Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2296: a supplement

Here is the kingdom of the gods of Qin Lang, and this kingdom of gods is formed in the fairy world, and at the same time accommodates the law of fairy tales. Therefore, although the kingdoms of Qin Lang are far from reaching the most powerful state, the strength of Qin Lang is It is much stronger than the estimated size of the church, and Qin Lang still has his own killer:

The Temple of the Undead and the Word of Death.

The Temple of the Undead, this is a real artifact after all, and artifacts and gods are things that complement each other. In the hands of the real creatures, the artifacts can exert the most powerful power; and the artifacts in the hands of the gods can show the grace of the true God.

The sacred body must be unexpected. Qin Lang has already had a real artifact, and this artifact is still Qinlang’s life-threatening artifact, which means that the Temple of the Undead can move freely in the hands of Qin Lang, and it is almost impossible to be taken away. It is even more unlikely that there will be any flaws left to the other party.

Since Qin Lang became the kingdom of the gods, the Temple of the Undead can be fully integrated into the kingdom of Qin Lang. Therefore, when the sacred body is given to Qin Lang, it is actually competing with the Temple of the Undead, but Qin Lang did not completely The power of the Temple of the Undead is urging.

At the last moment, you must not easily show your own cards. This principle is clearly clear.

Therefore, whether it is the undead temple or the power of the original dead word, Qin Lang has not fully used it. Until this moment, in order to completely cut off the connection between the sacred body and its body, Qin Lang finally used the power of the undead temple and the original dead word.

Qinlang’s Shinto cultivation is certainly impossible to strengthen the cross than the holy church. However, after Qin Lang and the power of the Temple of the Undead, although it still cannot compete with the body of the church, it can at least suppress the sacred body, and add the original dead word. Qin Lang is enough to stabilize the ticket.

The power of the original dead word, this is from the eternal Tianlun disk, beyond the power of any law of the heavens. No matter what the church is, it is impossible to have the power to transcend the eternal day, not to mention the sacred body.

Qin Lang used the Temple of the Undead and the dead words of the original source, and finally succeeded in cutting off the connection between the sacred body and its body.

"This...this is impossible! How can you cultivate your realm, how can you break my connection with the sanctuary! I am an invincible existence, impossible to be defeated by you..."

Losing the "blessing" of the sacred body, this sacred hall began to hysterically, because it finally felt the end of the day, lost the sanctuary and support of the sacred body, this avatar wants to compete with Qin Lang, then It is simply to hit the stone with an egg.

What's more, this sacred sect is now trapped in the kingdom of Qin Lang's gods, which is equivalent to being trapped in the temple of the undead in Qin Lang.

At this time, the 1,800 lore in the Temple of the Undead has been spurred, not only to cut off the connection between the sacred body and the body, but also to transform it into undead creatures. As Qin Lang said before, even if it is just a body, he can turn it into an undead creature and continue to use it.

Qin Lang estimates that the body of the church should be an artifact, or may be a strange Shinto practitioner. No matter what its identity, this guy should have a deep understanding of Shinto practice, otherwise it would be impossible to use the Shindo law chain before. To deal with Qin Lang. However, it never imagined that the Shinto law chain not only did not work, but its avatar fell here.

After the loneliness of the Temple of the Undead began to function, the sacred body was gradually suppressed by the power of this artifact. At this time, the sacred body realized that Qin Lang had an artifact in his body and was not willing to scream: "Hey! I really can't think of it, you can also have artifacts in this area of ​​human warrior, how can the gods be unfair! Ah... or the artifact of this life, this is even more impossible!"

The cognition of the sacred body has been repeatedly subverted. As it gets deeper and deeper into the predicament, it becomes more and more aware of the terrible Qinlang, but no matter whether it is the fairy or the gods, there will be no regrets, so this The sacred corps can only watch as it is swallowed up by the lore of the undead temple.

This sanctuary naturally tries to struggle and resist, and even madly attacking the kingdoms of Qin Lang, probably thinking that they can play a channel fortunately, but unfortunately, this dying struggle simply does not help, and loses the ontology. The support, the power of the sacred sect is naturally weaker, and because the kingdom of Qin Lang is integrated into the Temple of the Undead, it can be described as indestructible. This sacred body is finally exhausted, and it is used by Qin Lang to use the Temple of the Undead. The array was pressed against the town.

At this time, Qin Lang once again appeared in front of the sacred priest, and said to the sacred temple: "Now, you should have nothing to say?"

"There is nothing to say!" The church was cold and screamed. "I really can't think of it. I will lose to you such a mortal warrior! But it doesn't matter. When my body comes to this world, you and this so-called The end of the Chinese world is here! No matter how strong you are, you can't resist the crushing of the church, let alone the Lord God! The Lord God is the only true God. In front of him, you are so weak and poor! It is the same as the ants."

"Oh... if you think so, it would be better. Because you used to treat me like this before, but what happened?" Qin Lang smiled faintly, disapproving of it. In fact, he really didn't mind being small. Look and scorn, because the more the opponent looks down and scorns him, the more chance he will get rid of each other.

After saying this, Qin Lang immediately started, he will not give opponents a chance. Although relying on the dead temple and the original source of death, Qin Lang is suppressing this sacred body, but if the body of the church comes, Qin Lang may only be able to escape the wind.

The combination of the 1,800 lore of the Undead Temple and the power of the dead letter completely suppressed this sacred body, but Qin Lang still couldn’t rest assured that it was a bit weird, and Qin Lang didn’t want to The culvert overturned the ship, so Qin Lang did not just suppress it. Instead, it completely decomposed the sacred body and turned it into a pure element, and finally absorbed it directly.

In absorbing this sacred priest, Qin Lang also had some understanding of the sacred church, because Qin Lang felt the existence of the Shinto law from the vitality left by the sacred temple, which shows that the sacred church is definitely not a fairy, but It may be a powerful artifact.

Of course, it is only Qin Lang’s guess based on the actual situation. As for whether the body of the church is an artifact, the present Qin Lang is still uncertain.

However, the Shinto law left from the sacred sect has many advantages for Qin Lang, and deepens Qin Lang's understanding of Shinto practice. Although Qin Lang is now a **** country, on the road of Shinto, Qin Lang still needs more understanding and practice. Now, with the realm of Qin Lang, on the road of Shinto, I can only barely count from the first step to the entrance to the room, but I don’t know how much distance there is until I reach the peak.


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