Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1758: Waiting for the rabbit

Qin Lang returned to the ninth district of Xinwei Military.

Now, Qin Lang is waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the emergence of the 25th.

The 100,000 undead army suddenly disappeared, and the city could not completely receive the wind. Although the old **** and its "sacred" could not reach the world through wormholes, they must have a way to know the 100,000 undead army. If they do not even do this, it is impossible to send 100,000 soldiers to Qin Lang.

However, the only thing they didn't expect was that Qin Lang did not intend to use the 100,000 undead overalls. After all, Qin Lang simply did not believe that the other party would give him the command of the undead army completely. The other party is not a fool.

If you are greedy and cheap, you will inevitably be unlucky. This is why Qin Lang is convinced that the safest way is to not use the 100,000 undead army.

However, the 100,000 undead army suddenly disappeared, and the other party's "dark pile" will definitely find a way to pass the message, and Qin Lang also wants to know the identity of the twenty-five, and see why this guy is betraying his compatriots.

For two or five children, Qin Lang can be described as hateful!

To guard against the 25th and 5th, Qin Lang must extend his spiritual strength to the entire base and control all the movements of the base.

With the spiritual strength of Qin Lang, and the entire base's formation, Qin Lang can do this easily, so he is not worried that the other party will "leak the net."

However, in order to monitor the entire base with full concentration, Qin Lang can not be distracted to do other things, and only one person can quietly stay in a quiet room.

At this time, with Qin Lang as the center, his spiritual strength extends to every corner of the base like a spider web. When the mental power is raised to the extreme, even a moth and a fly cannot escape the monitoring of Qin Lang.

At this time, the suspicious individual did not show up.

Qin Lang’s spiritual strength extends beyond the base and feels the land.

Unconsciously, it has arrived at night.

At this time, the moon is empty, and the round moon above the desert is extraordinarily cold, but it is also the quietest place in the desert.

Nowadays, the water source has reappeared in the Lop Nur area, and life has begun to revisit this land. Qin Lang can feel that the seeds of life that have been quiet for a long time in this land are greedily enjoying the living resources that nature gives them.

For hundreds of years, maybe even a thousand years ago, there was a splendid life here. However, in the end, these creatures gradually disappeared because of the reduction of water resources. In the end, only the yellow sand was left, but although life disappeared, the seeds of life Still still there.

Millennial grass seeds, 10,000 years of caviar. When there is water again in this land, these grass seeds, these fish eggs begin to hatch again, and because they understand the preciousness of living resources, whether it is these grass seeds or fish eggs, the growth rate is extremely fast. Now, in some ponds in Lop Nur, you can see the palm-sized fish. Although the water temperature and saltiness are high in these places, the life in the pond shows extremely vitality. The pond is already full of life.

As for the land close to the water source, although most of them are unnutrified sand, the seeds of various plants are still stubbornly rooted, perhaps because the plants in these places know how to use limited water resources, so they They all grow very fast, and there is a green area everywhere.

However, in the depths of the Great Desert, there is still a forbidden zone of life, and only a handful of creatures can get involved in the depths of the great desert.

However, the living beings in these deserts have given Qin Lang a tremendous spiritual shock. This shock comes from their desire for life and from the ultimate use of the source of life. In order to maintain the continuation of life, when those grass seeds and eggs that have been sleeping for thousands of years and thousands of years feel the moist atmosphere, they will wake up from the slumber, and then break out of the shell for the first time, the first time greedily Use resources to grow wildly, then mature, match, and progeny at the fastest speed, leaving the seeds of life.

Only in the extreme environment of the desert can you feel the bloom of this life. No, perhaps it should be like the same lyrics, "The life of the wild," these creatures in the desert, they are truly true, whether they are plants or animals, they are racing against time, constantly scrambling to get the resources needed for life growth, Then leave the seeds of life and die brilliantly.

In this respect, Qin Lang is most familiar with desert locusts. When they begin to breed and explode, they almost destroy all plants. Even if plants can't satisfy them to get enough nutrients, they will even change from herbivores. Into the carnivorous creatures, all this is to ensure their populations are multiplied. If there is not enough food for them to eat, they will even eat the same kind until the last batch of desert locusts mature, eventually producing a large number of eggs. These eggs will probably be buried in the desert for decades, centuries or even longer, until the moist atmosphere wakes them up again.

If you love life, maybe these creatures in the desert, they are the most passionate about life.

If one day, when human beings fall into a similar realm, when water and food become extremely scarce, Qin Lang does not know whether human beings can also have such spirit and perseverance. Can they survive with extremely limited resources?

However, at this time, Qin Lang suddenly felt an ancient, heavy, vast atmosphere, this atmosphere is very old, very majestic, but also very dignified, he knows that this is definitely not the breath of life, if a creature has such a powerful If you breathe, it must be the existence of the beautiful Buddha.

"This... Is it the will of the Chinese land?"

Qin Lang couldn’t help but feel awkward. Before he tried his best, he thought of many ways. He could not feel the will of the Chinese land. This made Qin Lang even suspect that the will of the earth, the will of the world may not exist, or the world’s The will does not exist.

But at this moment, Qin Lang really felt the will of this piece of land. This feeling cannot be described in words, because no word can describe one in ten thousand. This piece of land has existed for too long, and it has not been measured by time for a long time, because this ancient land was originally born in chaos and floods, and in chaos, there is no such thing as time.

Scientists can figure out that the earth was born about 4.6 billion years ago, even if it is this time, and the time of human birth is only a million years, compared with many creatures on earth, human beings are born. Time is not too long, so it is ridiculous for human beings to nickname the world's masters.

Of course, from another perspective, human beings are indeed the strongest race in the world. If they are respected, they can also be called the Lord of the World. However, when Qin Lang felt the will of this land, he really understood how ridiculous the title of "Lord of the World" was.

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