Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2514: Hard victory

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey~

From the body of Qin Lang, there are countless traces of gods, which are spurred in all directions like flying knives.

The **** mark, originally the most precious thing of the Shinto monk, can be used to inherit and repair, and can also be used to defeat the opponent.

Everything is a sacred monk who has spent countless hours and energy to temper it, so every trace of God is precious.

However, at this time, Qin Lang used these scars, just like floating leaves, the blink of an eye spurred thousands of traces of the gods, and these **** marks of Qin Lang did not have a fixed target, purely to destroy Kui The true funeral of Yu Zhenjun.

Kui Yuzhen, the guy who hides in this shack, does not show up. Even after Qin Lang is involved, this guy still refuses to reveal the true face of the mountain. However, since Qin Lang wants to completely suppress him, he will naturally force him to show his true body. However, Qin Lang believes that the best way is to break through the funeral scorpion and break the "turtle shell" on the back of Kuitun Zhenjun. Otherwise, the existence of Kuitun Zhenjun is hard to beat, let alone suppress him.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ~ Thousands of **** marks, suddenly exploding in the funeral scorpion, even if this artifact is quite extraordinary, it is impossible to completely resist so many sacred blasts, after all, any artifact is using the Shinto law and the scar Refined. Although the burial scorpio incorporates some eternal material, it is not that 9 is completely made of eternal material, so it is not truly unbreakable.

The **** mark blew itself up, which is a way to break open the artifact, but the **** mark is the crystallization of spiritual practice for the Shinto monk, so it is impossible to easily abandon his own mark. Self-explosion of a **** mark will lose a hundred years of practice, and even a longer period of cultivation.

Therefore, less than a last resort, when the life is not guaranteed, the Shinto monk will not easily take out his own scars from the explosion, and Qin Lang directly explodes thousands of traces of the gods, is simply a madman in the mad.

Kuitun Zhenjun finally felt feared, not only because Qin Lan’s guy’s card was too big, but also because Qin Lang’s guy was purely a madman in his eyes, and the guy who blew a thousand hundred marks in an instant, this is not a madman. ? Qin Lang’s ambiguity is simply an incomprehensible existence.

Qin Lang blew the **** mark, plus the impact of those grievances and grievances. This funeral scorpion finally heard a "squeaky" voice, which sounded like a broken voice.

Hearing this voice, Qin Lang knew that there was a crack in the funeral scorpion.

Sure enough, I heard the scream of Kui Yuzhen: "Damn boy! You broke my burial scorpion, I must smash you a corpse, in order to solve my hatred!"

Quay Zhenzhen, this guy seems to be crazy too. Before he wanted to use the spirits to counteract Qin Lang, the result was reversed by Qin Lang to deal with him. Now Qin Lang’s **** marks are blew, and it is the funeral of Kuitun Zhenjun. Give a blow to the gap, which makes the power of the funeral scorpion greatly reduced!

What makes Quetta Zhenjun annoyed is that once there is a crack in the funeral, it means that he has been exposed to the calculation of Heaven.

"Ha ha! ~ Kui Yu Zhenjun, now your artifacts have a gap, how can you still? Heaven Road calculations you have now escaped, it seems that you are dead? Now, you finally know the terrible calculation of heavenly roads Let's go." Qin Lang took the opportunity to once again attack the confidence of Kuitun Zhenjun.

"Kid, no matter how many intrigues you have, you will die today!" Kuitun Zhenjun seems to be completely irritated, ready to use all his strength and potential to deal with Qin Lang, but Kuitun Zhenjun’s words have not been finished. Qin Lang’s attack has already arrived in front of Kui Yuzhen.

Since the burial scorpion has already had a gap, this artifact is naturally incomplete. Before burying the scorpion, you can avoid the calculation of the will of the heavens, and you can perfectly hide your own path. Before Qin Lang wants to attack him. It's hard. But now, since there is a gap in the funeral scorpion, Qin Lang has an opportunity, and he will not give Kui Yuzhen a chance to take the initiative.

If it is another monk, maybe it will change the strategy because of the old devil like Kui Zhenzhen, maybe there will be concerns, but Qin Lang will not, once there is an opportunity, Qin Lang will not miss, he can not care whether the other is the old devil or The tender demon, as long as there is such a chance, Qin Lang will completely suppress it and become a resource for upgrading himself.

"It's my turn!"

Qin Lang screamed coldly, and the gods of the gods and the temple of the undead were launched at the same time. Kuizhen Zhenjun was involved in the temple of the undead, and began to suppress the Kuizhen Zhenjun.

At this time, Qin Lang finally took up some initiative. Kuitun Zhenjun is indeed a horrible opponent. However, this guy is too contemptuous of Qin Lang. He believes that with thousands of years of training, he can definitely kill Qin Lang, but he does not know. Qin Lang was different from any opponent that Kui Yuzhen had encountered before. As a result, he was miscalculated and was seized by Qin Lang.

Although there is only a gap in the funeral scorpion, once the artifact is broken, it is difficult to repair, and the power is greatly reduced. Therefore, Qin Lang has the opportunity to bring Kudang Zhenjun into the temple of the undead, and use the lore in the Temple of the Undead. To suppress the Kuizhen Zhenjun.

"Kid, you don't want to suppress me! Once I get out of Kui, I will definitely make you a thousand!" Kuitun Zhenjun was trapped in the Temple of the Undead, but he didn't want to be quiet for a moment. This guy still didn't give up.

Also, as a million-year-old demon, Kuitun Zhenjun has too many insights, and the opponents he has encountered don’t know how many, how can he be willing to be killed by Qin Lang, and Kuitun Zhenjun thinks that Qin Lang had blew a lot of gods before. Traces, their own vitality and strength will inevitably be greatly reduced, but soon Kui Yuzhen will realize that he is miscalculated again. Although there are many **** marks in Qin Lang's self-destruction, these **** marks are all framed by Qin Lang with the devil's emperor. Although the self-destructive mark will consume some vitality, but for Qin Lang, it is not too much loss, so Kuitun Zhenjun again miscalculated.

For the first time, Kuanto Zhenjun’s funeral scorpion was hit by a gap in Qin Lang.

The second time the miscalculation, Kuizhen Zhenjun can be completely fallen in the Temple of the Undead.

The slaves of all the artifacts in the Temple of the Undead, the poisonous beasts and the billions of creatures in the Qinlang gods, all began to push the temple of the undead. This is the rhythm of the suppression of Kuitun Zhenjun. After all, Qin Lang is hard to touch. It’s a pity to go to Kui’s Zhenjun, an old fat sheep. If you let it go, it’s a shame.

I don't know how long it took, and the temple of the undead finally began to calm down.


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