Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2122: Calculation of the abyss

The general who can drink a rib, of course, has only one existence. This is Levisto, the lord of the fifth world, and the sole owner of these so-called Blades.

In the eyes of Qin Lang, this Levis plot is a strange abyss demon, because this guy is obviously a demon, but he likes to single-handedly with his opponent, and does not like to play tricks. In addition, this guy is very handsome, gentleman, just like the prince in Western mythology, and it also likes his own subordinate to call it "Prince Levistu." However, the fighters of this guy are the most loyal warriors Qin Lang has ever seen, and they are much stronger than Beria and Fina. Even with the strength of Xianfenyuan, there has been a lot of loss in the fifth layer of the abyss world.

At this point, Levisto suddenly appeared here, but made Qin Lang slightly surprised.

After being stopped by Levisto, the general did not say much in a single sentence. Turning away and walking, it seems to have absolute loyalty to Levisto, although it is only a avatar of Levisto.

"Mr. Qin, I don't have much time, so I can only talk to you briefly - we need your help!" Levis said.

"What do you mean? I think it should not include the Lord of the Abyss?" Qin Lang asked.

"Mr. Qin is right. We mean Beria, Firna, the Queen of Grecia, and of course I." Levisto said, "We have speculated that the abyss world will inevitably be destroyed, But we don't want to stay here for funeral, so I hope that Mr. Qin can cooperate."

"Work with me on this humble earth human? Are you sure?" Qin Lang smiled lightly.

"You have had a deal with Beria before, we believe in your integrity."

"My honesty is natural, but your integrity, I can't guarantee it." Qin Lang said. "In addition, your behavior is also a betrayal of the abyss. Do you really have this guts?"

"Although the abyss world is our birthplace, if we don't have the last, we are not willing to give up here. But you should know that our final ending may be turned into a funeral by the Lord of the Abyss, so in order to get rid of the funeral ending, we A few are prepared to fight. In addition, you don't have to worry about the Abyss Lord knowing our conversation. At this time I have completely closed the space around us, and the attention of the Lord of the Abyss is scattered. Mr. Qin, we are sincere. Cooperation, how do you think about it?” Levisto asked Qin Lang.

"What about my benefits?" Qin Lang asked, this is of course the most crucial.

"In addition to your previous transactions with Beria, we promise that once you enter the deepest part of the abyss, if you cooperate with us to obtain the treasure of the Abyss, you can share with us the treasures of the Lord of the Abyss, with these treasures, After we leave the abyss world, we must have a place to stand up!" Levisto figure this guy is simply, without a little bit of temptation, directly throwing a huge interest temptation to Qin Lang.

The treasure of the Lord of the Abyss, although Qin Lang does not know what this treasure is, but it must be quite amazing, because the Lord of the Abyss is the true master of the entire nine-story abyss world, the rumors have never been defeated, so the owner of this abyss owns The treasure of that must be very amazing, even if Levi's figure does not say, Qin Lang can also imagine.

"Sounds this trade is good." Qin Lang said, "I am quite satisfied with the conditions of this transaction, but I also have a condition - don't try to count me. Otherwise, even if I just found a little clue, I I will let you know that my 'humble human warrior' may not be irritating at all."

"Mr. Qin rest assured that no matter whether we are enemies or friends in the future, this cooperation will inevitably be sincere and consistent. Because without your cooperation, we can't count the abyss, even its minions can't count." The minions of the abyss that Vestus said are the seventh tierlord Balzer and the eighth lord Fermstone.

The lords of the seventh and eighth layers of the abyss world, this is like the Guards of the Abyss, and the two most powerful species in the abyss world, so without the cooperation of Qin Lang, Levisto, Bailey These guys who want to escape the calculations of the Lord of the Abyss are simply impossible. Even if you add a Finnna or Grecia, you can't do it.

As for the third-tier lord Maman, it is simply a cockroach controlled by Fyna, this guy is completely negligible.

All in all, although Levisto, Beria, etc. have a number of advantages, but want to confront the boss, second and third of the abyss world, it is still no chance, so they think of cooperation with Qin Lang.

"Well, since you have shown sincerity, then I believe in you." Qin Lang said, "However, can you share with me the information about the abyss and the depths of the abyss? At the same time, I want to know your plans. ”

"This nature, since it is necessary to cooperate with Mr. Qin, we can not deliberately conceal any secrets." Levisto conveyed to Qin Lang the spiritual information he knew about the abyss world, the abyss, and They have several plans for the abyss lords.

"Okay, then I will give you cooperation." Qin Lang nodded, and agreed to the deal of Levistu.

Later, Qin Lang asked Ron with his mental strength: "You know the deal with Levisto and Beria. What do you think?"

Ron has obviously considered this problem, and quickly said: "Master, Levistra's information about the abyss world should be true, but if the master wants to cooperate with them, he must think twice."

"How to say?"

"As far as I know, the Lord of the Abyss has never been successfully calculated. This abyssal world has always been under its control. Even I feel that this abyssal world is made by it. So, Levisto and others want to follow the abyss. Right, I don’t think the odds are great. In addition, the master should know that the lords of Levisto, Beria, and Glecia are demons, and they are hard to trust each other, let alone the masters trust them. Lack of Trust, they are more difficult to confront the abyss," Ron explained.

Qin Lang nodded. He knew that Ron’s analysis was not unreasonable. If the devil could fully believe it, it would be that the sow would be on the tree. Although Levisto seems to make people feel credible, but knowing how to know people, how can Qin Lang completely believe in the demon lord of a deep world?

But there is a bit of Qin Lang who is willing to see it. He is willing to see Levi Stu, the guys who are calculating their abyss, and willing to see the confrontation between the two camps of the nine-day world and the abyss world, because the situation is more chaotic. The more benefits to Qin Lang.


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