Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1832: Flooding beast

Under the tree, it is not only easy to take the cool, but any Chinese creature near the building wood has got more or less benefits, but there are also alien creatures close to the building wood, such as some pointed ear creatures with wings.

Although they are not big, they are only the size of an adult's fist, but these little guys fly very fast, and their attack power is not to be underestimated, especially the magic arrows they release, but even the stones can hit Wearing, even these little spirits killed a huge golden eagle in a moment. This golden eagle was originally a pilgrimage to the mile, and it ran into the little world of the magical world. Star, a huge golden eagle, but a moment of work was killed by the five elves.

However, when the five elves tried to get close to the building, there were still a few front distances from the branches and leaves of the building trees. They were captured by the trees, because the trees absorbed the laws of the heavens and the earth, naturally. Know how to deal with these little elves in the magic world. Since the tree of the elves can influence and manipulate these elves, building wood can naturally do the same.

The elves who came from the African continent originally came to investigate the situation here. Who knows that they were captured by Jianmu. However, when Qin Lang saw these elves, he also knew that Oloron and others had noticed the movement here.

The seed of the Elf Tree was killed, and Oloron was sure to perceive it, but he didn't know how Qin Lang did it. If only the seeds of the Elven Tree were destroyed, Oloron would not be nervous. After all, let me know. The people continue to bring the seeds of the Elven Tree into the Chinese state of China. Anyway, Qin Lang does not open the door, and there will always be people who open it. However, what happened next made Orollen unexpected, because he discovered that the magical elements of the African continent were swallowed up by some mysterious force, and the speed of engulfing was extremely fast, even surpassing the tree of the elves!

The tree of the elves in the canyon of the African continent, which is a key node of the magic world invading the earth world. This elf tree is like a transit point between the magic world and the earth world. Once the creatures of the magic world enter the world, the beginning It is bound to be rejected by the laws of heaven and earth in this world, and the tree of the elves can provide shelter and power for these magical creatures. Currently, only the tree of the elves can continuously extract magical elements from the magical world, and then pass it to other magic. biological.

Since the beginning of the construction of the wood, the elves of the African canyon can not smoothly extract the magic elements from the magic world, because the building will draw strength from the magic world at a more ferocious speed, can be described as anti-customer, the African canyon The tree of the elves is suppressed. Once this situation continues, the growth rate of the Elven Tree in the African Canyon will be greatly slowed down, and the speed at which Jianmu absorbs the elements of the Magic World will continue to increase. Ultimately, the use of the Elven Tree on the African continent will be greatly enhanced. Restricted.

Oloron is probably the person with the clearest situation. As a magician in the magical world, now as the leader of the African nature witch group, O'Loren's cultivation has reached a point of shocking world. He clearly knows the change of things. Because the layout of the magical world on the African continent is basically done by Orollon. Before, all the changes in the African continent were under the control of Qin Lang. Until Oloron asked Qin Lang to bring the seeds of some elves to China, it was a change that he could not control.

The situation changed. Oloron locked the Huaxia Shenzhou for the first time. He thought that there was a change here, so he let some elves enter the realm of Huaxia Shenzhou, ready to scout the situation, and know where his elf is. When I entered the Chinese field, there was no news. The sudden change in the situation made O'Brien feel that the situation was out of control for the first time.

At the time when Oloron began to prepare for the adjustment and deployment, Qin Lang did not idle, constantly adjusting the Kyushu enchantment and intending to maximize the role of building wood.

In addition, with the mad growth of Jianmu, along with some key information given by Danling's little monk, Qin Lang has more and more understanding of Hongmengqi, and also knows some specific uses of Hongmengqi, especially the point. The power of the palace needle method has gone further. Before Qin Lang’s point palace method can only restore some of the beasts to restore some of the wild blood, but now Qin Lang’s point palace method can further increase their lineage and build The aura of heaven and earth provided by the wood can even restore these wild animals to most of the wild blood, and even recover completely!

If Qin Lang has reached the extreme with the Hongmeng purple gas and the point palace method, and Jianmu provides an endless source of heaven and earth aura, these beasts must become real wild beasts, that is entirely possible. Once this step is done, Huaxia Shenzhou will restore the power of the ruined era, and the wild beasts will sweep everything for Qin Lang!

Regarding the possibility, Qin Lang can see it, so he made some minor adjustments to the Kyushu enchantment, in order to prepare the Chinese China to bring back to the flood age. For many people, the era of the wilderness is about the same as a nightmare, but what if you can save your life and return to the era of the flood?

Rumble! ~

Above the top of Qin Lang’s head, there was a huge thunder.

This is the sound of thunder and robbery in the heavens and the earth. The golden thunderbolt rolls and roars in the clouds like a long snake. This time the thunder of heaven and earth is caused by the construction of wood, because its trunk and branches have reached into the clouds.

The robbery came, but it did not pose any threat to the construction of the wood, but the power of lightning has a strong boost to it, making it more powerful and tenacious.

Jianmu has grown to such a height, even if many people can see this spectacle in the naked eye, let alone in this era of information explosion, in an instant about "giant trees", "Shenmu", "big tree spectacle" And so on, the information spread throughout the network, and even the entire Huaxia Shenzhou people know.

For this giant tree, many people are full of curiosity. Some people even think that this giant tree may become a new symbol of China's Shenzhou. This huge tree is more interesting than some artificial buildings known as landmarks. However, more people want to know what the tree is, why is there a tree that can surpass the height of any artificial building in the world?

At the same time, the Chinese military also received warnings from the national society. Some countries said that this tree in Huaxia Shenzhou may be related to alien species, similar to a tree in the African canyon, requiring the Chinese military to give a Determined responses to ensure the stability and prosperity of neighboring countries and regions...

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