Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2407: Motley

This land, it is clear that there is time to spend with Qin Lang, so Qin Lang wants to carry out the static braking tactics, it simply does not work, this land is different from the previous Chiron, Qin Lang even wants to anger it No.

Since it is impossible to carry out the tactics of static braking, then Qin Lang can only take the initiative to attack. Since the apocalypse empire these guys did not evaluate Huaxia martial arts, then Qin Lang decided to use martial arts to fight this land.

Hey! ~

Qin Lang casts the 鲲 乾 乾 乾 变 变 变 变 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦In terms of law, Qin Lang's body is definitely more than the apocalyptic warrior and the apocalyptic war. Although Qin Lang's body method is not comparable to the Apocalypse warrior, it is not because his body is not as good as his own body. Instead, Qin Lang's body is more subtle than before. The reason why it was not as good as the Apocalypse warrior is because of the "smelly skin pouch" of the Apocalypse warrior. It has been strengthened by the strength of science and technology and has surpassed the limits of the physical body. After Qin Lang realized the secret of the devil's emperor, he also strengthened his body through the power of the devil's emperor, so his body has surpassed the stinking skin of the Apocalypse Empire. Now Qin Lang once again exerts the transformation of Kunpeng and Kun, which is naturally Another effect.

"Good! Good way!"

Although Qin Lang's body speed is lightning fast, but he can't deceive the eyes of the land, this guy can clearly understand Qin Lang's body movements, and can't help but applaud.

Although Qin Lang did not know why this guy should applaud himself, Qin Lang knew that this guy named Lu Li must be a very difficult character.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang arrived in front of Lu Li, just a boxing out, this guy immediately pulled away and the speed was not inferior to Qin Lang.

"How is it possible!" Qin Lang turned out to be a big surprise!

If it is only a very fast speed, this would not have surprised Qin Lang, but he did not want to leave this guy not only the body speed is very fast, but also the use of the Peng Peng Qiankun body!

"Why, are you surprised?" said the land calmly. "Good things should be shared together. This is the rule of our apocalyptic empire. So we have sent countless 'observers', just to be able to observe the heavens. The world, countless ethnic civilizations and evolution, and draw some excellent things from it. Because of this, our apocalyptic empire can be so large and so strong. As for your martial arts, I think it is good, so I will learn from it."

"You actually steal the teacher directly from me?" Qin Lang stunned, this opponent is too enchanting, and actually can directly understand the essence of the transformation of Qin Peng from Qin Lang's body! You know, this is what Qin Lang created and has undergone numerous improvements to reach this level. How can this guy easily steal school so easily?

"Don't be surprised, this is what I am good at. However, the word "stealing" is used to describe it and it is not too good. I think that good things should be common to everyone." Lu said faintly.

"Sounds good." Qin Lang sneered. "But how much high-tech is the Apocalypse Empire, have you shared it with us?"

"Share, of course we have to share." This guy named Lu Li said in a serious way, "Our Apocalypse Empire is the peak of the technological civilization of the universe. We have been observing and learning all the time. We are also picking and cultivating to join us. Allies of the Apocalyptic Empire, such as the fearful, the Titanic constellation, and the Church of the Great World, are actually our allies, and our Apocalypse Empire has generously shared technology for them—"

"Haha, so to speak, you are all in good faith. Is our dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing the good heart? It seems that our earth world used to belong to the black iron world, so it is impossible to enter your eyes, isn't it?" Qin Lang asked.

"Yes, the black iron world is too backward, and it is indeed not qualified to be our ally." Lu said again, "However, your appearance makes me feel very surprised. In the black iron world, there will be such a battle. Genius, that is also very different."

"Thank you for complimenting." Qin Lang said, "Since you and I both cherish each other, then you don't have to fight this game? So, or else you let me go?"

Since the opponent is so bad to deal with, if it is not necessary, Qin Lang does not want to fight with it. If he can escape peacefully, Qin Lang does not mind to say a few soft words to the other party. Anyway, he will come to Japan in the future.

"Oh, this can't be done, you are the enemy of our apocalyptic empire, do you think I will let you leave so easily?" Lu Yi shook his head. "If you want to leave alive, then you better take out this little thing!"

Speaking of the latter, this tone of the land is already very serious. It seems that it attaches great importance to this battle, so it is impossible for Qin Lang to leave.

After a brief spiritual exchange, Qin Lang knew that the only way was to fight hard. Therefore, I also put aside other tricks, and once again launched the transformation of the 鲲 乾 乾 乾 , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The shadows of both sides are constantly moving through the void like lightning.

The same body, the same speed, the same exquisite!

Qin Lang really didn't know that this guy had already applied the body of the 鲲peng 乾 变 to such a pure point, even if it was better than Qin Lang himself.

“Can this guy really see it?” Qin Lang’s heart has a strange idea. Although the world has an unforgettable and unforgettable ability, it seems that there is also a wizard who can learn other people’s kung fu. But they are all legendary figures. Qin Lang asks his own 鲲 乾 乾 乾 变 变 变 变 变 变 变 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Breaking the recognition of Qin Lang.

"Why, you are actually doubting my special ability?" Lu Li seems to see through Qin Lang's thought again. "In fact, you don't need to be surprised or too curious. For your combat techniques, I basically look at it once." It’s just a special ability, nothing is weird."

"Nothing is weird?" Qin Lang listened to this, and wanted to vomit blood. This is simply the most exaggerated dress. Forced, or it does not know what it is called. Force?

It would be strange to see Qin Lang’s peerlessness at a glance and understand the essence of it.

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