Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2153: Awareness of fish

Bang! ~

When the old tortoise hit the body of Qin Lang, accompanied by a huge explosion, it seems that Qin Lang’s entire body was blown up by the old turtle, but in the next moment, the old turtle suddenly exclaimed “Not good!” It seems to have something ominous, so he rushed to escape here as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, when it was about to escape, he heard an indifferent voice: "Old turtle, the organ is too smart The meal counts the life of Qingqing!"

Although the old turtle had heard this, it was a constant escape. The space law around it was like a copper wall. It was impossible to move the space. It was obviously too late to leave the body directly. The Temple of the Undead of Qin Lang has been covered.

"Artifacts... how could it be!"

The eyesight of this old tortoise is really good. Actually, it is an artifact that Qinlang uses, and it looks like Qin Long’s dragon and fierce tiger. There is no injury at all. Under such circumstances, the old turtle knows that he is in danger.

Since this old tortoise is already in the middle of the shackles, Qin Lang finally puts down his heart, and then ordered the fat tiger and the iron skeleton ancestors to kill together. At this time, the "military division" of Evi Sea World has been suppressed by Qin Lang, and this general is also Being trapped in the Temple of the Undead is naturally the best chance to attack the army of the Evi Sea.

Sure enough, when the fat tiger and the beast were once again smashed, the army of the Evi Sea world could no longer flexibly change. Under the fierce attack of the fat tiger and the murderer, the army of the Evi Sea World began. It collapsed, and at this time the elite army of the iron-bone ancestors and the semi-demons also smashed out, speeding up the defeat of the Evi Sea world army.

The Evey Sea World army, which lost its backbone, suddenly fell into a military and could only retreat.

When the Weiwang army of Aiweihai World was completely defeated, Qin Lang ordered the fat tiger and other fierce beasts to return to the imperial city immediately. After all, the main force of the diligent kings of the demon gods has not been defeated. At present, they can only rely on the imperial city to constantly eliminate the demon gods. The Qin Wangjun, who is in charge, is the most stable plan.

In addition, Qin Lang suppressed the tyrants and yin and yang dragon turtles. What is rare is that these two guys have great use for Qin Lang, so Qin Lang decided to return to the city, study it well, and compare the blood of these two guys. Power is motivated.

Returning to the Imperial City, Qin Lang entered the Temple of the Undead and began to pack up the tyrants and the old tortoise.

At this point, this guy is still colliding and struggling in the Temple of the Undead. It seems that it will be able to break away from the shackles of the Temple of the Dead without a burst of bombardment. Instead, the old turtle is very calm and seems to be studying the undead. The mystery of the 1,800 large array in the temple. However, these large arrays are all researched by the gods. The old tortoise is proficient in the formation. I am afraid that it is difficult to see through the mystery. Therefore, if you want to break through, the chances are also very embarrassing, unless the master of Qinlang continues to study it. These arrays.

When Qin Lang entered the Temple of the Undead, he did not directly accept the two hundred and five, but appeared in front of the old turtle, and said to the old turtle: "Jiang Tian counts, Jiang Laotou, can you count yourself now?"

The old tortoise stared at Qin Lang, and his eyes were full of hatred, but then the hatred suddenly disappeared. It gave a sigh: "My name is Tian, ​​but I know that people are not as good as days! Just, I am Jiang Tian The way to calculate, the original is no mistake, but you have the artifact in hand, avoiding my calculations!"

Although it has become a prisoner, this old turtle named Jiang Tian is still so arrogant, and seems to be confident in its own calculation.

"Your calculations are really powerful, but now you have been suppressed by me." Qin Lang smiled. "Your situation is not the real one?"

"I didn't miss my calculations! I said it, just because you have artifacts and evaded the deduction of the Fairy Law!" Jiang Tian is still unwilling to accept defeat.

"You are now in the middle of it."

"That's not the problem that the old man calculated, but it is the power of your shameless person to use the artifact -"

"The best in the middle!"

"I - enough!" Jiang Tian was suffocated by Qin Lang. "Well, I can only admit that you won, then what do you want?"

"Give you a choice." Qin Lang said. "But before you choose, you can see your tyrants first."

Qin Lang grabbed the empty space and immediately grabbed the tyrant as the eagle caught the chicken. Then Qin Lang said to Jiang Tian: "Since your day is very powerful, then I ask you, how will I dispose of you? What about the prince?"

"This... what do you want?" Jiang Tian really does not know the purpose of Qin Lang.

"You are not a day. I will let you calculate, how do I plan to deal with it." Qin Lang asked Jiang Tian.

"You are a despicable human small beast! You have a kind of war with me." This guy was caught by Qin Lang and could not resist, but his mouth was still very arrogant, but the next moment was the undead. When the power of the temple's formation is put on it, it can't continue to mad.

"Jiang Tian calculated, quickly calculate and see how I treat your prince?" Qin Lang is still asking the old turtle, "If you don't calculate, I will immediately start."

"Slow!" Jiang Tian counts this old turtle to know that Qin Lang is playing with it and hegemony, but at this time their situation is indeed the same as the shackles, so it also knows that there is no way to compete with Qin Lang, and can only continue in accordance with the ideas of Qin Lang. Otherwise, the tyrant may die immediately.

"You... you have to torture it, then kill it!" After Jiang Tian calculated it, he came up with an answer that he thought was accurate.

This is indeed the result of Jiang Tian’s calculation, but the tyrants listened to this and couldn’t help but cursing Jiang Tian’s calculation: “You **** old turtle, you are going to curse the prince! No wonder the prince was attacked. At the time, your old turtle is not immediately shot -"

"The answer is accurate!" Qin Lang did not have time to listen to the tyrants to continue to squat, directly slapped on the top of the tyrants, but Qin Lang did not kill the tyrants, but a spur of acupuncture Into the top of the tyrant, suddenly this guy fainted.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ~

In the next moment, Qin Lang shot like a wind. In an instant, all kinds of gas needles were inserted in the whole body of the tyrants. It seems that he suddenly turned the tyrant into a needle person, and saw that the tyrants were made into such a way. It’s all terrible, and said: “You...this is the one you have won, and we’ve all become your prisoners. How do you want it to be with you!”


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