Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1943: Killing prince

Although Tuanjiang Hou can only use one side to seal the soil, this is, after all, the power of the world of Huang Quan. The strength of this force is indeed the life of Qin Lang.

The world of Huangquan is too big, and the power of the world's laws and regulations of the world is too old and too strong. Therefore, although Jiang Houhou is only a prince, it is indeed a deterrent, a shocking party, and fighting in the Yellow Spring World. It is not a wise move.

Even if he is over the river, he is confident. He thinks that Qin Lang can completely suppress this guy with a single blow, but he obviously overestimates his own strength. Although he uses the power of the seal, although he is tyrannical, Qin Lang can also use the whole China. The power of the world is against it, and Qin Lang can use the power of many worlds to build it.

When Qin Lang opened the 360-day-old dantian on Sunday, Jianmu’s annual rings and wood grain marks made him even more powerful, because the three hundred and sixty-sized dantians are running endlessly and need to be huge and unimaginable. The strength of the wood, and the wood grain marks of Jianmu, can meet the huge demand of Qin Lang for the vitality. The combination of the two can also enhance the power of Qin Lang's instant attack to the extreme.

The subtlety of the movement is nothing more than a combination of "accumulation" and "burst". The more accumulated it is, the more horrible the explosive power is. Although it is simple to say, there are very few warriors who can do it.

Although Jiang Hou can use the power of Huangquan world to seal the earth, it is only part of the power of this party, and Qin Lang is indeed the full force of the Chinese world, not to mention the joint blow of the world.

"Yan Huang Shengdao!"

In the face of the full blow of Jiang Hou, Qin Lang also ushered in a punch to attack the attack.

Rumble! ~

The moment when the two forces collided, it caused an astonishing explosion, and several mountain peaks were razed to the ground in an instant.

It is only the aftermath of the impact of power that makes some weak yellow spring creatures directly crushed and die.

And some of the powerful Huangquan creatures are also worried, and they can't help but wonder if this is the battle if they are defeated.

The aftermath of power dissipated.

Turning Jiang Hou is carrying a golden liquid, this is his blood!

Those Huangquan creatures who watched the war couldn’t help but stunned. They didn’t think that a monk in the Qinlang District, a warrior, had such a perverted strength. He could seriously damage the river, knowing that it is the world of Huangquan. The power is almost invincible!

At this point, the river was trembled, because he was still reluctant to resist the pressure from Qin Lang, this time he could not escape, the reason why he can stand, it is only because Qin Lang still does not want to kill him.

"Tell me why I want to invade the Chinese world!" Qin Lang shouted to the cold of the river.

"This hou will not tell you..."

"Yes? Then let you taste the power of my nameless fire!" Qin Lang responded indifferently, releasing a nameless fire to the river, and seemed to turn the river into a mass of liquid. Since you don't want to say it, I will use your medicine directly!"

Today's Qin Lang is also a sly character. This is not the case with Jiang Hou. Qin Lang is going to use the nameless fire to practice it as a liquid medicine, and to repair the realm of Jiang Hou. His whole body's blood and bones can be The finest alchemy and refining materials, Qin Lang, did not deliberately scare him.

Turning Jiang Hou thought that Qin Lang only scared him, until the unnamed fire devours him, he finally knows the fear, and knows that he can't stop the engulfing of the nameless fire.

Shentong lost to karma, letting a lot of magical powers, even some immortals, could not stop the invasion of karma, not to mention Qin Lang has raised the power of this industry to the extreme.


Not a moment, this can not support the Jiang Hou, and then highlighted three words, "Zhongtianjie."

"Zhongtianjie?" Qin Lang snorted, probably guessing the reason. The last time that Zhongtianjie raided the Chinese world, although it brought great damage to the Chinese world, with the final counterattack of Qin Lang, the loss of the Zhongtian monks was heavy. This is a shameful shame for them, so they will definitely find a way. Retaliation. However, Qin Lang re-improved the Kyushu enchantment and completely destroyed the avenue channel leading to the Zhongtianjie, so that the monks of the Zhongtianjie could not enter the Chinese world for a while.

However, Qin Lang did not expect that the monks in the Heavenly Kingdom did not give up, they could not directly enter the Chinese world, so they did this through the Huangquan world.

"Huang Quan World, strength is stronger than Zhongtianjie, why should you listen to the heavens?" Qin Lang asked again.

"Zhongtianjie is nothing, even if it is a heavenly world, we may not be afraid of the world of Huangquan. However, the nine-day world is built on the will of the immortal world. We are not afraid of the heavens, but we cannot defy the will of the immortal world." Jianghou counted on the idea.

"Oh... what about your plan?" Qin Lang said.

"First use the undead creatures of the undead world as cannon fodder, and continue to kill your combat power, and then the army of the Yellow Springs world will be dispatched to flatten your Chinese world."

"Easy China World? It's a big breath!" Qin Lang said, "Even if you have the opportunity to level the Chinese world, I am afraid you can't see it!"

"How? You already know what you want to know, do you want to suppress me?" Turned Jiang Hou began to swear by Qin Lang, and then said, "But don't blame me for not reminding you, Ben Hou is the seal of the Emperor. One prince, if you want to kill me, you will touch the mark of the mark of the Emperor of the Jurassic, which is not something you can handle!"

This turned Jiang Hou actually began to have no fear, it seems that Qin Lang did not dare to kill him, because once triggered the mark of the king of the king, then Qin Lang is likely to be killed by the other side.

In the world of Huangquan, the will of the Emperor of the Jurassic is of course supreme. Even the outsider of Qin Lang knows this truth.

Although there are more than one Emperor of the Emperor of the Yellow Springs, any Emperor of the Jurassic must be an invincible generation!

The role of the river dynasty, even a finger of the king of the king is not as good!

If it is someone else, if you listen to this, you may let Jianghou a horse, but Qin Lang is not someone else. He does not like to be threatened. He calmly and indifferently said: "When you try to invade the Chinese world, you are destined. Your demise!"

After that, Qin Lang tried to crush the past and shattered the head of Jiang Hou.

"Bad obstacles! Bold!"

Sure enough, when the river was killed by Qin Lang, there was a golden big character on his forehead. This is a "敕" character. Although it is only a word, it is extremely dignified, extremely thick, and carried. An extremely powerful power, this majesty is the majesty of the Emperor of the Ages, and dominates the power of life and death of billions of people.

Miluo Diwei, tyrannical, unstoppable!


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