Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1859: Flocks

Twenty days after the world’s robbery, global communications were almost interrupted.

The reason why various online media in China has not been greatly affected is that there is almost no damage in China.

But what about the outside world?

There are constantly relevant news coming, basically using four words to describe: not optimistic!

Of course, the human world is not completely extinct.

Humans may not be the most powerful creatures, but humans have many excellent qualities that are not available to the creatures: strong adaptability to the environment!

In the past earth world, as the environment changed, there seemed to be extinction every year, but the number of human beings has been increasing. Whether it is global warming or cooling, it cannot prevent the increase in the number of human beings.

For example, today’s catastrophe has killed many human beings, but it is still far from enough to destroy human beings. The strong desire of human beings to survive and adapt to harsh environments is beyond the imagination of these aliens.

Even in other countries where there is no Kyushu enchantment, they have their own survival methods. For example, BEI Han, rumors that they built bases in the underground and under the sea, many people are currently living in tunnels and caves, and they have built several high-tech warships, similar to the "Sword of Vengeance" submarine, although no one Know where their high technology comes from.

As for South Korea and South Korea, they lost the support of the people of the country, and with the destruction of the aliens, their people were forced to integrate with BEI Han, although their people did not want this, but in the last days, powerful force It is the guarantee of everything, and life is the only hope, so in order to survive, freedom and democracy can only be left aside.

The catastrophe of the heavens and the earth has actually promoted the unification of the peninsula. This seems ironic, but people with little knowledge will not be surprised because it is already doomed, and it is absolutely true that the guns are out of power.

The peninsula has moved into the underground survival era, and the small Southeast Asian countries have almost disappeared. However, many refugees have entered the Vietnam region because the Chinese dragon has extended to the territory of Vietnam and the country is under the protection of the Kyushu enchantment.

Bear Russia, the nature of the fighting race has emerged. After all, it is a veteran military power, and the Russian nation is called the fighting nation on the earth. After a war and a second world war, it is impossible to be easily destroyed. They still insist on it. Life is not limited, fighting is endless. In addition, the bear Russian military began to carry out joint operations with some troops of China and European countries, and should only be able to survive in a short time.

The biggest change in Asia is Laos and India. Since the catastrophe of the world, the country has completely closed the country, and has cut off contacts and exchanges with any country. Even they have contact with the people of the country. However, according to the news of the current Chinese Dragon Snake Legion spy, the country has not been destroyed because the battle is still going on. As for India, the magical thing is that their country has turned into a "Buddha country", and now India has returned to the era of theocracy, rumored that the most magnificent building in the Indian capital has become a Buddhist building.

There are many eccentricities in the chaos, and these strange conditions appear, and everyone is not surprised. Even if it is China, is there not a savage beast?

Nowadays, the whole Asian landscape can be described as a group of people and monsters everywhere. The situation in this world has become more complicated.

However, in such a complicated situation, something unexpected happened: the action squad of the Huaxia Dragon Snake Corps found a group of refugees in the middle of the border.

This group of refugees is absolutely different because they have not only been invaded by outsiders but also by their army. When the people of the Chinese Dragon Snake Legion responded to these refugees, the army of the Korean Peninsula actually caught fire with the people of the Dragon Snake Legion, so that even Qin Lang intervened.

Because the will of Qin Lang and the will of the Huaxia Dragon are integrated, it is almost always possible to monitor the movements of the whole of China. If it is only some alien creatures, it can not attract the attention of Qin Lang, but the soldiers of the peninsula dare to follow the people of the Dragon Snakes. It’s amazing to start. Moreover, these guys are still very strong in combat, almost hitting the people of the Dragon Snake Legion, which caught the attention of Qin Lang.

Qin Lang rushed here, not to mention the direct elimination of the small group of peninsula soldiers, no matter they for any reason, in the territory of China, it will die!

Of course, Qin Lang knew that this matter was not simple, so he carefully explored the team of refugees with his mental strength. Only then did they find that they were not real refugees, almost all trained fighters, and several practitioners.

Among the refugees, what attracted Qin Lang’s attention was a fat man. Although this fat man had no effort and was not a warrior, this fat man is indeed very attractive because he was the collar of BEI Han, who is known as the Baitoushan orthodox. The descendant of Jin Jiasan, known as the golden sun of BEI Han.

Relative to this fat man, the members of the Dragon Snake Legion are more concerned about the woman next to the fat man. Although the woman is dressed up as a refugee, it is difficult to hide the color. Anyone who sees this woman and looks at the fat man next to it will endure. Can't stop screaming: "Good girls let the dog give X!"

The fat man looked at Qin Lang and said in an official tone: "I am the only legal leader of the Korean nation and the Korean Peninsula. Sleeve Jin Santai, come to China for political asylum, please report it to the country!"

Although it is lonely, Jin Santai’s tone is still very proud. Although this guy is speaking Korean, Qin Lang naturally understands what he means.

"If you are legal, you will not become a funeral dog." Qin Lang said faintly, the so-called king defeat, only the talent sitting in the dragon chair is legal.

However, Qin Lang knows that Jin Santai still has some use value for China. These things are left to the national high-level and foreign ministry to study. Qin Lang is too lazy to worry about. He is concerned that Jin Santai will be chased by the military of the peninsula. Could it be that the place is out of trouble?

For Jin Santai, Qin Lang didn't need to be polite, and his mental power swept directly. A practitioner on the side of Jin Santai sensed Qin Lang's spiritual power and wanted to protect the Lord. However, Qin Lang was cold and powerful, and the powerful momentum swept through the past. The guy suddenly spewed out a blood, and dared to stop Qin Lang.

Under Qin Lang’s spiritual search, Jin Santai’s experience was naturally learned by Qin Lang. He could only sigh a sorrow, and then let the people of the Huaxia Dragon Snake Corps send Jin Santai’s two people to the Imperial City. .

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