Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1763: Hang you guys

Yucheng, in the "Imperial Palace" hall, a figure wearing a yellow robe sits on a dragon chair, because it is surrounded by a layer of yellow halo, so no one can see its true content. Under the dragon chair, stood an old eunuch, the old **** directed to the Huangpao: "St., the Chinese secret has arrived, waiting outside the temple."

"This ghost place is the one you can talk about, you don't have to be a guest, let him hurry up and get me in." The figure seems a little impatient.

A moment later, an old man dressed in mourning clothes and gray hair came in. The old man looked like a very savvy businessman, especially the pair of eyes hidden behind the glasses like an eagle eye, which was even more impressive. .

After the Tangzong veteran saluted the Huangpao people, he said: "I have received the information from the informant. The boy named Qin has been eager to start acting. Now the land of China has ignited the war."

"Good!" Huang Pao humane, "very good! It is just a stupid creature, always it is ambitious, greedy can not be a lifetime. Moreover, the kid is still very young after all, can not help the temptation to seduce. Call the king to dominate, who Don't like it?"

"The Holy One can't be taken lightly. Let's make sure that the news is true and false, and then make a decision." The old **** reminded me that the old guy couldn't help but be loyal to the Huangpao, and he could be said to be resourceful.

"Uncle's reminder is that you really should first determine the authenticity of this news." Huangpao people told the old man of Tang, "Li Zhenghui, are you sure that this news is reliable?"

"It should be reliable. This person's cultivation can't deceive me. What's more, his spiritual world has not been manipulated. I believe this will not be wrong." Tang suit the old man.

"Oh, since you have investigated his spiritual world, there is no problem in thinking about it." Huangpao said, "What is the current situation? The kid got 100,000 undead army, although they are all soldiers, but want to conquer. China, the land, I am afraid it will not work?"

"The Holy Spirit says it is!"

The old man of Tangzhai admired that "the land of China, the land of people and the spirit of the tiger, and the number of the tigers and the Hidden Dragons are quite a lot. Although the kid has a hundred thousand undead army, it is indeed a huge force, but after all, it is a foreign army, the so-called 'too many help, lost. Widowed, this kid thought that with 100,000 troops, he could be invincible, and the result was a change of troops. The Chinese soldiers who were handsome at the same time almost betrayed him and stopped fighting for him. Instead, he was against him. This kid has indeed captured two cities, but this record is only a short-lived moment. He is now an enemy of the world. His original men are enemies with him, and the Chinese army of millions of troops is against him. The master of Huaxia Rivers and Lakes is also an enemy of him, and he has been guilty of many young people, including our seven-person chamber of commerce, so now his situation... Hey, it should be considered a dead end."

"So very good!" Huang Pao people laughed. "Young and vigorous, it is the easiest to make mistakes. When I was young, I was not afraid of it. I thought that with the help of a warrior and a squat, you can overthrow the innocent. Dynasty, who knows that the ultimate defeat, but someone else picked the peach, but I will never have a day in this dark space. - Since everything is going according to plan, then we are ready to win the White City. By the way, that kid is not in Baiyin City now, what is the situation in Baiyincheng?"

"Returning to the Holy Land, Baiyin City now has no leader and no one. Now it seems that a person named Wu Minghou is guarding. However, because Qin Lang’s kid is now a traitor, these people who guard the city have complex minds and floating hearts. I think it is When attacking the city," the old **** suggested. "After the attack of Baiyincheng, Mr. Li, you can take over."

"That's a thank you!" The old man of Tang suit laughed and felt that he was winning. As a representative of the seven-member Chamber of Commerce, Li Zhenghui naturally enters here through some of them. Since the family behind the seven-person chamber of commerce can use Lin Feng and Lei Zhenning, they can easily mix in here.

The seven-person chamber of commerce and even all the businessmen have decided that one truth: there is no money in the world that can't be solved!

Li Zhenghui is here to serve the Chamber of Commerce and the family. For the Seven Chambers of Commerce, they are most interested in undead and undead cities. These are the family behind the Chamber of Commerce. Although they are extremely greedy and ambitious, these people do have their strengths. This kind of strength is good at drilling and good at layout. SLR is a successful businessman, and it must be good at layout and drilling. These people of the Chamber of Commerce were able to move overseas after the Qing Dynasty was decaying, and then manipulated the warlords after the Qing Dynasty to fight for their profits, and now they use the means of finance and real estate to continuously draw blood in the rising land of China. Out of their superb business methods and layout.

Regarding the layout, for the future social evolution, the seven-person chamber of commerce has also begun to lay out in advance. They have long begun to pay attention to and study the information of the alien creatures. This is to allow them to walk in front of the times, even if it is a catastrophe. When they come, they can also have a solution. These people, although not martial arts practitioners, are the top "cultivators" in the business world, so they are now rushing to the undead world, hoping to find an undead city here, this city is Baiyincheng!

However, it is certainly not an easy task to gain control of Baiyincheng. The seven-person chamber of commerce can infiltrate some officers through money, but they cannot buy Qin Lang through money because they have already seen the means of Qin Lang. Since they could not buy Qin Lang, they were prepared to control the ninth district of Xinwei Military. Therefore, they elected a spokesperson. This person is Song Jigang. Who knows that Song Jigang was soon overseen by Qin Lang’s “rogue”, the Seven Chambers of Commerce Only then realized that Qin Lang’s kid was simply a hooligan who did not follow the trajectory, so the conventional means could not deal with him. Therefore, the counselors of the Seven Chambers of Commerce designed such a strategy, that is, by supporting the enemy of Qin Lang to achieve the goal.

The plans of the Seven Chambers of Commerce are actually very simple and very consistent with their usual way of thinking. For example, when they are exploiting resources in Africa, Latin America and other places, if they are intervened by the local government, they will use funds to support the anti-government armed forces. In this way, they can easily get what they want. If the newly supported objects are gradually disobedient, they can push one more.

Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce sent people to contact the undead leaders of Yucheng, nothing more than to design Qin Lang. Because of this, Qin Lang and the Dragon Snake Force's previous operational plan completely failed, because this plan was sold to the other side by the army's two or five, the plan was leaked, how can we fight? It’s a great fortune if there is no military annihilation.

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