Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2400: Philharmonic Tower

Although Qin Lang and Fu Xinxin were shocked by the beauty here, they were only a moment. The next moment they remembered the goal here. Fu Xinxin took out the secret map that Tieheng gave her. This electronic map also passed. Specially encrypted, only when you enter the Apocalypse Holy City, will it trigger the opening conditions, the entire map will be revealed. Once Fu Yuxin and Qin Lang sneak into the failure, this map will naturally disappear or be automatically deleted.

Tieheng was extremely careful, and he decided to move forward. This reminded Qin Lang of the politicians who used to be intriguing in the earth world. Tie Heng’s behavior was exactly the same as these guys. It was just like a model.

With the electronic map, then Qin Lang and Fu Xinxin naturally went to the location on the map - the Philharmonic Tower.

Just listening to this name, Qin Lang thought that this place should be a tower, but the result was that Qin Lang was completely unexpected. The Philharmonic Tower was just a library. For the existence of the Apocalypse Empire, it is very strange to have a library. After all, their technology culture has reached a very high level. There is no need to use reading to learn knowledge. It only needs to pass the spirit. Communication and learning are enough.

Therefore, this Philharmonic sage tower is actually like a book museum, and it is an old book museum. There are very few "people" coming and going. However, this is probably the reason why Tie Heng wants Fu to come here.

Although this old library has no appeal to the intelligent creatures of the Apocalypse Empire, after all, they have a unique spiritual network that can complete any learning and communication through the spiritual network, and the efficiency is thousands of times higher than reading books. Times. However, the attraction of this library to Qin Lang is simply too great!

Because in this Philharmonic sage tower, all the reservations are the books that the Apocalypse empire has handed down in ancient times. These books can be preserved to this day. Of course, they are very valuable books, at least with historical artifacts. This is like if humans have evolved for another 10,000 years and 100,000 years, then today's books will become "old antiques", but only some classics can be preserved for a long time, because of the value of reservations.

In the Philharmonic Sacred Pagoda, what remains is the various "historical episodes" left by the Apocalypse Empire in ancient times. Naturally, there are countless great works, so there will be the title of "Sage Tower". These books are for the wisdom creatures of the Apocalypse Empire. Say, there is not much learning value, but for Qin Lang, this is the real key to his learning of the ghost pattern!

Books and texts represent a process of evolution and evolution of a smart civilization. If a person can read through important books from ancient times to today, he will be able to understand the development process of a nation.

For Qin Lang, this is simply a big hit! The dog is running out!

In addition to the spiritual network of the Apocalypse Empire, this Philharmonic sage tower is the most interesting place for Qin Lang, and even in a sense, this Philharmonic sage is more valuable than the spiritual network.

Therefore, when Fu Yuxin and the "human" connector of the Philharmonic Tower, Qin Lang has already begun to play these books.

After a while, Qin Lang had already had an idea.

When Fu Yuxin's joint was completed, Qin Lang suddenly made a full effort to involve this "librarian" in the Temple of the Undead. Qin Lang did this, and some soldiers were in danger, but fortunately this librarian was not good at fighting, and Unexpectedly, Qin Lang tried his best to deal with it, so he was suddenly involved in the Temple of the Undead. Of course, Qin Lang is not going to kill this guy, and he knows that it is not easy to kill it, so his goal is not this "librarian", but the books in this place are taken away!

Qin Lang suddenly started, so Fu Xin did not think of it, but then Fu Xinxin understood Qin Lang's attempt and whispered: "Mr. Qin, don't you want to continue the task? If you can't finish the task, we can't leave. Apocalypse holy city."

Qin Lang and others were able to enter the Apocalypse Holy City. It was because of the arrangement of Tieheng. Without the careful arrangement of Tieheng, they could not enter here. Similarly, if Qin Lang wanted to leave safely, there would be no help from Tieheng.

"Do you think we can leave safely? Tieheng will not let us leave." Qin Lang said to Fu Xin.

"I know, but we can take a step and see, but you have now disrupted our previous plans." Fu Xinxin reminded Qin Lang.

"Oh... I know that I shouldn’t just disrupt the plan, but these books have a lot of meaning for me, so I have to take them away!" Qin Lang said, "With these things, I may You can completely unlock the secrets of the ghosts."

"If that's the case, then it's worth it." Fu Yan said, "But what do we do next? Continue the mission? Or what?"

"Continue the mission!" Qin Langdao, "continue the mission, but can not let Tie Heng's mission be completed so easily, only the task of Tieheng exposed, the entire Apocalypse holy city is confused, we have the opportunity to leave."

"Yeah." Fu Xinxin also agreed with Qin Lang's point of view.

This apocalyptic holy city is the city that is truly impregnable, because this huge city was built with neutron stars, as strong as an artifact, not to mention that there should be the most sophisticated weapons of the Apocalypse Empire and the powerful of the numerous apocalyptic empire. If you want to fight hard out from here, it is like looking for a dead rhythm.

However, the old saying is being fulfilled: "The most solid city is often broken from the inside." The Holy City of Apocalypse, although indestructible, can be truly foolproof if there are such members as Tieheng who are engaged in ghosts.

"Right, what is the mission of Tieheng? Can we use it?" Qin Lang asked Fu Xinxin.

"It gives us the task of attacking an energy tower. It seems that it is ready to work. We are just a part of its plan." Fu Xinxin certainly knows what Tieheng is going to do. This guy seems to be iron. The heart is going to change the regime. As for attacking the energy tower, it should be to create some commotion and give Tieheng the opportunity to operate the regime.

"Let's make chaos? This is in line with my thoughts." Qin Lang smiled, if it was just to destroy and create chaos, he would be very happy, after all, this is the holy city of Apocalypse, it doesn't matter if it is a pot of porridge.

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