Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2487: Incompetent

Peng! ~

After the natural poisoning furnace is finished, the furnace cover is opened.

Qin Lang wants to see what the real poison is.

But when the furnace was uncovered, Qin Lang found that there was nothing inside.

Dry and clean, even no impurities.

There is no colorful poison cloud before.

Seeing the empty natural gas furnace, Qin Lang’s heart is also empty, but the next moment Qin Lang has already realized it. He knows that this day the poison furnace is really tempered to the extreme, and the most crucial transformation has been completed. Even if the quality of the TCM furnace can be improved in the future, it will not undergo the essential transformation as it is today.

There is no doubt that the Tiandu furnace has been tempered successfully.

As for why this day's poisonous furnace is empty, it is because the poisonous melting pot has become a tool for realizing natural poisoning, but the tool has become, but the material is still lacking!

Quenching any kind of medicine, tools and materials is indispensable. This is not difficult to understand, so Qin Lang now understands, so he cut his arm and let the blood drop into the toxic furnace.

Quenching natural poison, you need a lot of blood of the poisonous insects and beasts, and a key material, inevitably, Qin Lang's incompetent venom blood, ◆ According to the old poison, Qin Lang's phaseless poison is an extreme Rare physical constitution, rare in the ages, and after Qin Lang encountered old poisons, the old poisons spared no effort to cultivate, tapping the potential of Qin Lang's phaseless poison, and after the old poison Nirvana, Qin Lang also did not give up its own phase. The venom is still constantly using various toxins to strengthen the power of the phaseless toxic body. Therefore, the blood of the Qinlang phaseless toxic body has reached a very high height and is used as the main material for quenching natural poison. Of course, it is also a very suitable thing.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ~ When Qin Lang's blood dripped into the Tiandu furnace, these blood were immediately refining and absorbing by the array of the poisonous furnace. After the completion of the metamorphosis, the array of the poisonous furnace has become a magic mark, so the power is completely different.

After Qin Lang's blood has been integrated into the natural poisoning furnace, he is the real master of the Tiandu furnace. Even if the original owner of the Tiandu furnace resurrected, it is impossible to take control of the Tiandu furnace from Qinlang. After all, Qin Lang It is the master who really pushes the Celery Furnace to the peak.

As for the poison cloud formed before, it is just that the poisonous furnace completely releases the toxins such as various poisons and the like, which was originally a key link in the transformation of the poisonous melting pot. If you don't come, the natural poisoning of the natural gas furnace is to completely remove the old poison before the furnace, so as to quench the true sense of natural poison.

After Qin Lang combined his own venomous blood and natural gas furnace, he had already let go of his heart. Then he dripped the blood of the poisonous beasts in his gods into the natural gas furnace, even if it was a scorpio. And Phoenix is ​​no exception, because Qin Lang knows that quenching is not so easy, and the materials needed are also very complicated. Fortunately, Qin Lang has raised so many poisonous insects and beasts, and has a lot of wild blood, so Qin Lang has a lot of materials for quenching natural poison, which saves him a lot of things.

As for the owner of the horrible big hand, after losing one hand, he suddenly quieted down. Perhaps he realized the greatness of Qin Lang and understood that it was not wise to do it with Qin Lang. Or, this guy is still waiting for other suitable opportunities for revenge. As long as Qin Lang does not leave the Warcraft Broken Belt, then he still has a chance. At that time, not only can revenge succeed, but even the artifacts of Qin Lang can be taken away.

However, at this time, Qin Lang did not care much about the master of the horrible master, because Qin Lang had completed the quenching process of the Tiandu furnace, which greatly increased Qin Lang’s confidence. The master of the horrible master could not bring Qin Lang. How much pressure, not even a real threat.

At this point, the poisonous melting pot has been tempered successfully, and Phoenix has no sigh of relief and Scorpio. For Qin Lang, it is easy to repel the horrible big hand and admire the five-body cast. The original Phoenix has no need to vote for Qin Lang. Hesitant and embarrassed, but after today’s scene, the hesitation of Huang’s heart has completely disappeared, because he is completely aware that Qin Lang is the real power that is worth following him. He will follow the battle of Qin Lang and he will get unprecedented. The bright future, this time Phoenix does not even care about any homeowner, even the owner of the Phoenix Tiangong, this position is not so big for Phoenix's first attraction.

Following the strong, this is originally the choice of many monks. After all, following the strong, there is a brighter future, and it is possible to survive the most terrible days of disaster.

And Qin Lang, is the real power in the eyes of Huang Wuxian and Tian Hao.

At this time, Qin Lang completed the quenching of the Tiandu furnace.

It is strange to say that at this time, the World of Warcraft has actually stopped. In other words, the World of Warcraft wave around Qinlang is over. It seems that these World of Warcraft finally realized that they could not bring any damage to Qinlang, so they chose to retire or choose other targets.

From some point of view, these World of Warcraft do not seem to have no ideological will, or their ideological will is controlled by other powerful.

"Master, congratulations on your success in tempering the artifact. However, what should we do next?" Huang did not ask Qin Lang first.

"According to the original plan, I seized the resources of the entire Warcraft fault zone." Qin Lang's tone is very calm, but it reveals more powerful confidence, although there has been such a horrible big hand, trying to destroy the good things of Qin Lang, but Qin Lang It will not change his mind and even strengthen his determination.

Since there are so many strong people hidden in the Warcraft Broken Band, it is enough to prove that there should be a lot of good things in this place. Most of the real good things have already fallen into the hands of these strong people. If you don’t force these guys out If so, how can Qin Lang get more benefits?

To put it bluntly, it is now a disaster in the world, and it is impossible to escape the disaster. Because the catastrophe is everywhere, no world can avoid it, so it can’t be avoided. It can only be carried over or passed over, and who is strong. Strong, who is strong, who has a rich accumulation, naturally can last longer. Therefore, the resources on the Warcraft Broken Belt, Qin Lang has been "contracted", and no one wants to compete with him!


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