Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2478: Warcraft fault zone

Qin Lang, Huang Wuxian and Tianzhu, of course, are not the only team visitors.

In the world of the world, any monk in the world likes to explore, because the more dangerous the place, the more treasures there are. After all, the dangerous places, the more people explore, the more fallen masters, the treasures left behind. The more nature, if the luck and strength are enough, just picking the "heritage" left by the fallen masters, it can be regarded as a huge wealth, not to mention the treasures of these dangerous places.

However, many monks will not realize the dangers. Any one of them is carrying the arrogance of "I am the best in the world," where people can't go, places that others can't reach, for them. Not a problem, because they are inherently stronger than others, and the rest can only be their stepping stone. For any monk in the world, arrogance is extremely fatal, so this is the case, a vicious circle is formed, and monks continue to flock to the dangerous places of murder, and eventually complete the murderous land. Fame, but the monks are degraded, only a handful of "strong, lucky" guys can truly return home.

The combination of Qin Lang, Huang Wuxian and Tianzhu, I don’t know if it’s luck, but at least it meets the standard of strength, so the three talents appear here greatly, watching the movements around, not eager to shoot.

"Three friends, why can't you just see the hand?" At this time, the three people of Qin Lang caught the attention of another team.

"The guys of the Tengus, go a little farther, don't affect our mood." Scorpio said to the man, although these guys are "humanoid", but as a beast, Scorpio knows the origin of each other.

"Hey, you are so arrogant, what is the origin?" The Taoist priests of the Tengus said to Tianzhu in a provocative tone. After all, they are crowded.

"Hey!~" Scorpio directly uttered a roar, and then pressed down the "big handprint" and pressed it down. The strength of this scorpion was originally very tyrannical, and most liked the trick of the big handprint, so the scorpio It seems that the big handprint is not mysterious, but the power is terrible. The monk of the Tiangou family was suddenly photographed as a meat sauce by Tianzhu.

After Scorpio had such a hand, it was quiet all around, because everyone realized that the three people of Qin Lang, Huang Wuxian and Tianzhu were terrible and could not be provoked.

Scorpio was very satisfied with his actions, and then said to Qin Lang: "Master, this has been quiet all around, when do we act?"

"No hurry." Qin Lang said, "This place has existed for so many years. Naturally, there is a reason for its existence. Since it is impossible to be taken down in a short time, why should we worry? Look and say."

Qin Lang seems to be not in a hurry, because he knows that this will definitely not go away. Although there are many monks here who are trying to make an idea, Qin Lang does not think that they can take away the good things in this Warcraft fault zone, because even It is Qin Lang who is not sure about himself.

At first glance, this Warcraft fault zone is just a dangerous place. However, Qin Lang sees much more than other monks. Who makes Qin Lang not only have a lot of knowledge, but also many worlds, and the gods of Qin Lang There are many "helpers" in the country, which is where many monks can't compare with Qin Lang.

This Warcraft fault zone, at first glance, the dangerous thing is the magic. For the study of the magic gas, Qin Lang has already begun in the earth world, so his understanding of the magic gas can be described as an expert level, but Qin Lang can be negative. Responsibility said that the magic of this Warcraft fault zone is definitely different from the magic of the devil world, and the magic gas released by the magic crystal is completely different. Even if it is a monk in the devil world, if you accidentally enter this place, you will inevitably die. Next, because the magic of this Warcraft break zone is definitely not the ordinary magic, but a kind of ancient magic!

Taikoo magic, that is the magic that was born when chaos was opened to the world, even when the heavens and the earth were still at the beginning of chaos, the ancient magic has already existed, and the ancient magic is the embryo that gave birth to the ancient evil. "So, if you don't have this understanding, once you get close to this Warcraft break zone, it is like entering the death zone directly. You don't know how to die."

"Master, is it something you see?" Phoenix couldn't help but ask.

"Seeing it, not only the problem, but also the big problem." Qin Lang told his judgment to Phoenix.

"What! Taikoo magic?" Phoenix is ​​not only stunned, "Isn't it possible? Taikoo magical things, even in the devil world, I am afraid I can't find it? If the magician monk knows the existence of the ancient magic, sure Will occupy it at any cost."

"Yes, if it is in the devil world, there may not be the existence of the ancient magic, but fortunately here is not in the devil world, here is in the world of the beast, so the demon monk even knows that there is too ancient magic, they can not enter Here, because of this, these ancient charms exist here, but you also paid a price for the mythical world, and the beasts that want to benefit from it have been turned into a lost mind of Warcraft." Qin Lang not only sees The existence of Taikoo magic, and the analysis of the reason why the Warcraft fault zone became a fierce land.

Huang did not admire Qin Lang’s judgment very much. He said: “Since the owner has already seen the problem, is there a way to deal with it? I and Tianzhu, although they can enter this place, can block these magical weapons. However, if you blindly kill it, I am afraid that it will not last for a long time."

"Yes, so you can't kill it directly." Qin Lang said, "We are not in a hurry, although some monks have gone in, but they will return without success, or never have a chance to come back. First, we must thoroughly understand This Warcraft break zone, and our goal has been very clear before, not only to complete the task, but most importantly, we have to completely take away the good things that can be taken away here, nothing left!"

"Sir, your appetite is really big." Phoenix couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, my appetite is really big, because I have to feed a lot of people." Qin Langhe smiled, his appetite is not big, first he has three hundred and sixty gods, and each **** There are living beings in the kingdom, so if Qin Lang is only satisfied with a little benefit, it will not be enough for these souls in the kingdom of the gods, let alone Qin Lang to consider for the Chinese world.

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