Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2404: Gamble a game

"Hey? What's the difference? It's not being chased by the guards." The red armor generals.

"Although he is fleeing, he has never been caught, so I think he is hiding strength." The general of the blue armor is really eye-catching, and it turns out that Qin Lang is only hiding strength.

"It is impossible to put, in the Apocalypse Holy City, he can hide his strength? Isn't this a death? Of course, he will die." The general of the Red Armor does not think that Qin Lang and Fu Xinxin can escape the pursuit of the guards. .

"Is it? Or else we will make a bet." Blue Warrior General, "Just use your artifact - Fire Dream Blade to gamble?"

"Artifact Fire Dream Blade? What joke are you doing?" The red armor generals said, "The artifact is an artifact, even if it is our family, it is just a collection of a few pieces - unless it promises to marry our family! Be me Wife!"

"Hey? It seems that this is really a big bet." The general of the blue armor, "Although you also know that marriage is just a form. However, since you have already proposed it, then I promised. In this way, we are waiting outside the holy city of Apocalypse. If the guy comes out of the holy city of Apocalypse, we will intercept him. Of course, I also won the bet. If I lose, of course, I will do it according to you."

"Ha! Very good!" The red armor general laughed.


Of course, Qin Lang did not know that he and Fu Xinxin had been used as gambling tools. Of course, at this time, he had no other thoughts. He only wanted to get out of the holy city of Apocalypse and completely get rid of this situation that was chased into a dog.

Moreover, Qin Lang also knows that once Tieheng’s coup is successful, or if the other party completely controls the situation, then he and Fuling West would like to leave here, so Qin Lang’s time is not much, and so far, he has not found Can leave the way here.

Fortunately, at this time, Qin Lang seems to be wandering, but there is no life worry, he knows that this is because he is very low-key, did not cause the real master of the Apocalypse city, so now can be more than enough.

But at this time, the sound of a similar alarm sounded in the holy city of Apocalypse, but in Qin Lang’s view, this is definitely the sound of the death knell, because it means that Tieheng may already be in power, so he and Fu Hao soon The heart will be fully suppressed by the Holy City of Apocalypse.

"Boss! I finally found a weak space node!"

It was at this time that Dan Ling’s little monk finally sensed the weakness of this holy city. Originally, the Apocalypse Holy City was almost impossible to be broken, but the "people" of the Apocalypse Empire had to enter and exit the Apocalypse Holy City, so naturally there is a gateway, that is, the same thing as the city gate. With the gate, it is equal to themselves. Leave some weaknesses to the Holy City of Apocalypse. However, the Apocalypse Empire is quite remarkable after all, so even though they have left the gates, the gates can “disappear” and move at any time. As a result, once the foreigners enter the Apocalypse Holy City, they will leave because they want to leave. The location of the city gate is not certain!

Qin Lang also spent a lot of effort, which was the weakest node of the Holy Spirit by the Danling monk, and the weakest place, naturally, is the place that may be broken and fled.

Through the help of Danling's little monk, Qin Lang also sensed the position of this node, so he ran all the way to the place, and at the same time condensed his strength and attacked the node toward the past.

This is a punch of Qin Lang!

Although there is no opponent, this space node is like the enemy of Qin Lang. If you can't break or tear this, then Qin Lang will completely fall here, without any suspense.

However, Qin Lang’s all-out attack is naturally quite overbearing. Although the Apocalypse Holy City is like an artifact, the weak space nodes are left to be used as gates, so they give Qin Lang the opportunity to break this.

Nowadays, Qin Lang has gradually transformed the small world into the kingdom of the gods, and has completely reached the level of the true God. Therefore, even if the holy city of Apocalypse is comparable to the artifact, Qin Lang can break this artifact a little bit.

Bang! ~

Sure enough, under the full force of Qin Lang, the space node at that place finally loosened. At this time, the Danling monk also grasped the opportunity and directly used the space law to help Qin Lang and Fu Xinxin to move the space.

Peng! ~

The next moment, Qin Lang and Fu Yuxin finally arrived outside the holy city of Apocalypse.

Until this moment, the two talents were completely relieved. Fu Xinxin said with a heart and soul: "Although I know that I am not a living person, the experience just made me feel scared. I can’t think of it, we actually Escaped from the holy city of Apocalypse!"

"Lucky." Qin Lang himself knows that there is some luck. The power of the Holy City of Apocalypse completely exceeds the imagination of Qin Lang. If it is not for the political coup, and the Tianqi Holy City itself is in a mess, Qin Lang and Fu Xin are almost impossible to Escaped inside.

However, the next moment Qin Lang sensed the breath of a strong enemy.

Moreover, Qin Lang felt that the space laws around him were locked.

"Fu Xinxin, I will deal with this battle." Qin Lang let Fu Xinxin go to the Temple of the Undead, ready to deal with the strong enemy.

Unexpectedly, although he escaped from the holy city of Apocalypse, he still caught the attention of the masters of the Apocalypse holy city, and the other party even directly pursued the outside of the holy city of Apocalypse.

Although Qin Lang and Fu Xinxin have left the Apocalypse Holy City, they are still in the underground world of the Heart of Heaven, so unless he repels his opponent, it is still impossible to leave here.

"It seems that I still underestimated the master of the Apocalypse Empire." Qin Lang could not help but sigh, and his eyes fell on the two apocalyptic empire. One of them, wearing a fiery red armor, and the other, wearing a blue armor, gives the impression that it is a fire.

This is very interesting, because according to Qin Lang, most of the armor of the Apocalypse Empire was born in batches, and the shape is basically the same. The most important thing is that the armor of the Apocalypse Empire rarely uses this kind of pure color. Because it is too conspicuous. The solid color armor of these two men, if they stand with the rest of the apocalyptic warriors, will immediately give birth to a sense of standing out, or give people a different feeling.

Special, it means privilege; or it means strong power!

Qin Lang felt that it should be the latter, otherwise he would not come here to intercept him.

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