Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1811: For good

The strongmen of the outer world need to control a piece of land as soon as possible. The "witch gods" of the natural witch **** group want more power and different world gods. Therefore, the two sides reached a cooperation agreement, and the land was frozen.

After the ice seal, there are countless people and creatures, plants that are killed or even extinct. Of course, people will not be extinct. These "witch gods" will naturally leave a group of devout believers, and then let these devout believers prosper in the "new era" and cultivate more believers for them.

These natural witches, who used to be guardians of a big tribe or a small country, may also be gods worshipped by some people, but these natural witches are responsible for the "guardian" because they need believers and need A devout believer.

Shinto practitioners need believers because they need the discipleship of believers. This is very clear. Qin Lang is very clear. With the mindfulness of believers, not only can the spiritual field of Shinto practitioners be enhanced, but also the connection with the will of the earth can be deepened. fast.

Heaven and earth, three talents.

There is no way to communicate directly between the heavens and the earth. Therefore, Heaven and Earth have chosen their own spokespersons as a bridge for communication. These spokespersons are one of the "spirits", the so-called Shinto practitioners.

However, having a godhead does not mean that you can become a great god, or you may become a small god, and eventually fall and disappear. There are too many things. In the land of China, there have also been a variety of small hair gods, such as what kind of goddess, what kind of real person, what kind of god, and so on. At first, there was a believer, but after a while, it disappeared. This is Believers are lost, believers' beliefs have changed, and Xiao Mao Shen can't continue to be a great god, then he can only fall.

The Shinto practitioners are likely to fall before they become true gods. After all, Shinto practitioners only combine the seeds of the gods released by the will of the earth, and whether this seed can become a towering tree, or can only become a small grass, can only see their own creation. And turning the gods seed into a towering tree, even if it is a practice, it is constantly improving, and it will live longer and longer. On the contrary, if it is impossible to improve, it will not be able to continue to communicate with the will of the world. When its life span arrives, it will naturally die.

Howaru can watch his tribe completely extinct, and Qin Lang believes that the reason is because these people no longer believe in him.

The main reason why Hobaru rejects whites and yellows and excludes outsiders is because these outsiders make their people smart and rich. It is said that when you are smart and prosperous, if this person is smart and rich, his thoughts will naturally not be so simple. He will start thinking about it, no matter where people are, the Africans will not be exceptional. The difference is that the process of accepting and enjoying the achievements of modern civilization in some places is gradual, and in these places in Africa, especially some poor tribes, modern technology products have had too much impact on them. These powerful shocks have affected their deities to the gods. Faith, even directly abandoning their own gods, so their selfish gods also abandoned them.

Without the believer's Haubaru, his practice has improved slowly, and he has almost stepped on the ground, so he needs new believers, or finds new ways to improve his own cultivation. When his tribe disappears, Baru tries to support him. The tribe has become its god, but the effect is not obvious, because these people’s thoughts are not simple. They think about things that are messy and cherished all day long. These people’s minds are not pure, and they practiced in Howard. Harmful and unprofitable.

Of course, this situation is not only for the people of Haobaru, but the situation in the entire African continent is almost the same. The capitalist culture and technological products are “invaded”, the warlords are cut and conflicted, and the people’s beliefs in this land are lost. Completely lost faith, and even changed to some "evil gods" in the Western world. Foreign monks are good at chanting, and the local gods such as Howaru are completely marginalized, so they combine to create a "natural witch **** group". In order to work together to solve the problem.

In the end, the solution they solved was to cooperate with the strongest in the magic world and profit from it. This is the truth of the matter. At this time, Qin Lang is completely understandable.

"Mr. Mr. Howard, please forgive me for my offense." After the key points were passed, Qin Lang had already had a care in his heart and immediately changed his tone.

Since this matter is jointly created by the natural witch group in Africa and the magic world, then it is not very sensible for Qin Lang to start with Howaru here. According to Qin Lang’s current cultivation, if he does not do it, those strong people may not sense his existence, but if he and Reala really touch his hands, I am afraid it will inevitably cause the other strong people to feel. As long as Hao Baolu dragged Qin Lang, Qin Lang could be trapped in the siege of the four sides. For Qin Lang, it was the worst plan.

Although Qin Lang is not afraid of desperation, but if it is not necessary, the desperate situation should be avoided as much as possible. After all, Qin Lang is now a big business, he is not a bachelor, and the poison is not a light pole commander, so it is impossible to do things. Unscrupulous. Moreover, the disasters in the heavens and the earth are getting closer and closer, and they can come at any time. At this time, if Qin Lang is seriously injured, this is a disaster for the poison sect and the woman of Qin Lang.

Since it is temporarily impossible to do so, then Qin Lang intends to talk to this Howaru. The content of the talk is how to trade with the strongest in the magic world and how to get benefits from it. The so-called different roads are different, but now Qin Lang is acting in conjunction with Howbaru. He believes that Howbaru should give him some more useful information.

"How can I change my tone now? Didn't you just want to do it with me?" Howaru ridiculed Qin Lang.

"Oh... it was just a Taiwanese word. You know that as a Shinto person, you always have to show a little sad and horrible image. Otherwise, how can you get the support and belief of believers? But, in front of you, look It is not necessary to come." Qin Lang laughed.

"This is right. You and I are all spokespersons chosen by Heaven and Earth. They should be honest with each other. Although you are coming from the distant mainland of China, it seems that you are also a smart person. You must know the time. The old saying is Junjie. There is no egg under the nest, the world will collapse sooner or later, and as the world's strong, such as you and me, there should be more ambitious eyes, and must not be a victim of the collapse of the world. Otherwise What is the difference between you and me, stupid mortals?"

No one in Shinto is a fuel-efficient lamp. This appearance looks like a ignorant African black wizard. However, under this seemingly ignorant black skin, there is a soul that is sophisticated and sophisticated. This guy actually knows some of the allusions of China, and it is obvious that his wisdom is no small feat. Anyway, in Qin Lang's view, if any foreigner knows the Chinese allusions and the Chinese military laws, then such a person will certainly not be able to cope.

"Huaxia is a good place. Young people, if you have the consciousness of self-help, then you have come to the right place, and go with me to the territory of the natural witch **** group."

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