Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2525: Eyes of phoenix

"Repression? Who said that I want to suppress the phoenix without first? You should not be rumored to think. +◆ I can clearly tell you that as long as the phoenix did not harm the entire phoenix, then I will not suppress him! However, he wants to be the master of this Phoenix Temple, not only to do good things for the Phoenix family, but also to beat me in the realm of cultivation. Otherwise, my blood will be ruined by people!"

"That is a genius character, but compared with you, it is really the difference between Firefly and Haoyue." Feng Yeya breathed a sigh of relief, she thought that as long as the blood of the phoenix does not want to withdraw from the Phoenix Temple, then no one can The status of phoenix and blood stasis is shaken. After all, the phoenix blood is a rare genius of the phoenix family, and it is a recognized genius. It can even be said to be a genius in genius. Otherwise, it is impossible for the phoenix to run the phoenix. The Temple of Heaven is so long.

"Feng Yeya, although you are my daughter, but these words have made me feel a little disappointed. The Phoenix Temple is too small, the mythical world is not big, your eyes are still bound by the Phoenix Temple in the district, no wonder you The cultivation of the realm has not been greatly improved." Feng Zhe blood sighed, and disappointment in his tone.

"After the mother, in fact, I... I am also worried about you. It is really odious to have no phoenix. You have already sealed him a title of 'Heavenly King', but he does not know that he is grateful to Dade. It is like a rebellious, so Guy, if the mother doesn’t get rid of him earlier—"

"Enough!" The tone of the **** blood of the phoenix seems to be a little impatient. "I just said that your eyes should not be limited to the entire Phoenix Temple! If it is a peaceful era, you can move carefully, even if it is You want to be like me, the queen of the Phoenix Temple can do it, but nowadays different generations, the Phoenix family and even the entire animal world are all in crisis. With your cultivation as the realm and vision, even if you have done this Phoenix The Queen of the Temple of Heaven, it must also be precarious, so now there is no such thing as a prince, you should be glad that the hope of our phoenix family has not been cut off, which means that the destiny has not abandoned us. If a race, there has been no new The rise of the strong, it means that this race will go extinct! Now, you know nothing!"

Speaking of the back, the blood of the phoenix is ​​already very strong.

Feng Yeya nodded again and again, this time she began to understand the meaning of the blood in the blood. In fact, as Feng Shuangxue said, if a race has to exist and multiply, then it must evolve, and the process of evolution is stronger than the generation. If the new born of a race becomes weaker, it is not like those of the past. The older generation of creatures, then this race can only go down and die, this is unquestionable.

Feng Yeya only looks at the rise of Huang Wuxian from her own individual's gaze, but Feng Dingxue looks at this matter from the eyes of the phoenix and the whole sacred animal world, so the understanding of the two sides is naturally clear. different.

Although Feng Yeya has selfishness, she is not stupid as a daughter of phoenix blood. Therefore, after comprehending this, Feng Yeya understands how high her mother’s vision is. Compared with her mother, she is simply Still too young, it is just a bit of a mouse. The blood of the phoenix is ​​right. Now the worlds of the world are not peaceful. At this time, the phoenix wants to continue to survive. It should have been united. If the whole race is in the fight, then the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth will come to the world of the beasts. At the time, perhaps the Phoenix family will be wiped out first. The **** animal world is certainly powerful, and the strength of the phoenix family is not weak, but the problem of the animal kingdom is also obvious: the whole animal world is not a piece of iron!

In the world of gods and beasts, each powerful race has its own politics, and there are still many frictions and wars between each other. Under such circumstances, if the Phoenix people want to continue to survive and prosper, they must unite. Otherwise, if the eggs are covered under the nest, the Phoenix family will not be able to keep it.

"After your mother, your words will make me stunned, but even I can't understand your good intentions after the mother, then the phoenix has no first? Does he understand the mother's mind?" Feng Yeya said, "Or else, I will first After the mother, knock and beat him?"

"You want to beat the phoenix without first?" Feng Zongxuan thought about it, probably thought that Feng Yeya was also good, so he nodded. "Alright, you will go see him first. However, you have to remember One point - abandon prejudice and take a serious look at what this phoenix is.

"After the mother is relieved, I will definitely understand the situation of this phoenix without any prior." Feng Yeya said.

Feng Dian nodded his blood and let Feng Yeya go down.

Subsequently, the eyes of the phoenix blood were cast to the entire Phoenix Tiangong. This phoenix temple, but the phoenix blood has guarded countless years. As the only queen in the history of the phoenix temple, the pressure of phoenix blood is not small. Feng Zongxue knows that she may be the kind of ambitious, cold and cruel queen in the eyes of the phoenix monks, but who knows that she is bent on trying to grow the entire phoenix? From the beginning of the phoenix palace, the position and strength of the phoenix family in the whole body of the beasts is not increasing, but this is enough to show the feast of her phoenix, but the monks of the phoenix temple still do not Fortunately, just because she is a female repair? Is this Phoenix Tiangong always unable to accommodate a queen?

***When the phoenix was bloody, the family of the phoenix had no enthusiasm. Nowadays, the phoenix is ​​still in the state of “closed”, but this does not prevent other phoenix monks from coming to visit. Now the phoenix Tiangong has a powerful family, and they all want to have a good relationship with the phoenix-free family. It is not that the phoenix is ​​not the first to be in the limelight. The key is that the phoenix-free family has the "secret recipe" to improve and enhance the blood power. The attraction is too big. Which family does not want to increase the strength of their family? Which powerful monk does not want his younger generation to be more talented than others?

All in all, now the phoenix-free family can be described as a city, not knowing how many monks and families are eager to form alliances and cooperation with phoenix, and even some other ethnic monks have begun to try to contact the people of the phoenix-free family. Get the benefits.

At this time, Qin Lang got a message from the ancestors of the Phoenix family: "The big princess Feng Yeya of the Phoenix Temple came to visit, hoping to see the phoenix without a first side."

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