Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1788: Really heaven and man

Once the determination is made, Qin Lang will let go, the plan has been drawn up, the next step is to join forces again, to attack several undead cities, and then let these sects to strengthen their own strength, through cooperation and competition, fully Mobilize their enthusiasm so that these sects can grow up in the shortest possible time.

In addition to these sectarian forces, several of the Chinese military’s amnesties have also come to the forefront, preparing to mobilize their respective units to control and play two “bases behind the enemy” for themselves. As Qin Lang said, both the old man and the lord Yan actually took the shots themselves. No way, these two people were already "Lianpeng Laojiao" characters, but after taking Lingdan, the physical condition of these two people has obviously improved, and even there is a feeling of returning to the young age, so their minds The war has begun to move.

These two and the veterans around them are actually some very capable generals. These people’s kung fu training may not be very high, but they are basically good players in the battlefield command, often lamenting that “the time is not good”. I hate not being able to command thousands of troops on the battlefield and fight for the enemy. Now they have a chance, and there is enough room for them to toss in different worlds.

However, the logistical support required to mobilize conventional troops to fight in different worlds is naturally even larger, but this is not considered by Qin Lang.

Qin Lang only provides a plan. As for how they implement and how to capture the undead cities, it is all the power of the parties. They can accomplish this through cooperation and competition.

For example, the advantage of the old man and other people lies in the modernization of firearms, and the advantage of being incapable, and the mysterious Taoist people is that the individual combat is stronger. Therefore, no one can wait for the army of the old man and others to give them long-range fire support, while the masters of the rivers and lakes can help the military to complete some small-scale and difficult tasks.

In short, both sides can benefit from making full use of their respective advantages.

As for the specific details, of course, there is no need for Qin Lang to worry about it. When one thing becomes mutually beneficial, then these two aspects can naturally balance the distribution of interests.

As a result, the number of people entering the world of the undead is naturally more, but many people are beginning to realize that the wormhole is indeed bigger than before, which means that the space barrier between the two worlds is getting more and more. Weak.

However, because Qin Lang used the balance of the array, the wormholes in the Ninth Military Ninth District and the South China Sea Hell Island were relatively stable, which made it easier for more people to enter.

The global popularity of "The War of the Dead" has triggered countless people to start to face the existence of alien creatures and wormholes. Many people are beginning to realize that the military alone cannot be solved by the emperor and the government. Powerful, or the best way out.

This is exactly what Qin Lang wants to convey. Although not everyone has the consciousness of self-help now, at least some people have begun to be alert, began to join the army, participate in various military and physical training, and begin to prepare some necessary materials, etc. .

In short, some people are finally starting to prepare, which means that when the disaster of the heavens and the earth comes, the number of dead people may be much less.


After the cooperation between the various sects and the Huaxia Army launched the "Great Sweeping" campaign, Qin Lang temporarily left the ninth district of Xinwei Military. Qin Lang has already decided that in the undead world, he will leave a city as a base for poisonous sects. Baiyin City is ready to be handed over to the Dragon Snakes, but the old butler of Baiyin City was transferred to Qincheng by Qin Lang. Service.

With the opening of the big battle, China will gain more and more resources in the undead world, which should be able to rapidly expand the strength of the Chinese military. Of course, casualties are naturally inevitable, but this is an inevitable process. Qin Lang believes that the military will understand.

The battle in the undead world is in full swing. Qin Lang left the Xinwei Military Ninth District at this time, which seems to be difficult for some people to understand, but Qin Lang naturally has its reasons. On the one hand, when he leaves here, he can give more space for the rest of the people, and let other people's abilities be further demonstrated. On the other hand, for Qin Lang, the biggest spiritual resources are not in the world of the undead, but in this land of China.

I got the approval of the will of the Chinese land and got the seed of the gods, but Qin Lang is not really a "god". Only when the power of the world can be used can it be regarded as the real god, and it is the way to practice the **** of war. .

Therefore, Qin Lang’s roots are at the foot of the Chinese land, and it’s the biggest gain here.

Qin Lang’s heart has already had its own “dao”. There is no way to do it, and surgery is still available. So his heart is not confused, he knows how to get the power he needs.

This time, Qin Lang embarked on a journey around the land of China. The last time Qin Lang traveled along the dragon's veins, and this time it was to travel throughout the land of China.

Power is at your feet!

Qin Lang reminded himself in his heart that every time he passed a place, Qin Lang felt the local customs and historical memory of this place with his heart. He did not seem to practice martial arts deliberately, but he followed his Qin dynasty silently, but he felt the repair of Qin Lang. In order to continue to improve, this made her somewhat puzzled.

When the two walked on the mountain road of a mountain, Qin Lang said to Qin: "Your 'no sword' way has reached a certain fire, but your martial arts practice can not be limited to the sword, no sword Tao, there is tolerance, it is to be able to accommodate hundreds of ways, thousands of ways in the kendo, your path of no sword can be achieved. The same is true of the Wushen way that I am pursuing now, that is, to accommodate the world of heaven and earth. The practice of oneself is fused with the power of the gods, so that it can fully conform to the will of this land, and this can achieve the true unity of heaven and earth."

The combination of heaven and earth is not a state but a force.

In the past, Qin Lang simply thought that the unity of heaven and earth is to keep himself and the heavens and earth in harmony and the same regular rhythm, but now it seems a bit ridiculous; the real world is united, that is to fully integrate with the will of heaven and earth, so that the origin of heaven and earth can be used. The power, this is the right combination of heaven and earth.

The difference between the former and the latter is just like the firefly and the moon!

Qin Lang told his sentiments to Qin Yu. If Qin Qin realized it, it would naturally not be able to sense the will of the Chinese land, but she could at least sense the will of Qin Lang and understand what the true unity of man and nature is.

The heart has sentiment, Qin Xiao suddenly disappeared, it seems that a space is needed to think about it.

Qin Lang walked alone, the fog filled the mountain path, and the dangerous atmosphere began to spread from the front of the path.

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