Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2355: Heart of heaven

The planet of the Apocalypse Empire will be named "Heart of Heaven", but the name is also good, very in line with the arrogance and arrogance of the Apocalypse Empire, and this planet is red, so is the color of the heart, it seems that they are I feel that the Apocalypse Empire is the heart of the universe.

At this time, the three colds of the cold have been too nervous, it seems that their mission is to come here to investigate the news about the Apocalypse Empire, but their heart is indeed very afraid of the Apocalypse Empire, this feeling should be very contradictory.

Now, Qin Lang is still far away from the planet where the Apocalypse Empire is located. He is far away from seeing the creatures on the planet, but the reason tells Qin Lang that he cannot continue to approach.

The gods of heaven are the sites of the Apocalypse Empire. Although the forces of the Apocalypse Empire are not spread all over the heavens, their empire is really strong. From afar, Qin Lang feels that the strength of the Apocalypse Empire is simply amazingly powerful. Imagine!

"You take a break for a while." Qin Lang took the old three evils into his own kingdom of gods. At this time, Qin Lang needs to think about how to enter the Apocalypse Empire.

In addition, Qin Lang still needs to prepare to let his strength be at its peak.

At this time, Qin Lang still misses some of his undead temples. If it is not Xiao Xiao, this guy has damaged his undead temple, then there is an artifact to defend himself, and the odds should be bigger.

Since he is temporarily unable to get close to the Apocalypse Empire, Qin Lang is still lurking on a barren planet nearby. On the one hand, he considers the plan, on the one hand, he upgrades his own strength, so that he can let him enter the Apocalypse Empire and live a little more.

This feeling seems to be "long people's ambition to destroy their own prestige", but Qin Lang knows that his judgment can not be wrong, the strength of the Apocalypse Empire is really not weaker than the fairy world, it is really a bad sight, now Qin Lang is only far away I saw the Apocalypse Empire, but he can be sure that the strength of the Apocalypse Empire is not weaker than the fairy world.

It seems that it is not so easy to resolve the dispute with the Apocalypse Empire. More and more close to the Apocalypse Empire, the greater the pressure felt by Qin Lang, not to mention the three colds, although these three old devils can be regarded as the old demon of the realm, but the courage to the Apocalypse Empire is gone. .

It’s not because the guts of the Three Colds are too small, but because they really feel the strong crush from the Apocalypse Empire – perhaps it’s a “pressure”, and this kind of power is also there, so it’s like A poor man will enter the palace one day, facing the palace's Qionglou Yuyu and the mighty guards, will inevitably feel an unspeakable pressure, even if the guards of these palaces are not hostile to him.

The more the monks with deeper realms, the more sensitive they are to the whole body. The reason why the Three Devils are so jealous of the Apocalypse Empire is that they have sensed the strong pressure from the Apocalypse Empire. Similarly, Qin Lang will feel such pressure.

But in any case, Qin Lang is still ready to venture into the Apocalypse Empire, but now is not the time, he needs to make a careful plan, and he also needs to promote his state to the extreme, so that his strength is at its peak.

Qin Lang is now on a ridiculous planet, while adjusting his own strength, while thinking about his plans.

At this time, Qin Lang did not notice that Xiaoqi’s guy was actually playing the idea of ​​Qinlang’s Temple of the Undead. This may be because Xiao Xiao is very curious about the artifact, because the artifact is probably in addition to the eternal material in the heavens. The most "nutritious" thing, so this guy's idea of ​​playing artifacts is a matter of course. Moreover, since the Temple of the Undead has been damaged by Otaru, Qin Lang has not had the time and energy to repair it.

However, Xiao Yan’s action eventually caused Qin Lang’s idea. He saw that Xiao Yan had eaten half of the Temple of the Undead. At this time, everything was too late for Qin Lang, so in addition to deploring, Qin Lang was helpless. It is.

Looking at the remaining half of the artifact, Qin Lang can only throw it to Xiao Xiao: "Let you eat enough at once! Oh, my artifact!"

Although the artifact was eaten by Xiaoyan, but Qin Lang thinks that good can also add a little strength to Xiaoyan, in that case, Xiaoyan can at least improve some strength, which is a little comfort for Qin Lang.

However, the next thing was somewhat ridiculous. After Xiaoyan swallowed the remaining half of the artifact, Qin Lang originally thought that it would eat the "dess" of the undead temple, and Qin Lang also made the final preparation. The result was that Qin Lang never thought that Xiao Yan would spit out the undead temple, and when Xiao Xiao spit out the temple of the undead, Qin Lang discovered that the temple of the undead has been repaired!

The Temple of the Undead, the damaged place, was completely repaired!

Before the power is better!

Such a change, so Qin Lang really did not expect, this is simply a surprise surprise!

It is a pity that Xiao Yan still can't communicate with Qin Lang in language. Otherwise, Qin Lang would like to thank him very much. By the way, talk to him about how to repair the Temple of the Undead.

Of course, since Otaru can digest the artifact, it naturally means that it has the potential to repair the artifact, which at least proves that it can destroy the Shinto law, and of course it can be quenched.

To repair the artifact, it is necessary to use the Shinto rule to quench. Before Qin Lang certainly did not think that Xiao Xiao knew the Shinto law, this guy seems to be able to swallow and destroy in the impression of Qin Lang, and has no other ability. However, this time, Xiaolang made Qin Lang look impressive. This little guy really was quite good, and he brought such unexpected surprise to Qin Lang.

If Xiao Yan can both devour and disintegrate artifacts, or repair artifacts, it is really a good baby.

Suppressing the surprise of the heart, Qin Lang tried to provoke the Temple of the Undead. Sure enough, this Temple of the Undead is in good condition, and the quality seems to go even further!

"Good! Good! Good!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but scream for three sounds. It can be said that he can't help himself. Who ever thought that this broken artifact could be repaired so easily, it means that Xiaoyan has better and greater use, but Qin Lang has not yet discovered it.

The Temple of the Undead has been restored, and the strength of Qin Lang has naturally increased greatly. After the restoration of the Temple of the Undead, Qin Lang can integrate the two artifacts of the Endless Sea and the Temple of the Undead, which is more infinitely powerful and more powerful.

At this time, if Qin Lang enters the Apocalypse Empire, it will be a bit more secure.


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