Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2342: Battle layout

The endless sea in the hands of Peng Tian, ​​gives the impression that it is a weapon, a horrible killer, but now used by Qin Lang in his hands, it seems to be just a defensive tool, especially in Qinlang. At the time, this endless sea is like a still water, and it is not shocking, and people can’t feel a little bit of murder. And this is the horror of the endless sea. When it is completely devoid of murderousness, it is the most terrible time of the endless sea, because once it is caught in the sea of ​​endless sea, everything is finished!

Qin Lang controlled the range of the endless sea within three feet of the body, making these endless sea waters become invisible shields around his body, blocking the singer's singer's blow. At first glance, Qin Lang used the "sickle boxing" to block the fearful person's chosen person. In fact, Qin Lang used the endless sea to absorb some of the power of the feared person's chosen person, and it was completed silently.

The technique of motion and quiet to control the endless sea can perfectly hide its murderousness. If Peng Tian can understand this at the beginning, it may bring more trouble to Qin Lang.

At this time, the singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s singer’s slashing Qin Lang launched an attack. After all, the ghost of this horrible person can continuously extract strength from the void, which can cause it to continue to erupt, even if it encounters the strength of its strength or slightly stronger. Killed by this feared person, because this can always be in the most powerful attack state.

But this horrible candidate is unfortunate today, because it encounters Qin Lang, Qin Lang is also a perverted figure, and Qin Lang can also continue to open the "metamorphosis" mode, Qin Lang can also continue the tyrannical posture, so In this respect, this fearful person has no advantage at all, and this guy continues to hold the idea of ​​invincibility, and the final result must be ravaged by Qin Lang.

When the singer hits and hits a single blow, the horror of this horrific family immediately withdraws his tail and prepares to kill Qin Lang with a stronger posture. It believes that under the violent attack, Qin Lang can support for a while. But it is also impossible to support for too long. But when this horrific candidate picked up its tail, he did not notice that it had taken some endless sea water from Qin Lang.

The knife cuts off the water and flows more!

The tail of the chosen man is like a blade, and the blade is detached from the sea of ​​endless seas. It seems to open the endless sea, but does not want the sea of ​​endless sea to stick to its "blade".

After the fearful naturals pulled back the "tail", they screamed and then slammed toward Qin in a stronger posture.

Bang! ~

Qin Lang did not move, nor did he dodge. He attacked the celestial scorpion with a sickle punch. In fact, Qin Lang had no way to dodge. The speed of the winner was too fast, and it was too late to want to dodge.

Since the speed of the winners has almost reached the limit, Qin Lang is too lazy to compete with each other. Therefore, Qin Lang adopts the method of static braking, which completely keeps himself in a static state. Only when he is shot, Qin Lang Will move, there is absolutely no extra action, because any extra action will only weaken Qin Lang's strength and affect Qin Lang's state of mind.

Even the endless sea water around Qin Lang’s body is also in a state of tranquility. There is absolutely no trace of turmoil. Only when the heavenly candidate “sucks the knife”, a little bit or a few endless seas of water will stick to it. Above the tail of this heavenly candidate, because the endless sea water stuck on its tail did not have any adverse effects, this fearful natural selection did not take it for granted, and continued to compete with Qin Lang in a crazy posture.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The attack of the feared man is more fierce. This guy is purely venting its inexhaustible explosive power, and the opponent is Qin Lang. If this opponent is other, he is afraid that he will be smashed into scum by this feared person. It is.

The attacks on both sides are like lightning and thunder, and the voids around them are shattered. No one else can intervene in the battle between the two. Only some real strong players can see the two hands, and the rest, even Dreams can't see the scene of the two fighting, let alone comment.

The fearful person can be described as the Vietnam War, the more violent, the more mad, the more mad, seems to have fully grasped the upper hand, and Qin Lang seems to have been suppressed, the Dragon Snakes of the Dragon Snakes have begun to worry about Qin Lang, but this When they can't interfere in the fight between the two sides, they can only be anxious.

Only Jianmu and Huaxia Shenlong, but not worried about Qin Lang, especially Jianmu, it saw that Qin Lang has fully realized the spirit of the movement, the will of Jianmu has been secretly admired, since Qin Lang has reached absolute In a static state, then it is in an invincible position. In this case, since Qin Lang is unbeaten, then the natural failure is the opponent.

After a crazy attack, the fearful person finally found the abnormal place: although it is getting more and more fierce, it feels that the pressure it has encountered is getting bigger and bigger, so that its attack is not so smooth. !

At first, this fearful person was not aware of it. Because it was in a violent state, it did not think that it would lose itself. Instead, it was determined that it would be able to suppress Qin Lang, so at first it did not notice this change until The more it attacks Qin Lang, the pressure it feels is getting bigger and bigger. Every time it launches the "Zhen Xian strike", it seems that the energy consumed is also more. At this time, the fearful person chooses to realize that the situation is not right.

Compared with the general idea of ​​this horrible candidate, Qin Lang’s control over the battle is almost microscopic. Any change in the battlefield is in the sense of Qin Lang. In the static state, he can fully capture the battlefield. Any slight changes in the above, and make some subtle adjustments based on changes in the battlefield situation.

The fear of the natural selection of the madman attack, Qin Lang seems to be only in the passive defense, but in fact Qin Lang's counterattack has already begun, Qin Lang just glued a little endless sea of ​​water to the fear of the natural person, but these The sea of ​​endless seas is like a super-bubble. It begins to draw strength from the feared people, and feeds these elements back to Qin Lang. Although these forces are nothing compared to the huge strength of the terrorists. But the accumulation is much less, especially when the winners are fighting crazy with Qin Lang, any small problems can have terrible consequences.

When Qin Lang’s layout was completed, it was obviously late when the day’s chosen person noticed that the situation was not right!


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