Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2548: Reversal potential

Phoenix has no first, is the best test candidate, because Phoenix has no confidence in Qin Lang, and Phoenix has already gained a lot of benefits from Qin Lang. He believes that Qin Lang can bring him more powerful strength and glory.

Feng Dingxue sees Qin Lang using the phoenix without first to test, and immediately understands that Qin Lang is really sure, otherwise he should choose other monks of the Phoenix-free family to conduct experiments, instead of directly experimenting with Phoenix.

However, the choice of using Phoenix without first to test, but also Qin Lang's small trick, because he knows that only this, Feng residual blood will believe that Qin Lang's grasp of this matter is high.

"Mr. experimented on me casually. I totally believe in the means of Mr." Phoenix did not doubt the means of Qin Lang at all, and directly let Qin Lang do it.

Qin Lang nodded, and then used his own strength to condense into eleven "gas needles", but these eleven gas needles can not be simple at all, Feng Dianxue and Huang no first can see the mystery, know these The gas needle actually has strong rhythm law fluctuations, and these Shinto laws are very cohesive and very stable, just as they are combined in a strange way, forming a kind of existence like "神神"!

However, it is true that the gas needle that Qin Lang condenses is originally the same thing as "Shenzhen". This @※ is something that Qin Lang realized from the blood of the blood of the phoenix. The blood of the blood of the phoenix can be integrated into other attributes. The reason for this is that the blood of the blood of the phoenix has a special "intermediary substance", which finally combines the two attributes of ice and fire in the blood of the phoenix.

The rest of the people, including the blood of the phoenix, even if they know the truth, it is impossible to copy and simulate this intermediary substance. This is because the blood of the phoenix and other monks cannot fully understand metaphysics and science. The power, naturally, does not know the relationship between blood power and genetic code. It is simply impossible to accomplish the task of copying the mysterious intermediary substance! Moreover, even if such an intermediary substance is reproduced, it may not be suitable for every monk of the phoenix family. Even the same phoenix monks have different characteristics. Therefore, according to the different characteristics of each person, Qin Lang needs to This intermediary substance is fine-tuned to ensure that it is suitable for every phoenix monk.

Now, Qin Lang has already penetrated the eleven roots of the sacred gas needle into the body of the phoenix. The sacred needles of the sacred spirits and the sacred laws of the sacred sacred sacred sacs are quickly and completely Together, it becomes part of the blood power itself.

Of course, these **** marks can be integrated into the blood of the phoenix, which is also a normal thing. After all, the meaning of these sacred needles is the same as the "gene key". They are originally based on the phoenix. The "key" that the body and blood are tempered. Since it is the key to Phoenix's own blood power, then nature can be perfectly integrated with his blood power.

When these eleven **** marks have entered the body of the phoenix, it is like the blood power and the genetic lock of the phoenix have been "opened". Then Qin Lang can add some blood to his blood. Something is gone.

For example, add some blood power to other beasts?

Yes, in the kingdom of Qin Lang's gods, but the collection of countless beasts and murderers of blood, or Qin Lang can now add some of the true dragon's blood power to the phoenix. After all, the power of the true dragon family is very powerful, even surpassing the phoenix family. Otherwise, the true dragon family cannot establish a powerful dragon world.

Now, Qin Lang has integrated the blood power of the true dragon family into the body of the phoenix, which is a "gene transplant" across the race. If the transplant is successful, then the blood of the phoenix will naturally no longer doubt the means of Qin Lang. It is.

Qin Lang took out a little real blood, and then learned the blood power of this drop of real dragon blood, and then put this drop of real dragon blood into the forehead of the phoenix, it is strange, that drop of true dragon essence The blood turned out to be completely "integrated" into the forehead of the phoenix, and then completely disappeared.

However, at this time, Phoenix did not begin to release a little bit of true dragon atmosphere around the body - Long Wei!

Roar! ~ At this time, a huge roar sounded, and this is the voice of Scorpio. This guy shouted: "Dragon? Where is the dragon, let me swallow it!"

Scorpio, feeding on dragons, but this is often a plunder of a few dragons as food. If it is a real dragon, Scorpio may not be able to kill it, let alone the dragon in the background. Scorpio does not want to offend the entire dragon world at will. However, Scorpio is very sensitive to the atmosphere of the dragon.

"To shut up--"

Qin Lang snorted, and Scorpio immediately shut up. He knew that he was out of order. It was really a good thing to disturb the good things of Qin Lang.

Scorpio was originally guarding the law outside, and heard the voice of Qin Lang. Scorpio couldn’t help but stunned. Although he was also a strong person in the world of the beast, but after seeing the anti-day means of Qin Lang, Scorpio finally had a little arrogance. The heart has completely disappeared, because he knows how terrible Qin Lang is, and he has seen the horror scene of Qin Lang suppressing Kuitun Zhenjun, so Tianzhu is very afraid of Qin Lang.

Fortunately, after a while, the voice of Qin Lang resounded: "Scorpio, things have been completed, you can come in."

Qin Lang let Tianzhu come in, is to confirm whether Phoenix has really had the atmosphere of true dragons. After all, this guy from Tianzhu is very sensitive to the dragons.

This guy of Tianzhu thought that Qin Lang would punish him. He pulled his head and walked in. He whispered: "Master, I used to make a fuss. Master, you - Phoenix has no first, how can you have the breath of true dragon? ?"

In fact, it is not only Scorpio that is so suspicious, even if it is phoenix and bloody, it is incredible, it is simply horrified.

Although the blood of the phoenix is ​​a variegated blood of the phoenix, her variation only has two attributes of ice and fire. It is essentially the blood of the phoenix. However, this guy of Qin Lang is too horrible, and even the phoenix has not been injected into the body at the same time. The power of the dragon's blood, let the phoenix have the blood power of the phoenix and the real dragon at the same time!

How sharp is the phoenix's **** eyes, she naturally has seen that the phoenix without the body is not only the atmosphere of the real dragon, but also really has the blood power of the real dragon.


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