Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1813: Elders on the tall

Qin Lang also jumped and followed Hao Baru into the canyon. He does not have the ability to manipulate the magical elements of the magical world, but Qin Lang knows that "God Eagle Xiangkong", "Feiyan into the forest", "bats turn over" and other light-hearted kungfu, as a Wushen Taoist who is proficient in Xingyiquan, Qin Lang does not The power of the wind element is needed. It can also follow the background of Hao Ba Lu in a fluttering manner, and then gently follow him on the canopy of the canyon.

When Qin Lang’s foot stepped on the canopy of the tree, he immediately felt a feeling of being peeped, and this feeling came from the big tree under his feet. This feeling was not very strong, but Qin Lang still grasped it, but He did not show any surprise, but continued to follow Howaru.

Leaping on the branches for a while, Howaru landed on the ground. At this time, Qin Lang saw a temple built of white stones. The feeling of Qin Lang was like the ancient temples of Greece and Egypt. Gives a feeling of the atmosphere.

There is no doubt that this temple is the residence of the natural Witch Gods.

The temple has been established, and these guys are beginning to be ambitious to prepare for the demeanor.

Hao Balu let Qin Lang stay outside the temple. He wants to go ahead and discuss with other people, the **** of the gods. Qin Lang is the attitude that comes from the rest, waiting outside.

About a few minutes later, Howaru appeared at the entrance of the temple, and then said to Qin Lang: "Mr. Qin came with me, and the great elders of our natural Witch God Group want to talk to you."

The great elder is probably one of the leaders or leaders of this natural witch **** group. Any group must have a leader. Even the so-called round table parliament claims that everyone has the same power. However, there is actually a leader and a real person. Even if it is a century-old democratic Western country, although it advocates democratic equality, there are also presidents and parliamentarians as talkers. Some people may say that the president and parliamentarians are elected by the people, and they are essentially people, but if the disasters of heaven and earth come, poor The public will find that the person who can first board the "Ark of Asylum" is definitely the president and a group of parliamentarians. At that time, whoever can board the ship and who boarded the ship first is the best embodiment of democracy and equality.

When Qin Lang walked into the temple, he was like entering another world. In this temple, Qin Lang could feel the full magical elements around his body. He knew that there must be a magical array around the temple. This is not unusual. Rarely, these practitioners of the natural witch **** group have become accustomed to the existence of magical power, and there seems to be a feeling of wanting to stop.

The temple is very empty, but the space is not big. There is a very obvious pattern in the center of the temple. This pattern is composed of figures such as six-pointed stars and circles. This should be a magical method. Qin Lang can feel the magic flowing above. force.

In the middle of this six-pointed star, sitting on a very old old man, this old man has lost his hair, his beard is not, his head is bare, his body is thin and thin, at first glance he is like an alien, but this old The guy is quite a cow. Forced, he has a staff in his hand, but this staff is much stronger than Houbaru's staff.

The body of the staff is white, but it is not jade, but it is more noble than jade, and it has a certain curvature, and it hides a special majesty, a kind of majesty in the bone. Qin Lang thinks that this thing is probably a kind of bone, but it should be the bone of some kind of tyrannical creature, otherwise it is impossible to have the majesty released from this kind of bone. In addition, on this scepter, it is covered with dense symbols, these symbols are not known, do not know its meaning, but the guess should be the symbol of the magic world. In addition to the symbols, this scepter is also inlaid with a huge yellow "gem", but this thing is definitely not a gem, because for Shinto practitioners, gems and diamonds are just ordinary stones, they will never use stones. To decorate your own scepter, because these guys are all ready to "close the gods", since they are self-identified as gods, how can they have the same aesthetics and values ​​as ordinary people.

A staff member will make the big elder look noble and cold, not to mention that this guy is still suspended on the ground, the staff stick is on the ground, but the **** is suspended, sitting cross-legged, it really gives people a world high The human feeling, let alone the white elders all use white. The powder was painted with some strange patterns.

"You are from China?" The eyes of the elders slowly opened, and a strong gaze cast on Qin Lang. It seems that like the Buddha's eye, Qin Lang's body should be seen through.

"My name is Qin Lang, and it is indeed from China." Qin Lang said calmly, feeling that his tone is like Tang Yan, saying that the poorness comes from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, this feeling is very funny, but Qin Lang did not laugh, Because Qin Lang didn't want to cause a **** case because of a laughter, the old man was very bullish. Forcing, once the two sides fought, Qin Lang thought that he might vomit blood.

"I am the great elder of the natural Witch God Group - Oloron. Welcome to the Supreme Shrine of the Natural Witch Gods. As the Witch God of the Eastern China, you are also like us." This is the great elder of Orollum. Very calmly said to Qin Lang, showing his high-level people's tolerance and conservation, and did not initially pursue the purpose of Qin Lang here.

"Yes, we are all kind of people. In Huaxia Shenzhou, we are called Shinto practitioners, and in Africa, you are called witch gods. Whether it is the **** of war or the witch god, at least we are all a god, it is indeed a similar person. "Qin Lang used this way to draw closer to each other.

"Since you also admit that we are a class of people, then what is the purpose of your visit here, before you tried to shoot for Howaru, why?" After the guest set, this began to ask Qin Lang's intentions.

"Before I was only trying to deal with the Chinese people in Howard, I stopped his behavior because I need believers. You are a Shinto practitioner. You should know the importance of believers. However, I have not played against Howaru. I plan to do it, but it is just a place to look at it. Here is your place. We have an old saying in China that it is called 'the tiger but the head snake'. This kind of mistake, how can I easily commit it. As for the purpose of my visit here, I hope that from the outside world The creatures get the benefits here." Qin Lang explained calmly, this reason is very reasonable.

When Qin Lang said that "the alien creature", the elder elder eyes flashed a weird look, but soon resumed his ancient well, wise eyes, and continued: "Yes, you must have felt the world The advent of robbery feels powerless, so be prepared to look for opportunities here, right?"

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