Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2485: Birth of the poison

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

Tianlei is constantly born in the kingdom of Qinlang, and then swallowed up and absorbed by him. The combination of Qinlang and Xiaoyan can make these thunders go back, so now Qinlang has absolutely begun to control the situation. And as Qin Lei swallowed more and more thunder, he also had some understanding of the composition of the thunder.

Heaven is impermanent, and the weather is impermanent and cannot be pondered. However, after Xiao Xiao’s analysis, Qin Lang also had some understanding of Tianlei. Qin Lang found an interesting thing:

These thunder are actually also containing the laws of Shinto!

Or, Tianlei itself is a **** mark!

Every Thunder is a **** mark, a natural destructive mark!

According to Qin Lang's understanding, the **** mark is a very concise law of the Shinto, so each Shinto **** mark is the essence of the monk monk's practice, and the **** mark can also bring great harm to other monks, and is the killer of the Shinto monk.

Thunder is a natural mark of God, then this can explain why Thunder can cause devastating damage to artifacts and Shinto monks.

However, the naturally-formed **** marks are also very difficult to analyze. There is a word called “Surely Natural”, but most of the things that are natural and natural are not traced, so it is difficult to be thoroughly understood.

This is like a snowflake. Everyone knows that snowflake is a natural hexagonal structure, but it cannot explain why snowflakes are hexagonal crystals, and each batch of snowflakes is never hexagonal, but it will never be the same. In the end, the four words “浑然天成” can only be used to explain the reasons.

The formation of the thunder is probably the same. Although each thunder represents a **** mark, the power of each thunder is not the same. It is not easy to deal with it. Only Qin Lang will use the same. Way to deal with all the thunder - devour!

All swallowed!

This is the way Qin Lang handles the thunder, which is simple and violent and direct, but it is also very effective.

Since Qin Lang already has a killer like Xiaoyan, then naturally it is necessary to make good use of it. When Qin Lang swallowed some Tianlei, through Xiao Xiao and his own analysis, he has more formation and power of Tianlei. Understand that at this time, Qin Lang can naturally use these thunder to carry out the final quenching of the poisonous furnace.

As Qin Lang thinks, although Tianlei is a devastating force of horror, both destruction and new life exist at the same time, so Tianlei can destroy artifacts, but it can also promote the transformation of artifacts.

When Qin Lang swallowed, analyzed and gradually influenced the control of some Tianlei, he finally turned Tianlei into a tool for quenching the natural poison furnace. After all, this Tianlei is a natural trace of God, these **** marks The impact of the natural gas furnace is like the transformation of the Shinto rule on the spur of the natural poison furnace, and it is the most crucial transformation!

What is the most critical metamorphosis?

Any artifact, that is, there are countless laws of the Shinto. These Shinto laws are carefully tempered and integrated into the masters of the artifacts. The more the Shinto laws are integrated into the artifacts, the more powerful they are, and the more artifacts. The above Shinto laws cannot be chaotic. Artifacts, fairy instruments, there must be a lot of arrays, and the composition of the array is composed of various laws. However, the more the Shinto laws that the artifacts are integrated into, the more difficult it is to change, because these Shinto laws will eventually become a bond from the law.

However, if you break the law, it will destroy the whole artifact. Therefore, for the artifact, the most crucial transformation is not to break the law of the Shinto, but to re-aggregate and combine these Shinto laws, and finally reach the point of natural!

"Yes, this is the true mystery of the thunder!" At this time, Qin Lang’s heart rushed for a moment, because he finally understood the meaning of the existence of these thunder.

Destruction and the new life are together, this is the mystery of the thunder and the mystery of heaven!

This understanding, for Qin Lang, is simply a very important spiritual wealth, which makes Qin Lang have some insight into the will of Heaven.

However, when Qinlang did not forget the most important thing, and quickly resorted to Tianlei to carry out the final quenching of the Tiandu furnace, Qinlang controlled the power of these thunder, and constantly bombarded the natural gas furnace with the thunder, but did not let the poison The Shinto law of the furnace is completely broken. He needs to re-harden these Shinto laws of the Celery Furnace, and then let these Shinto laws begin to be re-combined, and finally reach the point of natural!

Qin Lang’s efforts were not in vain, and his comprehension was not in vain. The Tiandu Furnace was under the tempering of Tianlei, and it was really a crucial change. These Shinto laws were dispersed by the thunder and began to re- Arrange", or combine them on their own, from the Shinto law to a **** mark - a unique mark of the artifact!

From the law of the Shinto to the mark of God, this is a very crucial transformation!

Moreover, these **** marks on the poisonous furnace can be all natural, this is the most important thing, Qin Lang can be sure that the natural gas furnace has undergone an essential transformation, perhaps this day the poison furnace can finally release the true poison It is.

"The time is up! Kid, contribute your artifacts!"

Tianlei has not completely subsided, Qinlang tempered natural gas furnace has not completely ended, but this time above the top of Qinlang's head, a sound like a thunderous sound, this sound is extremely horrible, as the end of the day, destroy everything !

Along with this horrible voice, a huge palm is pressed down from the sky, as if it was turned upside down. This is to directly grab the artifacts of Qin Lang, and the chance of this shot is just right, just when the Qin Lang quenching natural gas furnace is about to succeed. At this time, Qin Lang should be the most expensive, and when he concentrates on resisting the thunder, the other party will shoot at this time, obviously it is already observed at the side, and grasped the best mobile phone!

"I want to contribute artifacts? Then see if you have this ability!"

Qin Lang sneered, Zhangkou sprayed, and sprayed out the remaining few thunders in his own gods, directly ushered in the big hand that fell from the sky.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~ With a few huge explosions, the huge palm is constantly shaking, but it has not dissipated!

"I actually blocked the thunder!" Phoenix couldn't help but sigh. He and Tianzhu are both guarding the law for Qin Lang, but they can be wiped out even when they see this huge hand, and they are suddenly shocked.


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