Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2230: The contradiction that must always be resolved

The coming is still coming.

Although Qin Lang didn't want to get into trouble at this time, he just wanted to ignore the existence of the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Olympus, but the other party never gave him the opportunity. When Qin Lang returned to the Chinese world, these old enemies went to the door. I want Qin Lang to give them an account.

Naturally, there is no need to say anything about the Buddha’s country. Before Qin Lang, he made a lot of noise and suppressed a lot of Buddhist masters. The other one wants to find Qin Lang’s suffocation. If it is not because the Chinese world has Jianmu guards, these The masters of Buddhism are only afraid to have entered the Chinese world.

Today's Tianzhu Buddhism, although still the former Tianzhu country, is completely different from the previous Tianzhu country, and has completely become the sphere of influence of the Buddha world. It is because of the support of the Buddha world. I dare to look at Qin Lang’s troubles so arrogantly.

The Temple of Olympus, formerly known as the secret army of the top white people in the country, has always wanted to override the global colored people, to control the whole world and become the supreme "god", so they are against the Chinese world. Consistent style is to draw and suppress, since it can not be won, of course, it will be suppressed, not to mention the current Chinese world wants to open alone, of course, it is not alright.

Except for the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Olympus, the former Holy See of Europe will not be idle. These three appear at this time, that is, Qin Lang should give them an account and let Qin Lang meet the conditions they proposed. They can get the last benefit from the Chinese world.

"Since you guys have to talk to me, let's talk about it. After this is over, I will share with you." Qin Lang actually knows the meaning of these guys, but Qin Lang does not know, to See how these guys act.

"Qin Lang...Mr. Qin, then we went straight to the point. I am the representative of the Tianzhu Kingdom. Before you made a big loss in the Tianzhu Kingdom, it brought us huge losses, so before the Huaxia World left here, are you? Shouldn’t we compensate our losses first?” The first request was made by an elder of Buddhism in the Tianzhu Kingdom. Although this guy is a Buddhist disciple, it looks like a businessman.

"Well, I can consider it." Qin Lang nodded, a look of good things, and then stared at the other few. "How many of you, what are you asking for?"

"I am Li Yanting, the representative of the Holy See." One of the cardinal figures said, this guy is nominally the Cardinal of the Holy See, but in fact it is a yellow-skinned Chinese, which makes people Very confusing.

"Hey, when did the Cardinal of the Holy See actually have Chinese people?" Qin Lang couldn't help but ask, purely curious.

"Can't you think about it?" The cardinal named Li Yanting snorted. "Before you were against us, let us all suffer a lot. This account is time for you to count."

Qin Lang did not know what Li Yanting was, but it seems that when this guy mentions "seven people", Qin Lang knows the origins of these seven people. This so-called "seven people" is actually the "seven people chamber of commerce". A seven-family family, which is nominally a Chinese, but is not actually doing things for the Chinese nation, is the parasite of the Chinese nation, and then it has become a force of the Holy See. It is no wonder that after the ravages of the world, these seven people People just like people's evaporation, Qin Lang wants to find their suffocation.

At this time, when the Huaxia World was ready to leave this old world and the old system, the people of these seven people suddenly emerged, and they also turned into a camp of the Holy See. This is really interesting.

"Then how do you plan to settle accounts?" Qin Lang's temper seems to be very good, and seems to be compromised under the joint efforts of these major forces.

"It's very simple! To compensate us for the loss of the seven people!" Li Yanting seemed more emboldened at this time. "If Huaxia World wants to leave here, it must be clear that these old accounts are clear. I know that you have many spiritual resources in the Chinese world. These things are just handed over to us. I believe you should not refuse it?"

"This can be considered." Qin Lang's gesture seems to be really ready to compromise. Then, it was natural for the representative of the Temple of Olympus to make a request.

The representative of the Temple of Olympus made a very direct request: "Our Temple of Olympus only needs your scientific and technological resources. I know that the recent technological strength of your Chinese world has been advancing by leaps and bounds. It should be the research technology of the high-tech race in the outer world, so I I need you to share it. Since I used to be a member of the Earth World, I believe that your Chinese world will not be so sorry!"

The representatives of the Temple of Olympus are still so strong. After all, their predecessor is the white elite of the Mi Empire. They are used to long-term arrogance. Of course, it is impossible to change their attitudes and habits for a time. They feel that they want to benefit from the Chinese world. There is no need for any reason. Anyway, the order of the old world has completely collapsed. The Temple of Olympus is now the representative of the theocracy of the "new world." So there is no reason to ask for the benefits of the Chinese world.

After listening to the demands of these representatives, Qin Lang silent for a moment, then pointed his finger at the sky wheel in the sky and calmly asked: "Have you all seen the huge skywheel? Do you know what it means?"

"What does it mean? It is nothing more than the advent of the disaster of heaven and earth." Li Yanting, the bright church of the Holy See, snorted. "In the Bible of our Holy See, we have already foreseen that such a disaster will come. And, let you move to any Local places are incapable of avoiding such disasters. Apart from repenting from the Lord, there is no second way out. Of course, an atheist like you will not know how powerful it is. You Chinese people are all such obsessed people. I am too lazy to pay attention to your life and death, as long as you compensate us."

"Yes, the natural disaster is coming." Qin Lang said calmly. "Do you think that the Lord of the Faith can really do everything? Of course, as you said before, since you are obsessed with it, why should I care about your life and death? Just, you Seven people have been exploiting the Chinese world for hundreds of years, and the benefits are unimaginable. If you really want compensation, then it should be that you compensate us, and we are not compensating you. Is this not the reason?"


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