Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1897: The sorrow will win

It seems that this is not a legend.

The body of the old man was already good, but this time the invasion of the monk in the middle of the heavens, the son of the most respected son of the old man, Jing Jingyi, died, which is so great for the old man. The so-called white hair sent black hair, which was originally the biggest pain in the world.

When Qi Dong was promoted to death, Qin Lang naturally wanted to participate in his funeral.

In this case, the funeral is from Jane, and the old man only invited some relatives and friends to participate, as long as people know that his son is dead for the country.

Husband, the horse should be wrapped in corpse.

Compared with Xu Bucai, Yu Jingyi is the real one.

Yan Shaoguo accompanied his grandfather. It seems that he seems very worried that his father’s body can’t hold back. So Qin Lang invited him to the side and whispered: “Mr. Qin, my father’s death, I know this to him. In fact, it is a glorious battle, this should be the fate of the door. However, I am really worried about my grandfather, you see his hair is all white, I am really worried! Otherwise, you give my grandfather look at the body By the way, comfort him?"

Today's Shaoshao country is much more mature than before. It seems to have been able to stand alone, but it is still worse than its father and grandfather. It seems that it still needs some experience.

"Don't worry, your grandfather is fine." Qin Lang gently patted the shoulders of Shao Shaoguo. "The heart of the old man is naturally sorrowful, but you underestimate the tolerance of your grandfather and underestimate his experience. He is an old general. How many scenes have you seen in this life, your father’s sacrifice, although it has dealt a lot against him, but still Not enough to knock down a hundred old generals! I believe that your grandfather now thinks more than just sorrow, but how to avenge your father, a shame! I think you should think more about how to take revenge. This is more important."

"But our enemy -"

Yan Shaoguo wanted to say that the enemy was too strong, because the facts were so, but they were interrupted by Qin Lang. "You used to be a soldier. Is the mission of the soldiers to fight only with people who are weaker than themselves? The most glorious thing for the soldiers!"

These words are just around the corner. Qin Lang does not think that the old man will fall down. Instead, he feels that the old man can turn grief into strength, because he is not an ordinary old man, his family is the gate, and he is the veteran.

Huang Zhong, 72-year-old, Xia Houyuan, the strength of the veteran can not be underestimated, the old man is such an old general.

Sure enough, the family quickly completed the funeral of Jing Yi, and then the old man personally came to Qin Lang. As Qin Lang thought, the thing that the father wants to do most is revenge, no other!

"Hey, I don't want you to take revenge. I want to take revenge. In order to vent my anger, I killed Xu Bucai. Now I am wanted, I can't show it publicly. In order to vent my anger, I will show the sects of the sects, the sects, and the sects. They are all ruined! However, after calming down, I forced myself to temporarily renounce the idea of ​​revenge, because now is not the time for revenge - you see, these are the combat casualties statistics of the Dragon Snake Legion researchers, you look The result will be fine, you will know why we are not suitable for revenge now."

Qin Lang handed a report to the father of the scorpion, which was an assessment of the combat effectiveness of the Zhongtian realist. This assessment report is very objective. The result is that the monks in the Central Heavens are generally stronger than the members of the Dragon Snake Corps. If the people of the Dragon Snakes are not good at coordinating and arranging, they will only be afraid of the casualties of the Dragon Snakes. Doubled.

The conventional army can't stop these Middle Heaven monks. It can only be harmed by high-powered weapons such as high-explosive bombs and low-altitude missiles. Therefore, ordinary soldiers face these mid-day monks, which are almost sheep and wolves. The difference is even greater.

According to the news currently received by Qin Lang, the scope of Zhongtianjie is larger than that of the Earth World, not to mention Huaxia Shenzhou. Therefore, if you want revenge, it is definitely not the time.

The old man is a general and a soldier, so he will never act like the Jianghu people, so he read the report that Qin Lang gave him. He said, "You are right, it seems that we can't find them now. Revenge. If revenge becomes a death, then it doesn't matter any meaning!"

If it is a rivers and lakes, it is impossible to think and analyze so calmly, but the old man has done this. This is where Qin Lang admires him.

"Actually, my father, I found that after you retired from the military high-level, you have more veteran style." Qin Lang really praised the old man, because the fact is also true, since the old man has withdrawn from the military high-level, doing things is more decisive, More style.

"Before, as a military person, it is natural to follow the military's guidelines. It is inevitable that there will be some restrictions. Nowadays, the bachelor is one, naturally there are no taboos. However, it is now that I am still okay in this body, it seems to be able to support The son revenge. However, I don't know how you plan to do it. Although you have a way to temporarily cut off the connection with Zhongtianjie, how long can this be?" When the old man looks far away, he naturally feels more worried about the future situation.

"Now, although Huaxia Shenzhou has suffered a catastrophe, but after the history of China, after every catastrophe, the Chinese nation will inevitably be reborn. The powerful peoples in the world, such as the former Rome, Persia, Sparta, Viking People and so on, either disappeared or completely bleak, and after experiencing every catastrophe, China will always be able to stand on the top of the world, because of our bloodlines and our temperament. This is also the case. Although the entire Huaxia Shenzhou has lost millions and the number of casualties has reached 10 million, this time I feel that the whole China is really awakened. After experiencing the baptism of blood, the whole China is immersed in sorrow. Among them, and we will surely continue to grow in sorrow - the sorrow will win!" Qin Lang's words are to strengthen the confidence of the father.

Confidence is gold. If a nation or a country does not have self-confidence, how can we face a strong enemy? How dare to declare war with a strong enemy?

Although the entire Huaxia has suffered heavy losses, the sad atmosphere has spurred the awakening of the whole of China. Even the middle-aged and elderly people who have been ridiculed by the world, the blood of their bodies began to boil, because this The invasion of a monk in the Middle Heavens caused them to lose their flesh and blood and lost their distressed daughter, grandchildren. The sorrow of their hearts awakened their blood and awakened their pride as a descendant of the dragon.

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