Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2132: Really immortal!

As for the extent of the battle between the two camps, it depends on the extent to which the "players" behind the camps want to go.

Even though many people are not willing to admit it, the essence of the world is this: most people are pieces that are controlled by a few people!

There are many people who play chess pieces, but not many who are qualified to become chess players.

Most of the bottom people in the previous world of the earth, they are actually chess pieces. Most of their time is controlled by a very small number of upper-level people. Even their beliefs, their thoughts and values ​​are completely controlled. In the hands of a few people.

Life is like a chess, it is a chess piece.

After letting go of the scorpio, Qin Lang continued to suppress the monks of the nine-day world. For Qin Lang, the more these cannon fodders, the better. Anyway, his undead temple space is still very large, and can also accept many slaves of artifacts.

As a bystander, Qin Lang is not very interested in the victory or defeat of this battle, because he has already seen the essence of this war, or the essence of all wars is similar: the war that most people participate in, in fact They are all played for a few people who don't need to go to the battlefield. Those who are truly qualified to influence the war situation will hardly be on the battlefield.

Because of the withdrawal of Scorpio, because of the existence of two guys, Balzeb and Femstone, the Abyss World camp seems to have exploded with great potential, and gradually gained the upper hand, but Qin Lang knows that this is just a flash in the pan. There is also the fairyland behind the nine-day world. The fairyland is the real promoter of this war. Therefore, it is impossible for the fairy world to watch the nine-day world camp lose, and according to the news that Qin Lang got from Jiangyan, the fairyland’s true fairy One may really come, although the immortality may cause a complete collapse of the world, but the abyssal world is not the territory of the nine-day world, and of course they will not care whether the world will be destroyed.

Sure enough, when the nine-day world camp began to retreat, the door of the space that the "Fairy Penalty" with the "Fairy Penalty" was once again shining, and this time not only shines, but also the door of the entire space. The runes are all lit up, and in this light, you can also faintly see that countless fairy spirits are playing the instruments, and the music is bursting, and then countless things like the petals that shine brightly fall from the door of space. It’s really a big deal.

These small flowers fall like snowflakes. The nine-day world's monks can't help but reach out and touch them. It is because these snowflakes are the essence of the immortality that condenses the laws of the immortal. It is of great benefit to the practice of the monks and monks. Some monks have got the smallpox. Even the injuries on the body began to heal in an instant, and these nine-day world monks seemed to have forgotten the previous **** battles, forgetting that countless companions had died here and turned into devout believers in the world.

Far from seeing this scene, Qin Lang just sneered: This is the inferior root of human nature. The lower-ranking people who are used to being oppressed are only satisfied with the little leftovers from the mouth of the upper-level person. They forget that these superiors once gave them to them in minutes. The damage that was brought, how many times they went to die.

However, these smallpox fell into the abyss of the world camp, but the countless abyss species screamed again and again, these fairy tales on the ceiling are not what they can afford.

The music is bursting, and the sky is full of enthusiasm. This is enough, so the fairy should naturally come.

Qin Lang is farther away from the door of space. At this time, he does not want to see any excitement. How strong a real fairy is, he has not seen it yet, so he does not want to be the target of his attack.

Rumble! ~ The huge thunder sounded. These thunders did not sound from the door of space, but they rang in the abyss world, because the laws of the abyss world could not allow such tyrannical creatures to enter the world. The existence of such a true fairy, once it reaches the abyssal world, it may completely destroy the entire abyss world.

However, even if it is the law of heaven and earth in the abyss world, it can't stop the arrival of this true fairy. At this time, the door of space opens again. Then Qin Lang sees something in the door of the space stretched out. If you look closely, it turns out to be One foot, one huge foot!

No matter who you are, I am afraid that I will take a sigh of relief when I see this scene, because the door of this space has accommodated hundreds of thousands of days of world monks coming to this abyssal world, but at this time it can only accommodate one foot of the true fairy. Only.

However, when the feet of this immortality gradually fell, it seems that the world of this abyss world has been crushed by it. Everyone can feel the tremendous pressure from the real fairy. This huge pressure seems to make people I can't breathe.

How strong is the true immortal, at this time some monks finally realized it.

Because it is rejected by the laws of heaven and earth in this world, it takes some time for the immortal to come to this world. But it is such a foot that is enough to arouse the morale of many nine-day world monks who like to hold the stinky feet. These nine-day world monks are like eating. Drug-like, began to madly counterattack, actually actually forced the abyss world camp temporarily retired.

Bang! ~ Another loud noise, the body of the true fairy finally came out of the door of space, stepping out, the mountain river is broken! One palm is pressed, thousands of **** species fly away!


Seeing this scene, Qin Lang is a cold back, this true fairy of Nima Xianjie is really terrible, although Qin Lang does not know what level of immortal this immortal, but the power he broke out is too horrible, the abyss The camp is on him, and he won't even win. Even the most powerful Fermesto in the abyss camp, was shot by this real fairy!

"Huang Xianzun is mighty!"

"Xianzun is invincible!"

"Xian Zun is out, the group of magical arches!"


When Huang Xianzun shot, he immediately harvested countless praises from the nine-day world monk, and for the abyss world, it was like a real nightmare.

The Abyss World camp is like a bird of horror, even the abyssal lords are like this. In the face of a true immortal, these abyss species are indeed weak.

Qin Lang has long heard that true immortals and gods are another kind of existence, transcending the existence of countless species and countless creatures in the world, but it is always difficult to imagine how strong the real immortals are. Today it is finally seen.

True immortals are true immortals. It is an irresistible existence. In front of this true immortal, those abyss lords are just like children who play mud.

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