Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2331: Conquering aliens

The Dragon Snake Legion’s quest for a fearful family quickly spread throughout the Chinese world.

Since the advent of these days, the mentality of the people in the Chinese world has changed at any time. Any creature, especially a smart creature, is able to adapt quickly to changes in the environment and the situation. This is a basic condition that a creature can continue. The reason why the Terran can dominate the Earth World is because people can better adapt to environmental changes.

Many people have said that mice and cockroaches are the most adaptable creatures. In fact, this is obviously not true. It is no exaggeration to say that after the destruction of the earth world, cockroaches and mice must not continue to breed, and it is useless to leave them with dozens or dozens of scorpions. If there is no end of the nest, if a creature can't get rid of its own environment, then no matter how powerful the fertility and adaptability, it is meaningless.

The reason why the Huaxia Terran can go to the present is because it can constantly adapt to changes in the environment, and can constantly improve its own strength, because strength is also a kind of adaptability. Since the advent of the catastrophe, the Chinese people's mentality has reached an unprecedented strength, completely rid of the inferiority mentality of the black iron race, and now has moved toward the standard of the "Protos".

In fact, in a sense, the Huaxia Terran was originally a descendant of the "Protoss". Because the ancestors of the Chinese race, the creatures of the half-human and the half-snake, actually came from the last universe, and could cross the universe of the universe. It is no exaggeration for the "Protos". Unfortunately, the Chinese race is the failure gene of the "Sita".

Of course, in addition to Huaxia Shenlong and Jianmu, Qin Lang did not tell anyone else about the origins of the Chinese race. Because of the product of the failure gene, this fact does not increase the morale of the Chinese people, so these things, Qin Lang thinks that he Knowing is enough.

In today's China World, the morale is unprecedentedly high. It can be said that everyone is a dragon. When the Chinese army is going to retaliate against the feared people, countless people are happy, because now everyone understands the current situation and knows The Huaxia World can no longer encounter the terrorist incident that was invaded by the Zhongtian World. The only way to avoid being baptized by human blood is to wash the enemy's blood. This is the embodiment of self-confidence and pride as a "Protos".

Therefore, this time, Qin Lang launched the retaliatory action, which was dispatched by the elite soldiers of the Huaxia Army. On the one hand, it is because these people need better combat to enhance their strength, and on the other hand, they are also trying to open up the Huaxia Protoss to the Chinese people. path of.

Through the chicken and dog ascending to become the Chinese soldiers of the true immortal, these people have now become the real "immortal people", according to the truth should be a part of the fairy world, but these people, like Qin Lang, although entered the fairy world, but saw It is not the beautiful side of the fairy world, but the cruel and even cruel side. These people enter the fairy world, and it is nothing more than the fairy tales of the immortal world, the rootless ping, but it is the existence of other foods by other immortals. If they are not desperately protected by the gods, they cannot live back to the Chinese world. .

Of course, these experiences not only made the warriors of the Chinese Legion Group understand the true colors of the fairy world, but also strengthened their strong sense of belonging and pride to the Chinese world. They would not think that they would be proud of being immortal, but instead become A member of the Huaxia World feels glorious and proud, just like Qin Lang.

Through the ladder artifact, Qin Lang and his party successfully reached a certain "base" of the terrorist family. The so-called stronghold is actually a planet base of the terrorist family. As a royal thug of the Apocalypse Empire, the fearful family is in the heavens. There are many strongholds in various places, all of which are designed to help the Apocalypse Empire build their colonies. Even before the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the forces of the Apocalypse Empire have crossed many galaxies, and countless intellectual races and many worlds are under the enslavement of the Apocalyptic Empire. Of course, Qin Lang does not think that there is anything wrong with the colonial means of the Apocalypse Empire. The weak meat is the most basic law in the universe. The apocalyptic empire has its own sphere of influence. This is true in itself. At least the creatures inside the apocalyptic empire will inevitably be empire. Strong and proud. The real problem is that the Apocalypse Empire should not play the idea of ​​the Chinese world. This is the place that really makes Qin Lang very uncomfortable.

Since it is a disaster in the heavens, Qin Lang is not a fraternal person. Of course he will not mind that the Apocalypse Empire is going to war everywhere. He does not mind that the fairy world is everywhere. After all, what other races do, has little to do with him, but the other party actually has an idea. Hit the Chinese world and the head of Qinlang, then there is no room for this, and the final result is one -

You die and live!

Since the catastrophe of heaven and earth, Qin Lang and Huaxia World have experienced too many battles. Whether it is fighting with aliens or some ethnic groups in the original Earth World, Qin Lang’s attitude towards the enemy is the same. When Qin Lang dealt with the "pseudo-god" of the Temple of Olympus, and the brainwashed believers of the Holy See, Qin Lang never had a soft heart.

Since the Terran who dealt with the original Earth World would not be soft-hearted, Qin Lang would not be merciful to deal with the aliens.

Although Tumeng has now successfully created space transmission technology products such as space connection bridges, since the Apocalypse Empire is a model of strong technology, Qinlang certainly will not use Tumeng’s technology products, because it is easy to be feared. It was found that the use of the ladder artifact is more concealed.

Qin Lang’s judgment was correct. Until Qin Lang and others launched the attack, the fearful group realized that they had been attacked and flew from their planet bases in spaceships. Then they launched a counterattack against Qin Lang’s team. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the battle immediately entered a state of heat.

The Chinese side of the world, although a small number, is definitely an elite among the elites, and Qin Lang also summons some time ghosts from the Temple of the Undead to fight for them. Most of these time ghosts are ancient immortals and ancient Buddhas. The Xianwu soldiers of the Dragon God Corps fought and even died for the Dragon Warriors of the Dragon Snakes. No way, for Qin Lang, these Xianwu soldiers of the Dragon Snake Legion are too expensive, and one loss will not work. This time, Qin Lang attacked the terrorists, just want to experience these Xianwu warriors, instead of asking them to be here. Sacrifice, only their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the Chinese world has hope to survive the **** days of catastrophe, and hope to continue the Chinese race.


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