Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1861: Price of life

The Huaxia Dragon Snake Corps took over the Baitoushan mission. On the one hand, because this mission is rewarded, the reward is of course paid by the Chinese military. On the other hand, this mission is also profitable for the Qinlang and Dragon Snake regiments.

It is profitable for the Dragon Snake Corps. It is to make a name for itself. Now, at the beginning of the establishment of the Dragon Snake Corps, although many tasks have been carried out, they are all tasks of small fights, which are regarded as the running-in period of the forces of all parties. . Now, there is an urgent need for some large-scale tasks. This is a training exercise, and it is also a good opportunity to be famous.

You can train your troops or you can make a name for yourself. What's more, there is a reward for the Chinese military to pay for it. Where can such a good thing be found?

This time, Qin Lang set up a team of thousands of people, and he and Wu Minghou personally commanded, this thousand people are the elite of the Dragon Snake Corps, is composed of the original Dragon Snake troops and the masters of the rivers and lakes, although only a thousand people But the combat power is extremely powerful!

This thousand-person force, used to deal with the army on the Korean Peninsula, seems to have some fuss, but Qin Lang does not think so. In particular, to ensure that this thousand people are intact, it is really difficult!

As the saying goes, killing the enemy three thousand is a loss of one thousand. As long as it is a war, the death of the soldier cannot be avoided. However, the warriors in China are too expensive now, especially the warriors of the Chinese Dragon Snake Legion, which is even more expensive, so one can't die!

Therefore, before carrying out the task, Qin Lang specially conducted intensive training on the thousands of soldiers: "You, I know that you all think that this task is not difficult, even think it is a knife to kill chicken. But, I don't think so, I think the lion should be full of strength! Why, because of this task, I hope to be zero death!"

After listening to the words of Qin Lang, especially the word "zero death", many people's expressions are not taken for granted. Everyone knows that this task is not too difficult, but everyone knows that it is impossible to die without fighting! The battle of undead, it is not called battle!

"How? Do you think that I take it too seriously?" Qin Lang said coldly. "This is not my idealization for the war, but my request to you! Order! With your strength, ten times or even dozens of times. I can be sure of the army. But this is not the capital of your pride. The reason is very simple. The Legion has invested more than one hundred times in each of you, so our people die. The other party died a hundred, all of which are at a loss! Our Huaxia Dragon Snake Corps has never done a loss-making business!"

"You still don't believe it, take a good look at these data, this is the average resource consumed by the Dragon Snake Corps!" Qin Lang used his finger to look at the huge electronic screen on the square, which shows the average of each Dragon Snake Corps on the electronic screen. The consumption of resources, if it is converted into money, has already reached one billion.

These people have not realized this before, but when they look at Qin Lang, they know that the value of each of them has already exceeded 100 million, or even billions and billions. For example, when practicing, it used a few Ling Dan, even if it was converted at the reserve price of 10 million Chinese coins, it is already tens of millions and hundreds of millions of dollars. Not to mention that Ling Dan is only part of it, and there are other spiritual resources, such as the stone of the soul, the top grade, the splendid investment of the spirit, not to mention the equipment and carry-on of these people, a dozen It’s really a small amount of money.

Seeing the data displayed on the electronic screen, these kills are all dumbfounded.

After half a ring, a member of the original Dragon Snake Force went out and reported to Qin Lang: "Mr. Qin, so the other party is fighting 100 people to kill us alone. We are all losing money! Our life is so valuable! But, How can the battle avoid casualties?"

“Good question!” Qin Lang said loudly. “Yes, it’s inevitable that there will be casualties in the battle! But casualties are also valuable, and the value can be measured by price! If you kill a worth of billions and hundreds of billions Dead creatures die, that is, death is worth it! Conversely, if you die by killing a few sticks worth more than a million, you will die, and you can't write an epitaph for you!"

After listening to Qin Lang’s words, some people couldn’t help but laugh, but they all had to admit that Qin Lang’s words were unclear. It’s the reason to think about it. Warriors or rivers and lakes are good. When it comes to this, everyone must have the consciousness of the Ma Ge wrapper. They don’t want to die more than Taishan, but they can’t be lighter than Hong Mao. Otherwise, as Qin Lang said, he died in the hands of the unknown. Comrades are not good at writing epitaphs for you.

"You understand everything, I don't say much. Anyway, this time the mission is completed. If one person does not die, each person will reward two more spirits. On the contrary, if one person dies, then each person's merits are deducted by two. "Ming Ling Dan!" Qin Lang directly said the reward and punishment measures, this is the most intuitive, and only then, to ensure that these guys will not relax their vigilance for a moment.

The three-day deadline given by Li Yifang, the leader of the Korean Peninsula, has arrived. Huaxia will naturally not change its decision. The face of a big country cannot be lost casually. If a Li Yifang can threaten the existence of Huaxia, the country is too Sad.

When the three-day deadline was reached, the team of Qin Lang and others did not cross the Yalu River, but entered Changbai Mountain, which is the Baitou Mountain in the Korean population. For the people of the Goryeo Peninsula, although more than half of Changbai Mountain belongs to China, this does not prevent them from regarding it as the mountain of their own nation, and Jin Santai also insists that they are the authentic blood of Baitou Mountain, which shows that Changbai Mountain It is no small matter.

The reason why Qin Lang went to Changbai Mountain was because Li Yifang’s people should go to Changbai Mountain because this was the condition they had proposed before: if Huaxia did not return the Jin Santai couple to them, they would retaliate against Huaxia, and they The goal is Changbai Mountain, and Li Yifang clearly stated that he wants control of the entire Changbai Mountain Range!

Huaxia Kyushu enchantment is an enchantment formed by the world's laws and the forces of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, although it can resist the invasion of alien creatures, it does not exclude the entry and exit of the world. Therefore, Li Yifang’s people will enter the Changbai Mountain and will not be affected by the Kyushu enchantment, but they will not escape the sense of Qin Lang.

Therefore, when Li Yifang’s person arrived at the top of Changbai Mountain, Qin Lang had already arrived here one step at a time, watching Li Yifang’s group of people on the edge of Tianchi.

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