Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2056: Dark lurker

"So, you can die!"

When Qin Lang refused the proposal of Desbat, he suddenly sounded a ghostlike voice in his ear. This voice seemed to sound behind Qin Lang, but Qin Lang did not notice anyone approaching him!

Actually, I can pass the Qin Lang's induction, this guy is really surprised!

However, Qin Lang practiced the art of statics and movements. He was in a state of quietness at any moment when he did not shoot, so once he had any slight movement around his body, he could immediately feel it and then respond.

Therefore, after Qin Lang heard the sound of the ghost, he immediately sensed the position of the other party. He couldn’t wait to turn back. He immediately applied a scorpion to the tail and lightning-pulled to Qin Lang’s own rear.

boom! ~

Qin Lang’s foot almost blew up the space.

However, he still smacked in this empty foot, apparently did not kick the guy.

However, Qin Lang’s leg is not completely reactive, because he has at least forced his opponent back.

In order to cope with this opponent, Qin Lang can only temporarily add Tina and Hobby to his undead temple. He is ready to fight with the other side.

Without any worries, Qin Lang naturally can go all out.

"Human warriors, the means to teach the dark lurkers." Dissbat put on a leisurely posture, seems to recognize that Qin Lang can not beat this so-called dark lurkers.

In fact, Qin Lang does not know what the dark lurkers are, at least at this time, Qin Lang has not seen the true face of the other side.

Although it can sense the existence of the opponent, but can not see its face, this sounds very strange, but it is.

To be honest, although Qin Lang has fought with countless opponents in his life, the situation he encountered today is really strange. It can be called "a ghost." How strong is the mental power of Qin Lang, and it is impossible to judge the true form of the other party. Is this not a ghost?

The dark lurker, this guy is just like its name, purely lurking in the darkness, using the darkness to completely hide its form, even if Qin Lang can not sense its true face, can only faintly detect its existence.

"Human warrior, your mental strength is very strong." In the darkness, the voice rang again. "However, you still can't win me, because you can't judge my movements, my form, so you will die today." In my hands."

"You are very good at playing the game, but this is really the skill, I am afraid it may not be powerful." Qin Lang said coldly, "If you only play with your mouth, I am too lazy to accompany."

"Since you want to die faster, I will naturally fulfill you!" The voice rang again, and then Qin Lang felt that the surroundings suddenly fell into the darkness.

There is no light, just like the heavens and the earth are suddenly swallowed up by the darkness.

"This is the power of the field? No! This is the power of the world!"

Qin Lang thought that he was caught in the field power of the dark lurker, but he soon denied his judgment, because if it is a field, it is simply unable to hold Qin Lang, only the power of the world, it is possible to feel the sense of Qin Lang. Make an impact!

In other words, this dark lurker has cultivated into his own world, and is very good at using his own world. The power of this guy's world is the power of darkness!

The whole world is completely tempered into the power of darkness, how dark the heart and spirit of this guy should be. However, such extreme practitioners are often extremely difficult to deal with.

At least, than the previous little devil Gus, the power and means of this dark lurker do not know how much stronger, no wonder that Desbat does not mind the life and death of the little devil Gus.

Qin Lang has completely fallen into the power of this dark lurker's world. In this pure darkness, not only does Qin Lang not see a glimmer of light, but even a little voice can't be heard, just as this pure darkness can engulf the light and sound. You can even swallow everything!

Devouring is one of the characteristics of darkness!

Although the small world of Qin Lang is not practicing the dark power, his spiritual practice is the dark reincarnation of the heavens. This is the purest practice of dark spiritual power. Therefore, Qin Lang’s understanding of the dark forces is actually quite profound.

Thousands of strokes are not as good as a trick. If any monk can refine a skill to the extreme, it will be quite terrible.

This dark lurker can cultivate the dark power to the extreme, and quench his own small world with the power of darkness, which is also a gift of talent.

At this time, Qin Lang was trapped in the small world of the dark lurkers, completely unable to see any light, and could not hear any sound, as if he himself was suddenly isolated from the world. However, Qin Lang also knows that this is purely a feeling. Even in the other side of the world, Qin Lang did not have the slightest panic, but calmly responded, did not immediately take counterattack.

Anyone who is in a state of absolute darkness and isolation from the world will inevitably be confused, and may even change his mind or struggle desperately, but if Qin Lang does the same, then the other party’s calculations are in the middle. This is because the darkness possesses the characteristics of engulfing. If it is struggling and attacking, Qin Lang’s own vitality will flow wildly and be swallowed up by this dark and dark world.

So far, Qin Lang still doesn't know the true face of this dark lurker, but Qin Lang can't sit still. At this time, Qin Lang's reaction can be said to be static braking.

Since he did not know the true face of the other party and did not know the strength of the other party, Qin Lang simply decided not to blindly attack, but waited for further action from the other side. Although Qin Lang was trapped in the other's small world, the power of darkness made Qin Lang feel quite troublesome, at least more difficult than Bayer's purgatory world. However, Qin Lang himself is also a master of the power to cultivate darkness, so he is more familiar with the attributes of the power of darkness, and naturally will not easily count.

In addition, although the other side used the dark world to trap Qin Lang, but in Qin Lang's view, although the situation at this time is somewhat risky, but also an opportunity, in the dark world of the other side, Qin Lang can further feel the power of this darkness. Use of it to gain insights.

Also, this dark lurker will directly suppress Qin Lang in its dark and small world, which is somewhat supportive because it probably does not know that Qin Lang has a deep understanding of the power of darkness. This guy will use his own small world. Qin Lang gave "swallowing", but it is not so easy to digest Qin Lang.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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