Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1923: Spirit beast furnace

Before Qin Lang, I also considered similar problems. The heavens and the earth, the spirits and the beasts, are not exaggerated. For example, the legendary ginseng fruit, grass and dan, peach, etc., are all natural remedies, simply not Need to carry out alchemy again. As for the beast, the main refining is Nedan. Once the Nei Dan is taken away by the monks, the skill of the monk will inevitably increase, and the cultivation of the beast will be greatly reduced.

Qin Lang combines the skills of Danling's little monk's alchemy, and integrates Dan Dao's law into the claws of the fat tiger through the nameless fire. As a result, the fat tiger can combine its own essence and blood into a remedy by swallowing aura and demon. It is.

In fact, it is the fat tiger that takes itself as the first-class stove, and uses its own blood as the material of alchemy, blending the heavens and the earth with aura and demon to refine the medicinal herbs. In addition, if you encounter other alchemy materials, it can also be eaten into your stomach, turned into your own blood, and eventually formed into a drug.

In short, this is actually Qinlang's turning these beasts into an alchemy furnace for activities. And, instead of letting them refine the inner tank, they refine the outer Dan.

For these beasts, it is a good deal to lose a little bit of blood for a panacea. As long as it is not lost, there will be no loss to them.

As for the Ding furnace to Qin Lang alchemy, this is like working, they give Qin Lang Ling Dan, you can also exchange other Ling Dan from Qin Lang, but also get the support of Qin Lang, you can learn from the half demon world Demon.

Since it is a mutually beneficial thing, of course there is no problem.

These spirit beasts and beasts, although they are all fierce, are very trusting to Qin Lang, because if they were not Qin Lang’s means of “pointing stone into gold”, how can these beasts and beasts recover? Flooded blood. Therefore, to do something for Qin Lang, they will not have complaints, before they also provided some blood to Qin Lang, just to help Qin Lang alchemy.

The fat tiger and other promised the conditions of Qin Lang, and Qin Lang naturally stabilized the space crack leading to the half demon world. Qin Lang turned this space crack into a solid array seal. This array seal can constantly extract the demon from the half demon world, but the demon objects in the semi-demon world can not come out from here unless they can Break the seal of Qin Lang.

Of course, the demon of the demon world can also open up other space cracks, but it takes time and effort.

After the seal of the formation method is completed, the demon of the demon world will roll out. These demon spirits have no effect on Qin Lang, but they will have adverse effects on other monks and ordinary people. After all, although the demon is also a kind of vitality, it is not Anyone can absorb it.

The fat tiger and others intend to build a nest here. Qin Lang naturally has no objection, but instead gives support. Nowadays, there are more and more beasts and beasts in the Chinese world, and their size is getting bigger and bigger. The Chinese world is Not enough for them to toss, the establishment of nests in the abyss near the island of Laos, which is conducive to their reproduction and growth.

As for the scholars in the cave, and their experimental products, they were completely destroyed by Qin Lang, because Qin Lang absolutely did not allow the Chinese to become half-orcs. When they saw the half-orcs on the island of Laos, Qin Lang felt very disgusting.

After settled in these beasts, Qin Lang returned to China and returned to Jianmushu.

When Qin Lang came back here, he naturally exchanged ideas with Jianmu and fought against these monsters in the semi-demon world. Qin Lang had a deeper understanding of the movements and the **** marks, but he knew that he was still only Just stepping on the road of Wushen practice, he has to go further on this road, he needs more temper.

"Now, you should know what the power of the world is all about." The will of Jianmu responded to Qin Lang.

"The mark of God is the key to unlocking the power of the world. I already know. The real power of the world's original strength lies in the ability to mobilize and trigger the power of a world, or to get a blessing in the world. I am now Can get the blessing of the Huaxia world, has gradually understood the role of the source of power and the mark of God." Qin Lang said so.

"Yes, many practitioners only know the importance of the power of the source, but they do not know how the power of the source is used. The power of the source must be recognized by the origin of the world, and the greatest power can be exerted. You have the will of the Chinese world. Identity, so you can maximize the power of the source. However, this is only a way of using the source of power."

"So, is there any other way of using it? A better and stronger way?" Qin Lang asked.

"Yes." Jianmu responded, "The power of the source, the blessing of the outside world, is certainly a source of strength; however, both internal and external training is king, so the best way is to temper yourself into a The world. With the strength of the source and the mark of God, you can build your own world. Do you know why Jianmu is called the tree of the world? That is because I can build an independent world."

This is the real point of gold, although Qin Lang has considered similar problems before, but at this time it was built a little bit, suddenly suddenly open, and more firmly believe in its own way of practice. Qin Lang has used his space laws and time rules to temper his own dantian and meridians. However, he knows that the laws of space and the laws of time are only the foundation of the world. There is still a long way to go to form an independent world. However, at this time listening to Jianmu mentioning points, Qin Lang suddenly felt that he had found some tips.

Of course, it may be because of the power blessing of the Chinese world before, so there is some sentiment in Qin Lang’s heart.

As a Shinto practitioner, everyone knows that the power of the world is very important, but only a very small number of Shinto practitioners can release the true power of the source of power, and there are very few people who can fully understand the purpose of the source of power.

One of the purposes of the source of power is to get a world's power blessing, the personal strength of the practitioner, perhaps insignificant, but once you get a world of blessing, it is quite horrible. The previous scourge has been less than one percent of the power of the demon world. It is already quite horrible. If Qin Lang received the blessing of the 100% power of the Chinese world, I am afraid that it may not be able to suppress the scourge.

However, getting a blessing of world power is only one of the uses of the source of power, and another more important use is to quench its own world. Once you have your own world, you can count on the power of the outside world, and you can have the power of terror.

Before the birth of China World, Qin Lang had some feelings, began to understand the law of time, stepped into the stream, and vaguely understood the combination of space rules and time rules, in order to enter a more profound and mysterious field, now Qin Lang Understand what this esoteric, mysterious field is, that is Zhou Tianjing!


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