Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1784: Police movie

The winter is quietly coming.

Although Western countries insist on global warming, they strongly urge developing countries to reduce energy consumption as much as possible, but this does not prevent this winter from becoming the coldest winter in a hundred years. In several countries in Europe, it is hard to estimate because the cold weather has caused hundreds of people to be frozen to death and the economic losses caused by snow and ice.

However, the season of the winter does not hinder the flourishing development of the cultural and entertainment industry. After all, the world is still peaceful and peaceful, and Hollywood, as the world's cultural and entertainment center, has increased its investment in the film industry this year. The number is generally small, but this time the winter file has released several large movies, the largest of which is the largest one called "Star Alliance Savior."

This is a sci-fi background film that tells the story of the Earth Alliance headed by the United States and entered the era of the Great Aerospace, and established the Human Planet League, which already has thousands of inhabitable planets in the Milky Way. At this time, the army of the evil "Dark Emperor" suddenly appeared in the sphere of influence of the Star Alliance, madly plundering the resources of the Star Alliance, and the human army was defeated. At this time, several superheroes from the country formed a special action team. They sneaked into the mother ship of the Dark Emperor by starship and successfully killed the Dark Emperor. The Star Alliance once again achieved a great victory in human war.

This is a typical blockbuster of the country's heroism. According to Hollywood's consistent film style, this will inevitably become a very popular movie. Because this movie has many hot elements such as big stars, superheroes, rice dreams and computer stunts, if you can't sell big sales, then there is no goodness!

However, weird things have happened. After the release of "Star Alliance Savior", the box office will be defeated. It can be described as a mess, so that the investors can't return, even the director directly cuts the wrist and kills himself, but he commits suicide. But even so, it can't save this blockbuster movie as the most loser in history.

At the same time, a movie called "The War of the Dead" was centered on China, and it quickly spread throughout Asia, and it gradually became popular around the world. There is no reason for him, just one:


Special effects, the dream of the country, and the film of heroism have been seen too much. Suddenly, seeing a real war movie can naturally attract the attention of many fans. What's more, the emergence of outsiders has been the focus of many people's attention, especially for some ethnic groups that have suffered from foreign community poisoning.

Although "History War" is also a movie, but every film in the rumored film is real, without any computer special effects, the scene of "special warfare troops" headed by Dragon Snake troops in China and the alien creatures It is enough to make many people unknown and amazed.

The grand scene of war, the brutal war scene, the end of the death atmosphere, and every viewer has a feeling of suffocation and suffocation. After watching this movie, many people are amazed by the powerful fighting power of the Dragon Snakes, but they also feel the tremendous pressure brought by the Doomsday crisis, because they have seen the powerful fighting power of the Dragon Snakes, and they are also outside the world. The sheer volume of creatures and the amazing fighting power are shocked.

Because it is real, it is even more shocking!

The capital investment of this "History War" is not high, because all the scenes are completed in actual combat, there is no need to hire extras, and there is no need to specially arrange some special effects scenes. However, the investment of 10 million Huaxia coins has brought about 2 billion box office receipts in China, and this is not the final result. At the same time, the global box office is also climbing, which is destined to become the most popular film in the history of Chinese movies, and the only movie that can be popular in the European and American markets.

As the protagonist of this film, Bao Yun naturally became a hot figure. It is a star-studded figure, and even known as a world-class movie star. But at this time, what all fans can’t think of is that Bao Yun decided to give up the identity of the actor! Announced the complete withdrawal of the film and television circle!

This is definitely a regrettable decision. Just when all the fans are sorry, another news came out: Bao Yun decided to join the army and join the Dragon Snake Force!

Soon, the news was confirmed, Baoyun’s brokerage company announced: This is the most correct and wise decision that Bao Yun thinks he has made. If one day everyone goes out of the shadow of the last days, he may Will once again appear as an actor in front of fans, if he is still alive at the time.

Perhaps "Shi Zhan War" has given many people a sense of alertness and sentiment. Perhaps Bao Yun's choice touched many people's hearts, so more people began to "awake", facing the fact that the end of the world is coming, and began to consider how to lead their families. Go out of the end.

Some young people with blood in their chests have begun to join the army. Students in the school have also taken the initiative to strengthen military training, especially to strengthen more firearms and physical training to cope with the upcoming doomsday crisis.

Throughout China, it has almost entered the era of universal training.

The weather in the midwinter could not stop the epic war. In the cold weather, "The War of the Dead" still set a new high in the box office in Europe. Although people in the Western world dismissed the film culture of China, it was also ordinary. A member of humanity, their alertness to the outside world and their fear of the end of the world are the same. They will also be shocked by the power of the alien creatures, and will be amazed by the powerful fighting power of the Chinese soldiers. Finally, naturally Will produce the same thinking: Do you have a doomsday crisis?

"The last day of the trial, is it really coming?"

The headline of "European newspaper" has such a news report. This news is to reflect on the existence of the doomsday crisis and the shadow of the last days through the popularity of the movie "The War of the Dead", and the article also criticized the government of Omi, why will it be repeated again and again In the third place, the horror of the aliens is weakened. Does the government really want the people to face the final judgment without any preparation?

"Huaxia people, finally made a good movie." This is another news reported by the famous European media. It is also praised for "The War of the Dead", but they focus on the powerful combat power of the Dragon Snake Force. It is claimed that this is the Chinese military's muscles to the outside world, and the media is questioning the countries of Europe: "When the Huaxia people acted, are you still ready to hide your strength? Or, you are simply unprepared, Can only wait quietly for the 'savior' of the country of Mexico?"

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