Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1761: Telling secrets

"Mr. Qin, why are you detaining me?"

Lin Feng was caught by Qin Lang, but the surface seemed very calm. It seems that he has a way to cope. "As far as I know, you are not the person in charge of this base. The person in charge is Major General Song Jigang -"

"Yes, I am not the person in charge in name. But this does not prevent me from arresting and interrogating you!" Qin Lang sneered.

"Why! Here is the military base, you openly violate the military discipline! I want to complain to you!" Lin Feng shouted loudly, hoping that there are several righteous people to speak for him, but the strange thing is that the rest are one It’s like a blind eye, it seems that I haven’t heard what Lin Feng is saying.

"My time is precious, I don't want to waste too much on you, so I ask what, you will answer honestly, otherwise -"

"You can't think about it! You are not qualified to interrogate me!" Lin Feng's mouth is still very hard.

However, when Qin Lang shot, Lin Feng shut up, this guy was directly screwed into the interrogation room by Qin Lang. Subsequently, Qin Lang did not say anything, and put a finger on Lin Feng's neck, and suddenly the suffocating gas from the fingertips just cut the skin of Lin Feng's neck.

Although Lin Feng was suppressed by Qin Lang, he could still speak at this time: "You... can you kill me? I am a national officer. Even if I am wrong, I have to go through a military court. You What do you want! I don't believe you dare to cut my throat!"

"I didn't expect that you are still very tough in this twenty-five." Qin Lang sneered disdainfully. "Yes, I didn't intend to cut your throat, but I plan to do something more horrible than cutting my throat."

"What do you want to do! Also, I don't know what you said about twenty-five!"

"I don't understand? It doesn't matter, you know it very quickly. I have heard people say a word recently, and it makes sense: 'Naked people have few secrets, but people who are skinned have no secrets.' I have other methods that can make you confide in secrets, but for the sale of the nation and the country's twenty-five, I don't think it is necessary to be too benevolent." Qin Lang said, while he began to gently cut down with helium. Go, then tear it away.


The screams rang, and a small piece of fleshy skin flew up. Although this skin was just slap-sized, it almost collapsed Lin Feng’s mental defense, because Lin Feng finally realized that this guy was completely out. madman!

"What do you want to know! I said!..." Lin Feng estimated that he could not bear the consequences of being skinned, so he chose to yield.

"Who told you to do this?" Qin Lang asked.

"Nobody! I just want to smuggle something from the undead world - ah!~" Lin Feng’s words have not been finished yet, and it is a scream, and there is a small piece of flesh on his body.

"Who is directing you?" Qin Lang asked again.

"It is the political commissar of Lei... Don't fix me anymore!" Lin Feng hurriedly said a name.

Qin Lang immediately asked the people of the Dragon Snake Force to check the information of the political commissar of the Thunder, and through the overseas black. The purchase of some of the funds of the political commissar of the Thunder abroad, although not all of its accounts, is enough to prove that its economy has problem.

The huge source of funds is unknown, and it must be benefited from the family of the seven-person chamber of commerce. This is very certain.

However, how to deal with Lei Zhenning is a matter of the old man, and now Qin Lang wants to make good use of this Lin Feng.

"What do you want to do next?"

"Let me go down and deliver the message."

"what news?"

"A very ordinary message: Taiping nothing, 100,000 troops are not known." Lin Feng said, "It is just such a message. Is it because of such a message, you tortured me?"

In Lin Feng’s opinion, it’s just a very ordinary message. It’s not a big deal. Although the political commissar requested that he swear to keep it secret, Lin Feng felt that the news was not a secret, even if he told the outsiders. It's nothing.

"You think this is just a common news, right?" Qin Lang sneered disdainfully. "A rare news can actually be worth five million. Do you think it is possible?... Hey, no wonder, your account. There are more than five million in the middle, we can easily find out. Not only your account, Lei Zhenning's account can be detected, so you don't have to be lucky."

" Anyway, this is the matter. I have already explained it. What do you want? Now, I am asking for a military court to be tried. Is it OK?" Lin Feng, this guy is not long-term, actually thought that this is over, thinking that it can be Qin Lang escaped in his hands.

"It seems that you really think this thing is very simple, right? But you forgot a bit. Now it is a war period. Below us, the Dragon Snake Force is fighting against the alien creatures. Since it was a war period, the military law disposal process is naturally simple. You should know this, and I, as a staff member of the combat troops, have the right to directly execute you, which you did not expect?" Qin Lang sneered again and again, and then torn off a piece of flesh of Lin Feng.

After the screams, Lin Feng shouted: "I want to know, I said, now I am in your hands and recognize, but why do you always torture me!"

"You finally asked the key place. Yes, you thought about why I tortured you?" Qin Lang asked.

"How do I know!" Lin Feng is about to collapse.

"If you don't know, I can only scrape off your skin." Qin Lang said coldly. "Don't think that you have explained the problem, I will be merciful. You thought it was just a simple pass to the outside world." The information, but I don't know that this news may kill countless people, and may even bring disaster to China!"

"The disaster of extinction... Are you alarmist?" Lin Feng did not seem to believe.

"Idiot! Do you know what the '100,000 army' in this news is?" Qin Lang asked sharply.

"100,000 troops, isn't it a hundred thousand soldiers of a certain unit?" Lin Feng guessed.

"The idiot is really an idiot! To tell you the truth, this 100,000-strong army refers to the 100,000 undead army that entered the world of the undead world! You can think about it, how terrible this 100,000 undead army will come to the land of China. The consequences!" Qin Lang said the seriousness of the matter.

"What... 100,000 undead army entered the world?" Lin Feng saw the power of the undead creatures, knowing how to make these alien creatures into the land of China, what a horrible scene.

Although Lin Feng is a twenty-five, but he is just a low-level twenty-five, he does not know what the news that the political commissar of Lei has given him. He only knows that the news is worth five million. This may be his hard work. Money that can't be earned in a lifetime.

"I... I really didn't think that this thing was so serious." Lin Feng's face showed a sly color.

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