Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1756: Two or five children's whereabouts

Seeing Qin Lang is really awkward, and the old man and General Yan also realized the seriousness of the matter. Qin Lang is right. Although the Chinese military has millions of troops, it is enough to cope with the disputes between the countries of the world. However, to cope with the crisis that may be faced in the future, I am afraid that it is really hanging, and the Dragon Snake Force is the only one. One unit that adapts to the changes of the "new era", so they are pioneers and pioneers, and once the dragon snakes as pioneers and pioneers are eliminated, the loss is indeed too great!

The two big men were not simple people. When they thought about it, they suddenly felt cold in their backs.

However, this has further strengthened the two big men to find out the problems of the 25th Five-Year.

The so-called geese have left their voices and people have left their marks. Since anything has happened, there must be some reason. The energy of the lord and the lord Yan in the military department is not small, once they have made up their minds to make a thorough investigation. It must be able to find out something.

There are not many people who know the Dragon Snake Force's combat plan, so it is not very complicated to check, and this does not require any actual evidence. It only needs some doubts.

Qin Lang did not mean to leave, he had to wait for the results to come out.

His time is not much, because he still carries 100,000 undead army. Once the time has been delayed, the people in Yucheng must know what is going on. As a result, the situation below will inevitably change.

"It is true that someone leaked it." About an hour later, General Yan gave Qin Lang an answer. "The person who leaked the news should serve the super-family. Hey, this 'seven-person chamber of commerce' is a bit arrogant. Too much, I started to trade with the undead!"

"Seven Chambers of Commerce?" Qin Lang was the first to hear.

"It is the seven families that Huaxia currently has the most power and financial resources overseas. In fact, their family is not only seven, but only the strongest seven families have the highest decision-making power." , pointing to these super families.

"Their people actually penetrated into the top of the military?" Qin Lang sneered.

Before Qin Lang had indirect confrontation with these super families, the result of the collision was that Song Confucian was killed by him. Song Tuo and Yu Shouyi now work for Qin Lang. However, I did not expect that this matter was far from over. The ambitions of these families were obviously larger than those imagined by Qin Lang. They not only plotted the resources, wealth and manpower of the Chinese nation, but also used the interests of the Chinese nation to go with the outside world. Biology deals!

These guys are not just super parasites, they can even be called super cancers!

However, it is easy to understand how these cancers are easy. This "seven-person chamber of commerce" is only a statement for both the old man and the sergeant Yan. They have not seen the leader of the seven-person chamber of commerce, or that the seven-person chamber of commerce is fundamental. There are no absolute leaders, and all the benefits they need are ultimately sent through the entire Chamber of Commerce.

Absolute power can bring huge wealth; on the contrary, absolute wealth can also bring enormous power.

In the end, it takes money to fight, and money is needed for training. Since all need money, it is inevitable that it will be infiltrated by the power of money. The family behind the seven-person chamber of commerce is infiltrated into the Chinese military and political level through money.

The reason why the plan to attack Yucheng was leaked is because the forces of the seven-member chamber of commerce intervened, but what did they do?

"Because the last time you were in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fuzhou, you dug their ancestral graves. I said it before, they will definitely retaliate. In fact, this matter is also your boy is not kind -" General Yan is also preparing Said Qin Lang two sentences, but he may realize that Qin Lang should do something about it, so he will not say much.

For this matter, Qin Lang does not want to explain more. Since he knows the person who shot, then he will know how to deal with it.

"You want to deal with the seven-person chamber of commerce? It's not working now." Admiral Yan said, "First of all, these people are still undecided, even if we don't know their specific location. Perhaps their family has spread all over the world. Huaxia is also deeply ingrained. It is impossible to pull them uprooted now, and once they fight with them in full, they will inevitably create huge vibrations in military affairs and economy. This is something we cannot afford! In addition, they exist for too long. And the rise has been more than a few hundred years, you can kill a few of them, but to get rid of them, but certainly not, at least not in the short term!"

"Hey? Then what do I do now?" Qin Lang said. "My time is running out, I can delay for a while, but I believe that it will take a long time for the other party to know that their 100,000 undead army has been lost. I will definitely pass this message to them." !"

"So, you can count the meter. They have to pass the message in the past. They will inevitably pass through the wormhole in the ninth district of the Xinwei Military. As long as you check out the people who have recently entered the wormhole, you will naturally catch some clues!" Wu Minghou provided Qin Lang with An idea.

This idea is good, it should have a strong operationality, and with the means of Qin Lang, as long as you care, you should be able to pull this person out.

"Since the situation is clear, your kid will hurry to get started." The old man told Qin Lang, "I will pay attention to the matter of the Seven Chambers of Commerce. With the news, I will tell you. Before that, you can Don't be impulsive."

"Know it." Qin Lang nodded and left the Imperial City with Wu Minghou.

On the way back to the Xinwei Military Ninth District by plane, Qin Lang told Wu Minghou: "I am somewhat disappointed about this matter."

"Is that the seven-person chamber of commerce?" Wu Minghou asked.

"Yes." Qin Lang nodded. "There are a lot of information about the seven-person chamber of commerce, but they want to reveal it to me."

"I understand this about this," Wu Ming Hou said.

"How to say?"

"As the highest level, they need to consider from a comprehensive perspective. And you only need to consider the Dragon Snake Force and its own interests, your concerns are less, and their concerns are naturally more." Wu Ming Houdao, "Actually, this The character of the two is quite good, and Huaxia is not much better than their good officials."

"Maybe it is, but it really makes me a little disappointed." Qin Lang sighed.

"What do you need two?" A familiar voice sounded.

Wu Minghou haha ​​smiled: "I don't need anything, but I think you need a little space to be right."

Said, Wu Minghou stood up and said that he was ready to look at the cockpit. In fact, it is an opportunity to leave Qin Lang and Yan Yan alone.

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