Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2360: Buddha Pirate One

What really makes sense to Fu Xin is a spaceship in this supply base. Fu Xinxin calls it "Buddha No.1".

The spacecraft, which looks like a pirate ship, is actually a spaceship and a spacecraft that combines metaphysics and technological civilization.

Although Fu Xinxin once had many spaceships in his life, this Buddha Pirate No. 1 is of great significance to her, because this is a spaceship she personally built, incorporating her many efforts, and of course her favorite one. spaceship.

When Fu Xin’s heart fell, if there was any regret, then the only regret was that he could not die on this ship, because as the owner and captain of this ship, she had affection for this ship. Now Fu Xinxin has returned to this ship again, and the regrets of his heart are no longer there, so she thinks this is probably the so-called God.

Qin Lang certainly knows that this ship has special significance for Fu Xinxin. However, at this time, Qin Lang has no time to talk with Fu Xinxin. At this time, Qin Lang needs Fu Xinxin to start working immediately because he does not have much time. waste.

Returning to the boat, Fu Xinxin's temperament has changed. Just like the automatic entry into the captain mode, the whole person becomes very calm and confident, and it seems that everything is under her control.

Although the progress of the matter is relatively smooth, but Fu Xinxin's spaceship still has some problems: energy is not enough!

After all, the time is too long, so the energy of this spacecraft has been exhausted, and now it needs to be supplemented.

Of course, since this is Fu's heart supply base, naturally there will be sufficient supplies, but Fu Xinxin sighs when preparing for the supply: "If there is a star beast!"

This sentence was heard by Qin Lang in the ear, so Qin Lang asked: "You need a star beast to do something, if you really need it, I have a star beast here."

"What! Does Mr. really have a star beast?" Fu Xin said. "I used to want to hunt a star beast as the energy supply for this spaceship. As a result, the star beast was unsuccessful, but it was the minion of the Apocalypse Empire. For the siege - in short, if there is a star beast, this spacecraft is perfect, because there is no need to worry about the source of energy, the star beast can make energy supply by himself."

"But it is just a star beast. Of course I have it." Qin Lang just conquered a star beast, and this time can come in handy.

This ship of Fu Xinxin was originally the result of the fusion of the two civilizations of metaphysics and science. It is not strange to use a star beast as an energy source. Anyway, as long as Fu Xinxin can achieve the goal he wants.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang put the small star into the cabin of the spacecraft, the whole spacecraft lit up after a while, and Fu Xinxin invited Qin Lang to board the ship, and then drove the spacecraft out of the supply base.

After the spacecraft took off, Fu Xinxin gave Qin Lang an overview of the characteristics of the spacecraft, including energy shields, invisible shields, space jumping equipment, etc. Although Qin Lang did not have much interest in technology products, he did not care much about Fu. There is a great interest in the things about the devil's emperor's pattern, because there is a ghost emperor on this spaceship, which shows that Fu Xinxin naturally has a lot of research on the devil's emperor.

"Fu Yuxin, it seems that you have a research on the ghost emperor pattern?" Qin Lang asked.

"I did study it, although the monks in the realm of the real world called these emperors as ghosts, but I always thought that these emperors were powerful, and after years of research, I finally found some emperors. Mystery, these emperors seem to be more mysterious and more powerful than our monk's runes."

"I agree that the imitation of the Apocalypse Empire is indeed a great invention. This thing has a very powerful force. Some terrorist warriors are very powerful because of this."

"Mr. is the chosen man of terror?"

"Do you know the fearful person?" Qin Lang realized that this Fu Xin heart knows a lot.

"Well, when I fell, there were two heavenly candidates who besieged me." Fu Xinxin sighed. "The fearful person is indeed a very powerful fighter, especially their 'Zhu Xianyi' It’s even more amazing! If it’s not because of the two feared people, I won’t fall so easily.”

"You are actually entangled by two heavenly candidates, then you will not be embarrassed when you fall." Qin Lang smiled. "However, I am here to hold a fearful person, if you want to take it. It doesn't matter if you vent."

"Mr., I laughed. Although I was besieged by the feared people, I don't hate them. It's just that I haven't cultivated enough. As a monk, there is still such a consciousness. However, the fear of people's elections. The power of the emperor is indeed very strong. So far, I have not fully understood the true source of power of these emperors." Fu Xin said with no worries, there is no such concept of hatred.

"Don't look at me, although I have caught a fearful person, but I don't know much about the ghosts, but I know the power of the people. I still know something about this thing. I think the emperor should be A singular circuit, or microcircuit, can be used for both macro and micro circuits... Hey, should you know the circuit?” Qin Lang explained the principle of the emperor with Fu Xing’s knowledge of the circuit, but suddenly thought of Fu. The heart is the monk of Buddhism, and it seems that it may not know the circuit.

"Know." Fu Xinxin's answer was to make Qin Lang feel a little surprised. She actually knew the concept of circuits, microcircuits and biological circuits. It seems that this female Buddha thief really has Huigen, but unfortunately, like the God of Heaven, it is "British death", or they are also one of the objects of the calculation.

Fu Xinxin not only knows the circuit, but also knows it very well. Even more scientifically than Qin Lang’s scientific knowledge. After Fu’s explanation, Qin Lang knows that Fu Xinxin has robbed many Apocalyptic technocratic weapons, so The science and technology products of the Apocalypse Empire also have a lot of research, and the research on the science and technology products of the Apocalypse Empire naturally requires learning some scientific and technological knowledge. Therefore, Fu Xinxin is also self-taught.

"I don't think of it, you are also a Buddhist genius. Not only are you proficient in Buddhism, but you also have such a profound study of the science and civilization of the Apocalypse Empire." Qin Lang praised it.

"It’s all forced by the situation." Fu Xin said faintly, "The materials and weapons of the apocalyptic empire that I plundered are all transferred to other world races. If I don’t understand these things, these things are fundamental. Can't sell it."


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