Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1746: Battle of the siege

Qin Lang and Song Tuogang returned to Baiyin City, and the other horses and horses have formed a situation of encirclement.

Song Tuo’s 10,000 undead cavalry has lost half of it. In order to ensure that the Dragon Snakes and a group of rivers and lakes can return to Baiyin City safely, the loss of these five thousand undead cavalry is worthwhile. Although Qin Lang spent a lot of mental power, yin and undead spar on these undead cavalry, their losses were valuable.

However, Song Tuo is quite dissatisfied. After all, these are his army. Losing half of it means that he will be able to dispatch fewer soldiers in the future, until Qin Lang promised to provide him with more undead knights. Only shut up completely.

Around the Baiyin City, the sound of the bomb explosion continued, which was the result of some unexplored warriors.

Qin Lang and Song Tuo have already reached the wall, surrounded by Baiyin City, and have been surrounded by layers. The number of these besieged troops is at least seven or eight hundred thousand, and the number may increase further at any time.

When Qin Lang went to Yucheng, he knew that the strength was at least several times that of Baiyin City, and the strength of the undead warriors in Yucheng was also stronger.

Suddenly surrounded, but fortunately, the Dragon Snakes and many rivers and lakes are still very optimistic. After all, from Yucheng to Baiyin City, although they are all fleeing along the way, after all, they killed tens of thousands of opponents, but the number of people who died Hundreds of people, as for the wounded, although there are many, but there are spiritual supplements, these wounded people can recover their fighting power in a short time. Now, although these undead army are besieging the city, but with the strong city defense of Baiyin City, it is not a problem to be a ten-one. These undead army should only serve food.

However, a few people who can grasp the situation, but not very optimistic, because the number of each other is too large, and their distribution is scattered, the distance from Baiyin City is also very suitable, they through the tentative nature of a few undead warriors Attack, constantly killing mines and bombs around the White City.

It is not appropriate to use large killers such as nuclear bombs because the distance between the two sides is too close. If a nuclear explosion occurs, the Dragon Snakes and other rivers and lakes will be affected.

Qin Lang saw this, so he felt very strange: Why is the opponent's camp so familiar with the way humans fight?

Wisdom is all right. After all, the big witches, the old butlers and the old eunuchs who were met before are all intelligent undead creatures. Then there is a dead creature with higher intelligence. Qin Lang is not surprised. What is really strange to him is why the undead army in Yucheng is so familiar with the way humans fight. Their current array of formations clearly restrained the fighting methods of the Dragon Snakes and prevented them from causing large-scale casualties.

"If they can't destroy them half before they attack the city, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic!" Song Tuo told Qin Lang, "Three times the strength, you can besieged the city; ten times the strength, you can attack the city; the number of the other party is already We are more than ten times more. Moreover, their strength is constantly increasing, so the situation is not good for us."

"I also saw this. But, to eliminate them halfway outside the city, how can we do it? Can we both go out and kill?" Qin Lang asked Song Tuo Dao.

"This, you have to ask yourself." Song Tuo showed the side of the old tyrant. "Qin Zongzhu, I know that you have a lot of hidden means, you don't want to hide it, oh ^..."

Qin Lang does have some means, but if the war has not yet begun, it will be too stupid to show off his own cards to the other side. Therefore, he did not continue to entangle on this issue, but asked Song Tuo: "How do you think the other party will attack the city?"

"Siege? It certainly won't attack the city right away."

Song Tuo shook his head. "The soldiers attacked, attacked the heart and attacked the city. If I was the commander of the other side, this time I would definitely not attack the city, because this time the morale of the city is like a rainbow, physical strength and morale. At the peak, siege is not the best time. What you should do at this time is to attack the heart. On the one hand, the whole city is surrounded, and the troops are constantly increased, which is to increase the pressure on the people who guard the city. On the other hand, it is constantly excluded. A small number of troops attacked and continually showed that they were attacking the city, making the defending city exhausted, and its spirit and physical strength will continue to be consumed, and morale will gradually decline. In addition, these undead army also have an advantage, they have an advantage. You can not eat or drink, sleeplessly, fighting strength and fighting spirit will not lose a little. On the contrary, what about our people? If you are surrounded for a few days, no problem, but if you are surrounded by one, two months, one year and two years?"

This problem of Song Tuo makes Qin Lang feel a headache, but he also knows that Song Tuo’s idea is very vicious. These undead army can not only eat or drink, sleep, but they don’t have to worry about the passage of time. If the city is surrounded by a year and a half, I am afraid that these people will be driven crazy, preferring to rush out to fight these undead warriors.

"Mother's, fortunately you are not the other coach." Qin Lang to Song Tuo.

"But, this coach of the other side is not inferior to me." Song Tuo Dao.

"Then, what do you do as a city defender?" Qin Lang asked.

"Shoucheng, can't keep it, but should be both offensive and defensive." Song Tuodao, "The advantage of both offense and defense is that you can constantly sharpen the morale of the defending soldiers. However, the timing and the heat of the attack must be well grasped, and not big. It’s quite stupid to attack the scale, otherwise it’s not necessary to give up the solid city defense and take a hard battle with the enemy.”

"Is there a better way?" Qin Lang said, "This war, we can't spend too much time here, and we can't stand a lot of death. It's funny, when this is not yet starting, Everyone is full of optimism, and whoever thinks of optimism and pessimism is just a line apart."

"They want to launch the first wave of siege." Song Tuo reminded Qin Lang, "This wave must be blocked, otherwise they may attack Baiyincheng with a bang!"

"Let them attack, the soldiers will block it." Qin Lang does not think that one of his opponents can not stop the first wave of attacks. This first wave of siege, just to test the fighting power of the Dragon Snakes and these rivers and lakes, also let them put away the arrogant heart, this time the battle lost, not only because the other coach's coach Gao Ming, but also with himself The enemy of one person has a relationship. So this first wave of siege, let it come even more fierce!

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