Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1909: Blood-stained style

"Come on me! Walk the dog!"

Qin Lang rushed to Ping Cang Yi Tai and Ju Di San Lang Road, and even specifically ordered a hundred ghosts to learn dog barking. Anyway, nowadays, a hundred ghosts have been completely turned into dogs by Qin Lang, even though there are devils in the body of the hundred ghosts. Part of the godhead and strength, but because of the "dog rope" that the wooden roots must be woven, it is impossible to break free of the godhead and strength of the battle.

Although the culprit is the dog **** in the eyes of the people of the country, in the eyes of Qin Lang, it is just a demon dog. It is barely a demon, but it is a very weak type of demon. At least it is far from the existence of Jianmu. Compared.

Although Qin Lang does not have the power of the present, it is impossible to be bullied by the devil, even if it is facing a group of ghosts.

However, Qin Lang’s heart can’t help but regret it. Unfortunately, when the practitioners of the Shu Kingdom invaded the Chinese world, the Shinto practitioners in China and those who were the best in the world turned a blind eye. Sometimes Qin Lang had to admit that the Chinese people were really one person, the three were adults, and the strong people in China were self-esteemed, they would not easily shoot, and they rarely joined forces with the enemy. This is the Chinese nation. One of the drawbacks.

However, now that the Chinese world is reborn, Qinlang is a dragon, everyone is a dragon, the new Chinese world will move from the black iron world to the golden world, and the Chinese nation will also move from the black iron race to the gold race, even to the myth. race!

Everything starts from Qin Lang, from now on!

Qin Lang inherited the annual rings and wood grain of Jianmu. His eyes once followed the memory of Jianmu to reach the highest level of the world. So his eyes and insights determined the realm. Qinlang used to be a frog at the bottom of the well, but now he I have already seen the vast world outside. And these few ghosts are still only the frog at the bottom of the well, this is the gap!

"Get started!"

Although it is an enemy of four, but Qin Lang does not take the initiative to attack, because there is no need at all. What's more, Qin Lang's current practice of movement and quietness, quietly and statically, the more calm, the stronger the power of the explosion, which is the realm that the ghosts can never understand.

So provocative, Kikuchi Saburo is furious, and at the same time, the three weapons are Dongyang knives, like the ghosts of the hundred ghosts, are used magic knives. Ninety percent of the cold weapons used by the Yi people are Toyo knives, although they call them kendo.

However, just because all the devils use the Toyo knife, their so-called "swordsmanship" has also been developed unprecedentedly. The most important thing about the genie's kendo is the momentum - murderous. Their kendo is originally a way of killing, just because In this way, the legendary squadrons of the Ghosts are some "magic knives" and "demon knives". There are almost no sacred soldiers, because they advocate the killing of kendo, which is easy to enter.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ~

At this time, the three men of Judi Saburo shot at the same time, the three-handed magic knives illusioned with countless sturdy knives, almost all of Qin Lang’s body was blocked and dead, and among these knives, countless ghosts appeared, clearly It is carrying the evil spirits. It seems that this Kikushiro Saburo, like the ones of the Ghosts, should be a **** of worship.


In the face of the temperament of the sky, the beginning of the Qin Lang did not move, even the vitality around his body did not have any fluctuations, just as he gave up resistance, ready to close his eyes and die, but when these knives approached Qin Lang’s body, he Just screamed!

This embarrassment, from the moment to the static to the movement, he carried the huge amount of vitality accumulated in the construction of the wooden rings, the various elements extracted from many different worlds, burst out in an instant, forming a huge incomparable The power swept around.

At this time, Qin Lang, like the giant scorpion that is still in the North Sea, looks like it is a static island. You are about to board the ship on the island. Suddenly, the giant body moves, and suddenly it is a stormy, turbulent wave!


This is an unspeakable horror!

At this time, Qin Lang’s situation was like a static giant scorpion suddenly moving his body, so his vitality in the body broke out in an instant. He had not yet shot, and this vitality was like a huge wave of waves. Going swept away.

The giant python started, and the water hit three thousand miles!

The temperament around Qin Lang’s body disappeared completely in his roar.

Kikuchi Saburo, the magic knife raised in his hand can no longer kneel, because the eyes, ears, ears and ears of these three people are spurting blood, the situation is terrible!

Qin Lang screamed, and even the life of Judi Saburo was completely cut off!

In ancient times, the dreams of the three countries will be Zhang Fei, and a roar will make the river flow backwards and kill the enemy generals. Now Qin Lang screams and directly kills Kikushiro Saburo!

Such a battle, even Qin Lang himself did not expect!

However, perhaps this is the real power of the Valkyrie, this is the real movement of the movement, is the path of the ancient Shenmu comprehension!


Qin Lang gave a cold drink and completely collected the essence and vitality of Judi Saburo into the poisonous sac, and took his blood to feed the poisonous worms in the poisonous sac.

On the other side, the closing of one and the Liu Sheng army were all scared, and what happened just was too fast! Even the two masters have not figured out what is going on. Qin Lang drunk, the outbreak of vitality was only an instant thing, and there was no sign before. After the explosion of Qin Lang, it recovered into the static, just like the same tree and harmless trees.

It can be said that Ping Cang Yi Tai and Liu Sheng Yi Jun have never seen such a mysterious practice! They can never understand what this is!

The sorcerer's cultivator, before the duel, has always released his momentum unscrupulously, and even proud of using the momentum to suppress the other side. He has seen Qin Lang's play that seems to be cloudless and open-minded.

"It's a pity - three less dogs!"

Qin Lang shook his head and sighed. In his heart, he really wanted to turn Jurassic Saburo into three poisonous slaves. He just tried to force himself too hard. He underestimated the power of the power he realized from Jianmu. It is a pity that Saburo died in alive.

After listening to Qin Lang’s words, Liu Sheng’s army and Ping Cangyi were too mad, but Liu Sheng’s army was entangled in a hundred ghosts and could not get away. However, I was already afraid of the situation, and I thought about whether I wanted to escape. However, I heard Qin Lang say, "Isn’t it, want to escape? Your Bushido in your country is not paying attention to the opponent but commits suicide. You actually have to escape. Isn't the suicide warrior a fake?"

"Gossip!" Pingcang was too angry and screaming, and he screamed, but he did have a knife in his chest, but it was not a suicide, but a blood sacrifice!

Take the blood sacrifice, in exchange for the power of the devil!


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