Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1815: Bronze race

The green branches, like spirituality, are wrapped around the body of Oralon, and the leaves on the branches tremble gently, as if they were communicating with Oloron.

"Mr. Qin Lang, have you seen it? Did you feel it? This is the true unity of nature and man. This is the realm that our African nature witch **** group has been pursuing. People can communicate with all things in the world. They can all be equal. Existence. However, our natural witch **** group has experienced a lot of efforts, but it has never been able to do this. You should look at the creatures of the magical world, how they live, how to get along with them - come and feel it." Oloron Said, the branch next to him stretched out to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang knew that this branch was the branch of the tree of the elves. He did not avoid this thing, but he tentatively used mental power to sense this branch.

Everything in the heavens and the earth is spiritual. On this point, Qin Lang is very convinced that even the earth and the world are spiritual, but the plants of the earth world, although they have life, have few independent thoughts. However, this elf tree is different. It not only has life, but also should be an "evolved" higher life, so its branches can move like animals and have independent consciousness.

In this valley, there is only one tree of elves, but its branches cover the entire valley. This thing seems to be a tree, but only the people who do not know the truth will regard it as a tree, in the view of Qin Lang. This thing is simply a powerful living body with independent consciousness. Although it looks like a tree, Qin Lang would rather regard it as a monster like a tree, a tree demon.

This thing is indeed refined, because it can really communicate with Qin Lang with spiritual strength, and its mental strength is still very strong, but the spiritual power of this elf tree is very different from the human spirit, its The spirit is more noble and colder, as if without a trace of emotion, perhaps it has no such thing as emotions and emotions.

Short-term exchanges, but Qin Lang received a lot of information, Qin Lang originally thought that you need to meet with some of the magic world to understand their plans, but now it seems unnecessary, because Qin Lang feels this Zhu Dashu can let him know enough information, so there is no need to communicate with other magical world powers. It is really necessary.

The tree of the elves, Qin Lang finally understands why this thing is called the tree of the elves. This thing is clearly the peculiar spirit of the psychic, and its level of wisdom exceeds many people, and even Qin Lang feels an ancient atmosphere. Similar to the atmosphere of the will of heaven and earth.

"The strongest person in the earth world, are you willing to get the power of the magical world from me?" The will of the elf tree conveyed what it wanted to say to Qin Lang, and it was straightforward to open the door, directly throwing the magical world. Power to attract Qin Lang.

Since the other party directly throws the bait, then Qin Lang naturally has to go on: "Yes, there is more powerful power in the magical world, which may allow me to survive the upcoming disaster."

"This is of course. The earth world you are in is only the lowest level of black iron civilization. Among the heavens, the black iron civilization is the weakest existence. Although you are the strongest of the world, it is relative to With all the world's powers, you are still very weak."

The will of the Elf Tree spares no effort to attack Qin Lang, but its goal is obviously not to completely destroy Qin Lang’s confidence, so it has not forgotten to remind Qin Lang that “the cruelty of heaven and earth is cruel, there is always a chance, but only adequately prepared. People can seize this line of life, I believe that you should be such a person. In fact, the most basic rules of the world are nothing more than the survival of the fittest, the survival of the strong, nothing more. You are the world One of the top powerhouses, if there is no world, no one can easily kill you in this world. But now the situation is different. In the face of the magic world, in the face of a strong bronze race, you have no Any chance to win! And your only chance is to follow the rules of survival of the fittest."

"I don't know what I should adapt to?" Qin Lang appeared more modest and expressed respect for the so-called bronze civilization.

"You should adapt to the rules of our magical world, adapt to learn from us, join us. As a member of the black iron race, learn from the high-level bronze race, this is your honor, but also your hope! So, join us It’s much more sensible to do things for us than to be against us, right? Right? The spirit of the Elven Tree is very stable, and its thoughts are also very inflammatory. It’s no wonder that the people of Olalun, the natural Witch Gods, are It gives brainwashing.

Indeed, the magical world belongs to the bronze race, and its level is higher, which has been proved by actual combat. Although Qin Lang is not very flustered by the country, Qin Lang has to admit that the people of the country control the world's most powerful weapons and the most advanced technology, representing the peak of the technological civilization of the earth. However, the rice country and their allies have failed in the African wormhole incident. Although they have gained some benefits from it, the wormhole explosion eventually led to the burning of the entire African society. It is obvious that the magical world is stronger. This is beyond doubt. And this is still the case that the master of the magic world has not been dispatched. According to the limitation of the wormhole, before the space node is completely collapsed, it is difficult for the strong world to enter the world, but in this case, the country and its allies have failed, which is enough to illustrate the power of the magic world. It is enough to illustrate the tyranny of the bronze race.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces. This is the only law that the Earth world believes. Therefore, many people in this world believe that the power of science and technology is invincible. The power of science and technology is the strongest. It is not known that superstition technology is no different from superstitious gods. For human beings, whether it is technology or other means of practice, it is only a means for humans to gain strength, or just a tool for human beings.

In ancient times, human beings practiced martial arts to gain strength, which was the means to strengthen themselves; later in modern times, humans found that acquiring power through technology was faster, and that was just a means of strengthening themselves. If there are other means to strengthen themselves better than technology, then naturally, we should choose other means.

The magic world, the bronze race, their means of strengthening themselves is not the power of science, but the power of magic, or the power of elements. Qin Lang is not familiar with the power of the magical world, because he has not entered the magical world, I heard that the country has deciphered the power of some magical worlds, but Qin Lang believes that they only get some scraps, but it is not Qin Lang who can not afford the rice people, but Because of the time constraints, it is impossible for the people of the country to gain the core strength of the magical world in a short time. What's more, as a bronze civilization, the stronger the power of the magical world, the more the mysterious law of heaven and earth is, the more mysterious it is, and it is impossible for the country to decipher the mystery of the other civilization in a short time.

The most crucial point is that the civilization of the magical world is not a civilization built on science and technology, but a civilization that is a world of heaven and earth. Qin Lang “sees” the greatness of magic civilization from the tree of the elves.

For this civilization, Qin Lang is full of admiration, but this does not change the view that Qin Lang regards them as enemies.

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