Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2582: Phoenix Yinyang Reincarnation

This time, Qin Lang is also a real anger. He can ignore the origin of this ghost cave master. Once he gives Qin Lang the opportunity, he will definitely kill this guy at any cost. After all, this heart is too vicious, and the mind is also So powerful, plus got the fox, once this guy is fully restored, then the end of Qin Lang and Feng Zhuang blood can be imagined.

It seems that Qin Lang’s thoughts are felt. Feng Dingxue uses his mental strength: “Mr. Qin, we are already at a disadvantage. I believe that you should have already seen it. Under such circumstances, you need to restore strength as soon as possible, otherwise If the guy in the Ghost Cave is the first step, then our situation is not optimistic!"

"Of course I know." Qin Lang said, "I have already exhausted the method to recover. However, the guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He constantly uses the Tianhanfeng to suppress my actions and also affects my physical strength recovery, so now It's hard to say. But the guy can't take action on us right away. After all, he's already poisoned, and the toxins I've refined are not so easy to eliminate!"

Having said that, Qin Lang is not sure that he can recover before the other party's action. After all, the master of this ghost hole is so arrogant and arrogant, and the means are so amazing. If it was not a contempt for Qin Lang, it would be overestimated. Qin Lang's injury, otherwise, I am afraid that Qin Lang and Feng Zongxue have been sadly reminded.

"So, Mr. Qin, you can't be sure that you can recover your injury first, but I can help you, and recover from the guy one step ahead!" Feng Duo was very sure.

"It’s rare to regain self-confidence in the days after, but it’s good, but I don’t know what to do in the days?” Qin Lang asked.

"Do you know that the phoenix Nirvana reincarnation?" Feng Zhuang blood, "Nirvana, not only reincarnation, but also can be reborn, let the cultivation to a higher level! However, many people do not know the true life of the Phoenix family Nirvana Mystery, not to know the top players of our Phoenix family, there is also a type of 'Phoenix Yin Yang reincarnation'. However, this requires two top masters to do it, and must be a master of the Phoenix family."

"Phoenix yin and yang reincarnation?"

Qin Lang naturally heard of the phoenix nirvana. After all, this is the most magical talent of the Phoenix family. However, the yin and yang conversion of the phoenix yang and yang was indeed the first time I heard it, and the phoenix blood was said at this time, so it is true. It is the secret of the phoenix family.

However, at this time, Qin Lang wants to recover the injury at the fastest speed, and fight with the owner of the ghost hole, then perhaps only the power of the phoenix nirvana can be achieved, so that Qin Lang is "full" in a very short period of time. Blood resurrection."

The Nirvana reincarnation of the Phoenix family is indeed such a magical power. However, this Phoenix yin and yang reincarnation surgery requires two masters of the Phoenix family to achieve mutual understanding, and it must be one male and one female, one male and one female, one yin and one yang. In this regard, Qin Lang can be fully understandable, the so-called "male and female collocation, do more with less", this point is almost universal in any ethnic monk. The yin and yang are born together, so naturally it is possible to speed up the recovery of injuries. Even if it is a decent monk of Taoism, there is also a special practice of yin and yang. The practice of yin and yang can be done with half the effort.

In Qin Lang's view, if it is not at this step, the blood of the phoenix may not inform Qin Lang of the secret of the phoenix family, and it is even more impossible to carry out this phoenix yin and yang reincarnation with Qin Lang. Not to mention how the blood of the phoenix is ​​higher than the top, I am afraid that few people can enter her eye. On the other hand, Qin Lang is only a human race, not a monk of the phoenix family. It is impossible for a phoenix to carry out a phoenix yin with a human race. Rehabilitation double. Repair.

At this moment, both sides have reached a desperate situation, and they are all grasshoppers on the line. Therefore, under such circumstances, the blood of the phoenix can only be repaired with Qin Lang for the yin and yang regeneration. Because both sides have no choice. Moreover, the two sides have experienced the battle of life and death together, and naturally they have established a special kind of trust. At this time, the two sides are already absolutely trust, because life and death have been linked.

"However, you are not a monk of the Phoenix family, and even if it is a monk of the Phoenix family, there is no full grasp to ensure success!" Feng Zhuangxue poured a cold water on Qin Lang.

"I believe in you! Believe us too!" Qin Lang is still full of confidence, and he added another sentence, "What's more, it is my honor to be able to participate in the Phoenix Yin and Yang reincarnation with Tianhou."

The last sentence is not superfluous. This is Qin Lang’s esteem from the heart to the blood of the phoenix. For the phoenix’s female powerhouse, Qin Lang was very appreciative at the beginning of the meeting. Of course, it was not just to appreciate her appearance. And it is to appreciate her personality and ability.

After listening to the praise of Qin Lang, the blood of the phoenix did not say much. Since the two sides have reached an agreement, then the act is naturally not dragged. After that, the two sides are already naked, although this matter is too fast for both sides to develop, but after all, the two sides are different from ordinary people. This time is not any shame and sin. The two sides are practicing together for many years. Like the Taoists, it is natural and natural.

Qin Lang does not understand the Phoenix yin and yang transformation of the Phoenix family, but he does not need to understand, because the blood is dominated by the blood of the phoenix, and Qin Lang only works with the practice of the blood of the phoenix, and cooperates with the blood of the phoenix.

At this point, the two sides have been completely integrated. With the phoenix's **** blood together, Qin Lang feels that the unique power of the Phoenix family is motivated by the blood of the phoenix's blood. Qin Lang knows that the power is Nirvana's reincarnation. Strength, but this power is very dangerous.

Because in this power, there is also the power of nirvana and reincarnation.

Nirvana, for death; reincarnation, for life.

Among the forces, there are two distinct forces of life and death. This is the path of the monks' pursuit of "two poles." The so-called two-pole normalization is two distinct forces that can be perfectly combined. This is the essence of the so-called "Dao Shengyi, Yi Sheng Er" or "Promise Tai Chi".

Since both Nirvana and Reincarnation can be perfectly united, naturally, the two forces of life and death can be transformed through the yin and yang regeneration of the phoenix, and part of their "death" can be transformed into life.

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