Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2450: Shifang Zhenlong

In addition to blocking the space, the real power of Zhenlong Ding also began to attack Qin Lang. This force is not only powerful and unusual, but also extremely horrible, because there are countless lore in this town, and every lore is big. The arrays were all watered with real dragon blood, which condensed the resentment and fierceness of many real dragons. Therefore, when Zhenlong Ding was pressed down, it was like having thousands of heads of true dragons together with Qin Lang.

The power of the real dragon is unquestionable, let alone the thousand dragons! Not to mention, the lore in this town of Long Ding is not inferior to the Temple of the Undead in Qin Lang, and these lore are even more ferocious, and after being fully motivated by Scorpio, it is simply Shen Luo Hell.

"I x! Scorpio this guy is too strong... Is it that Mr. Qin is going to die?"

As the discerning Emperor Jin, they were all scared by the horror scene that Tianzhu urged the town of Longding. No way, this is really terrible. The dragon souls left in Zhenlong Ding are actually The peers who were suppressed and refining by Scorpio, these guys used to be one of the most tyrannical monks in the dragons, but now they have been suppressed and tempered by Scorpio, making them fierce and unconscious, only Know the crazy revenge of the dragon.

Yes, the dragons in the town of Long Ding are actually the real "devil mad dragons", which are made by the scorpio using the magic of the demon world and other scorpion venoms. These mad dragons are alive than they are. The time is even stronger, and the thousands of heads of the mad dragons unite together, relying on the lore in the town of Long Ding, who can match it?

Anyway, Emperor Jin thinks that he is impossible to compete with these magical dragons in Zhenlong Ding. After Tianzhu urges the town of Longding, he only needs one stroke, and he can have the life of Emperor Jin. Although I don't want to admit it, it is true.

However, although the town of Long Ding is powerful and terrible, but the threat to Qin Lang is still nothing, after all, Qin Lang has the Temple of the Undead, and there are countless undead slaves in the Temple of the Undead, this is the magic dragon in the town of Long Ding Some are similar. The difference is that the undead slaves in the Temple of the Undead are not a race. Anyway, as long as Qin Lang believes that there is a future and strength, he is detained by Qin Lang in the Temple of the Undead and becomes a slave to the undead.

At this time, under normal circumstances, Qin Lang should also urge the Temple of the Undead, but this time Qin Lang did not send out the Temple of the Undead, because Qin Lang wants to try his true strength, look after the ghost of the emperor There are still weaknesses and shortcomings in the refining body and the kingdom of gods.

"Three hundred and sixty gods in Zhoutian! Run week!"

In the face of the crazy suppression of Zhenlong Ding, Qin Lang finally made a full effort, and this time Qin Lang is urging this 370 days of the gods at the same time, all the power is concentrated through the Fulong pile and the body needs to break out. The point is on.

Three hundred and sixty gods in Zhoutian, once Qinlang converted from its own 360-odd dantian, so the three hundred and sixty gods have retained the same characteristics of those dantians: they also Contact, one of the main kingdoms of the gods, can simultaneously mobilize the power of all the gods.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Lang and the enemy will not release the strength of all the gods, because there is no need at all, if the opponent's strength is not enough, then it is purely lang fee, and even in the Qinlang gods country There is a huge amount of scent and chaos, and he will not easily take out the lang fee. Because lang fee is a sin, not to mention the vitality of chaos, in the vast world of the heavens are extremely rare spiritual resources, Qin Lang can not casually lang fees.

At this time, since there is such a strong opponent like Tianzhu, with such a good sharpening stone, then it is necessary for Qin Lang to sharpen himself and see what is wrong with his **** country. At the office.

Qin Lang suddenly motivated 360 countries and gods, which can be regarded as the "Titanium dog eyes of Dijin". I felt the sudden fluctuation of Qin Lang's body. The Emperor Jin was surprised and could not be added. Muttered to himself: "Isn't this an illusion? How could he suddenly raise the volatility of the energy by hundreds of times? Or thousands of times? Is it true that Mr. Qin has something too ancient artifact, more powerful than Scorpio? No, even if it is a Taikoo artifact, it is impossible to increase its strength by a thousand times!... What is the kingdom of the gods? But the power released by the gods is so terrible? What kind of monster is this guy? ”

In a sense, Emperor Jin and Scorpio are actually monsters, because the beast is born with a strong, natural nature that many species cannot match, and the pure beast of the bloodline, once grown up, its strength is comparable to the true God, and maybe even Will surpass the true God. However, even a beast like Emperor Jin believes that Qin Lang is the real "monster", because even in the world of the beast, Emperor Jin has never heard of anyone who has so many gods, even the Emperor Jinxiang Have never thought of it, there are so many gods and gods. You know, as a Shinto monk, you can form a kingdom of gods. It is extremely difficult, it takes a long time to accumulate, and it takes countless years to polish. To condense the kingdom of the gods, it is all that requires a lot of energy. This is very clear.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, Emperor Jin may not believe that a person can have so many gods and kingdoms. Even a natural **** is probably not possible.

Rumble! ~ Zhen Long Ding landed on the top of Qin Lang's head, but could not move down. Even if the mad dragon in Zhenlong Ding constantly roared and snarled, it could not cause substantial suppression of Qin Lang.

"Good! I don't think you have such a deep foundation in the world of the next world. It is no wonder that the Apocalypse Empire is willing to pay such a high price in order to deal with you!" Tianzhu said coldly, he has already felt the volatility of Qin Lang's terror. I know that Qin Lang is the most powerful opponent he has ever seen in his life, so Tianzhu has completely put away the contempt of his heart. At this time, Tianzhu has stood above the town of Longding, in order to fully promote Zhenlong. Ding, the final suppression of Qin Lang.

For Tianzhu, the contempt for Qin Lang in the heart has already disappeared, but it is only **** the mouth. Even if the Emperor Jin was shocked by the horror of the horror released by Qin Lang, Tianzhu naturally also It’s sensed, but Scorpio is stronger than Emperor Kim, so he still thinks he can suppress Qin Lang.

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