea right." Wu Minghou said, "If you can't, then there is another way, that is, deterrence. The prevailing deterrent means in the world are nothing but two kinds. One is military exercises, and the other is bright. The cutting-edge weapons are all about lifting your arms. Perhaps the Dragon Snakes and your poisonous sects should also unite and conduct a military exercise."

"Military exercises, deterrence... Hey, this is also a way." Qin Lang thought for a moment and thought that Wu Minghou’s words were not unreasonable. Since he did not want to die with those families, he could only deter him and tell the other party that he was not What fuel-efficient lamp.

After all, this is the same root, the truth is too urgent, now if you completely tear the face to dry, the loss is still the military power of your country. If there is no such thing as a catastrophe in the heavens and the earth, then Qin Lang will do it directly, but in the future it will face catastrophe. The military power is not enough. Qin Lang really does not want to carry out internal friction. Therefore, Wu Minghou’s suggestion is good. He should also do some exercises and show it. Muscles are gone.

However, since it is necessary to do it, it must be done, and the effect will be achieved. Therefore, Qin Lang decided to discuss with Zhao Wei, Lu Qingshan and Tang San on this matter. After all, the three stinkers competed in Zhuge Liang. The reason for finding them three consultations is that they are all friends, and they will not be concerned about suggestions and opinions.

After Qin Lang said the idea, the three guys seemed to be excited. Zhao Wei smiled and said: "Mother's, this idea is good. I have long wanted to engage in military exercises. This time I have to make a whole big move. of!"

"It is time to show our strength." Tang Sandao, "Now, at home, some people don't know the Dragon Snake Force and our true strength. We always think that we can't get on the table, or we should let them see us. Real strength!"

"A few days ago, I almost couldn't help it." Lu Qingshan smiled. I almost wanted to kill Song Jigang. "My current suffocation seems to be getting heavier and heavier."

"The military exercise must be done, but how can it be effective?" Qin Lang asked.

"Yeah, now the international community is in the military exercise everywhere. It takes a few times for the country to do it a year. It really makes people feel tired, unless they are desperately trying to save money, make the scale bigger, or get more people." Tang Sandao.

"The military exercise, when it comes to being energetic, actually does not seem to have much meaning. It is really that everyone is tired of the military exercise aesthetics. After all, they are all playing virtual, and there is a sense of realism." Zhao Wei complained.

"How come the real thing... But, why not?" When it came to this, Qin Lang suddenly laughed.

There is no need for military exercises at all, and it is an international practice to form a deterrent to engage in military exercises. However, the reason for engaging in military exercises is that they cannot be moved. However, if you want to talk about deterrence, the war of real swords is the most deterrent.

"Yes, it’s true!" Qin Lang took a shot on the table.

“What is the real thing?” Zhao said. “That will be dead.”

"Who said that you want to be true with people?" Qin Lang laughed. "Our minds can't move, and the best wars are under the feet. We directly move the real thing and show the world our true strength."

"The real thing, with the dead ghosts below?" Zhao Wei seems to be interested, it should be very exciting.

"Below, it is indeed possible to have a big fight." Tang Sandao, "The vicinity of Baiyin City has been swept up by us, it should be another city! This time, we come to the real!"

"Move the real thing!" The four men laughed together.

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