Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2248: Valle Gufo

"Where the martial arts! You will pay the price soon!"

Wu Tiantian sneered a sneer. He thought that Qin Lang was just a hard mouth. Therefore, he did not agree that he would continue to urge Wu Tiantian to suppress it to Qin Lang. However, when Lei City was about to completely cover Qin Lang, he saw that Qin Lang reached out and pressed to the bottom. Suddenly there was a group of bright light around his body. Then there were two real fairy warriors wearing the fairy armor beside Qin Lang. These two warriors held a giant axe, one holding a big sword and facing the Tian Tian Zun’s Tianlei City greeted him.

Bang! ~

The real fairy warrior with the giant axe blocked the violent Tianlei City, and no matter how the spirit of the Tianlei City released the thunder, it was impossible to shake the giant axe.

puff! ~

At almost the same time, the head of Wuzun Tianzun was smashed by the real fairy warrior holding the giant sword. Although this is the guardian of heaven, but its strength is just like the ordinary true fairy, facing This ancient immortal warrior, who has been through battles, is actually vulnerable.

Of course, it is not that I am too weak, but the two ancient immortals are shot at the same time, and the mutual cooperation is excellent, and I am not prepared enough for the defense, and it is not awkward to die.

Undoubtedly, Qin Lang’s shot was shocked by the monks who were present. Although these monks were strong men from all over the world, why have they seen such horrible mortal warriors?

At this moment, many of the heavenly monks have some hesitation in their hearts. Although they don’t know what Qin Lang used in the "evil law", they can summon two ancient immortals, but no matter how they look at Qin Lang at that time, that one The eyes are already very different.

"The mortal warrior! The Buddha world is not the place where you can let it go! We came here to take the treasure from the life of the Bayeou Buddha. Do you want to compete with the Baye ancient Buddha?" What did the former Buddhist monk begin? The name of the ancient Buddha was carried out to scare Qin Lang.

"What ancient Buddha, I am too lazy to pay attention!" Qin Lang thought of a move, ordered the two ancient immortals to shoot, first to kill this Buddhist monk.

Bang! ~

At this time, there was a loud noise in the sky, as if the sky was suddenly torn, and then I saw a huge palm falling from the sky. This hand also had a "卍" that released thousands of golden lights. The word is extremely windy.

After the arrival of the Buddha's palm, even the two ancient immortals were directly squashed, showing that the master of the Buddha's hand should be the real power of the Buddha world, probably the so-called Baye ancient Buddha.

"The mortal warrior, surrender Lingbao, spare you not to die!"

The palm carrying the boundless power, but did not immediately press down, seems to give Qin Lang a little bit of thinking space, but the owner of the Buddha's palm also showed his tyrannical strength to Qin Lang, if Qin Lang did not agree, then immediately There is a disaster.

As for other monks from the world of the heavens, they know that this situation is very unfavorable for them, because the Baye ancient Buddha has already intervened, and in the Buddha world, all the famous ancient Buddhas are extremely tyrannical. Its strength has been comparable to the Jinxian giant 仙 in the fairy world, so tyrannical existence, who dares to easily provoke?

In fact, this Valle Gufo originally did not predict that there would be a sacred treasure in it. After all, things like the innate Lingbao are difficult to be sensed and seen, even if Jiang Tian’s innate yin and yang gossip, You can only figure out a vague thing. You must know that this congenital yin and yang gossip is also an innate technique, and you can even figure out some vague things in the future.

But at this time, for Baye Gufo, it was a near-water platform, because this area was regarded as his "land", so he was prepared to deal with this matter quietly, and smoothly get Lingbao, as for the rest. Those monks from the world of the world, Valle Gudfo will completely wash away their memories, and if necessary, he will even kill these guys completely, but once the war is caused, it is a little troublesome.

Qin Lang certainly knows that this Valle Gu Buddha is not so easy to deal with. Although Qin Lang’s current strength is far stronger than the ordinary true immortals and true Buddhas, but still have to compete with the Buddha giants like Baye Gu Buddha, there are still Then some gaps.

However, Qin Lang is not afraid, because he already has a source of the word, and this source word and Qin Lang's undead temple can complement each other, can release the power of Qin Lang's artifacts to the maximum extent.

In addition, although this Buddha's bone desert is the "land" of the Bayeou Buddha, Qin Lang is here to truly have the advantage of "land advantage". This is because Qin Lang has the word "death" in the original word, this is not A word is so simple, but it represents the origin of death. The reason why the monks of Qinlang and the worlds of the world were involved in the ancient battlefield of the Buddha, but also with those ghosts of time, is not because someone deliberately arranged such a horrible array, but because it represents the origin of the word The power of that stone book.

The word "dead" in the original word has the right to control the deceased, and it is the absolute dominance! As long as the skeleton or soul of the deceased does not completely disappear, the word "death" of the original word can control them, which is why Qin Lang can summon two ancient immortals for his use.

Here is the battlefield of the ancient Xianfo. Here is the desert of Buddhism. Naturally, it means that there are countless buddhas and bones, which means that Qinlang can “awake” countless time ghosts. This is probably the ancient Buddha of Baye. Unpredictable things.

"Baye Gufo, do you really think that you can suppress me with one hand? I can't think of an ancient Buddha like you, it would be so naive!" Qin Lang sneered at the palm of the hand above the head.

"The mortal warrior, probably you still don't know what is called 'hands to cover the sky'! But today you are fortunate enough to see it!" Valle Gufo responded to Qin Lang, and then his Buddha's palm was overwhelmed, and Sure enough, there is a huge power that has fallen from the sky.

"The ghost of the Buddha world, come out!" Qin Lang used the word of the original source to summon the Buddha masters under the Buddha's bones desert. After these masters of the Buddha world appeared, they suddenly shot a palm in the sky.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

In an instant, in the sky above Qin Lang, all of them are the Buddha's palms that brave the golden light of "卍". Although the Baye ancient Buddha is tyrannical, it is naturally impossible to suppress so many ancient Buddhas with one hand, and his giant Buddha's palm is finally defeated. However, after all, Baye Gufo is one of the giants of the Buddha world. Naturally, it is impossible to count it, so when his giant Buddha's palm disappears, his golden Buddha's body appears here.


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