Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2546: Blood variability

Gene key, rewriting the gene, this thing is arrogant, but it is not inscrutable for Qin Lang, to know that Qin Lang is the only person who has been alive in the Apocalypse city, and read the ancient books of the Apocalypse Empire. Later, Qin Lang also had a deep understanding of the technological civilization of the Apocalypse Empire, which of course also included the problem of biological genes.

The technological power of the earth world cannot completely solve the genetic code, but for the Apocalypse Empire, it is no longer an inscrutable technology. The reason why the Apocalypse Empire can create terrorist fighters is because they are indeed genetic engineering. Has reached the peak of the peak, the terrorist warrior was developed, in fact, is the mission of the apocalyptic gene warrior. ←

"You want my blood?" Feng Duo blood stared at Qin Lang with vigilance. After all, for any monk, blood is a very important thing, not to mention the top masters such as Feng Zhuangxue. It is not how precious blood is precious, losing a drop of blood, but for the blood of the phoenix, it is just a loss of some vitality, but this blood falls in the hands of Qin Lang, but the blood of the phoenix is ​​not so relieved. In the event that Qin Lang has any other ideas and plots, the blood of the phoenix can be troublesome.

"I know that there must be doubts in the days afterwards." Qin Lang said sincerely. "However, despite your reassurance, I will carefully understand the mystery of this drop of blood in front of you. Once I find the mystery, I can benefit first. You are the phoenix family. You think about it, if the entire phoenix family has the talent to surpass the pure blood power, then nature is the most powerful race in this sacred animal world. This is beyond doubt!"

"Oh... this... your words are very attractive to me. However, I will come to tell you the truth. I am really worried about what you do. You know so much about the blood of my beast world, and the means It’s so powerful, I’m really worried about the skin with the tiger.” Feng Zhuangxue said his heart’s worry, but his tone changed. “But I decided to believe you once! Maybe, it’s an adventure. After all, you’re right. If you really study something, the first thing that benefits you is indeed our phoenix family. However, I hope you don't let me down. Otherwise, if my phoenix blood is angry, it will be bloody!"

"Reassured, I know the prestige of the queen. However, my blood can't be dyed for a thousand miles. After all, I am just a person." Qin Lang smiled, then waited for the blood of the phoenix to squeeze a drop of blood from his finger. .

To say that this beast and blood is different from ordinary blood, the so-called blood is the blood of the spirit of the monk, so in a drop of blood, you can glimpse a monk's cultivation, vitality, etc. A lot of things.

In fact, in short, it is genetic analysis. For example, by extracting a drop of blood through a medical instrument, it is possible to check whether a person is healthy, whether the function of the human organ is functioning properly, and the like.

However, the examination of scientific instruments is only one-sided. It is still not comprehensive, or the level of technology has not yet reached a certain level. If the level of technology reaches a certain height, only one drop of blood or one hair is needed to detect a person's entire genetic map. To get all the indicators for a person.

Qin Lang is not a man of high technology, but after Qin Lang absorbed the devil's emperor's pattern of the Apocalypse Empire, he has reached a powerful means of combining the power of science and technology with the power of metaphysics. Therefore, with a drop of blood from the blood of the phoenix, Qin Lang can analyze the "gene key" in the blood of the blood of the phoenix by means of metaphysics and science and technology to find the key to the blood of the Phoenix family.

This may sound a bit sinister, but it is actually not the case. After a hundred passes, Qin Lang gets a drop of blood from the blood of the phoenix. As long as the secrets are discovered, it can be extended and found to unlock the blood of other beasts. The "key".

At this time, Qin Lang's mental power has entered this drop of blood.

The so-called "one flower and one world", a drop of water, a drop of blood is also a world. A drop of blood in the blood of the phoenix is ​​like a small world. The spiritual power of Qin Lang enters this small world, hoping to find the key.

For the blood of the Phoenix family, Qin Lang is already very familiar with it. After all, the thing that Qin Lang did during this period of time is to constantly improve and enhance the blood of the Phoenix family, almost even if it is repeated. This kind of work seems to be meaningless. It seems to be a simple mechanical repetition, but Qin Lang does not think so. At least during this time, he is already familiar with the blood of the Phoenix family, even more than any Phoenix monk. More familiar.

Because of this, Qin Lang's spiritual power entered the blood of the blood of the phoenix, and immediately noticed something different from other Phoenix monks in the blood of the blood of the phoenix, or it could be said to be a place of "genetic variation."

Subsequently, Qin Lang condensed into a **** mark with spiritual strength, and began to use the **** mark to carry out "deep analysis" of the blood of the blood of the phoenix. In fact, it is to find out how the blood of the phoenix is ​​integrated into the original fire attribute. In the blood of the Phoenix.

The wonder of the ghost emperor pattern is that it can simulate the **** mark of the gods. The ghost emperor pattern is not a **** mark, but it can create and simulate the **** mark. This kind of feature makes Qin Lang simulate itself through the ghost pattern. The scars that are needed, and then through these **** marks to explore the mystery of the blood in the blood of the phoenix.

A drop of blood in the blood of the phoenix is ​​like a small world. Every cell and molecule in it contains the blood of the phoenix. The traces of Qin Lang are like the "scissors" of the gods, and these cells and molecules are one by one. Separate the ground, then gain insight into the mysteries and sense the extraordinary power that exists.

Finally, Qin Lang has something that interests him in this drop of blood: a special substance that balances the two attributes of ice and fire in the blood of the blood of the phoenix, or a bridge that penetrates two attributes!

It sounds very mysterious. In fact, Qin Lang himself is easy to understand. For example, with regard to viruses, some scientific laboratories on the earth process the viral genes of nature or graft the dn** segments of several viruses, which will form a new generation of "super viruses", which have greater transmission than natural viruses. Contagious and destructive. Therefore, genes are not static, but can be “rewritten”.

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