Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2589: Frog at the bottom of the well

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ~

The Heavenly Devil's Devil's Seat constantly suppresses Qin Lang, constantly slamming Qin Lang's bodyguards, until the Qin Lang's bodyguards are completely crushed! Later, this day, the devil's seat began to crush the body of Qin Lang, constantly making an explosion.

However, Qin Lang's body is probably the strongest existence, and even can be comparable to the artifact, because Qin Lang has used his mark to temper his body, which is the same as the process of tempering artifacts, so even if it is The goddess of the heavens and the cold, the time can not help Qin Lang's body.

"Ha! Then you kid, I can't think of the flesh so powerful, almost reached the point where King Kong is not bad." Ba Tianhan couldn't help but sigh, he didn't know how much Qin Lan this guy had. So resistant to fight. However, the more Qinlang is tyrannical, the more happy he is, the more he will get the benefits, even more than the benefits he got from killing the old foxes.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The powerful power of the demon gods constantly impacts the body of Qin Lang. Although the body of Qin Lang has been tempered by the gods, and there are three hundred and sixty gods of the kingdom on Sunday, but after all, Qin Lang is not the lord of the age, the body can never follow. The super artifact is so beautiful, so Qin Lang’s body finally began to support, and the flesh began to crack.

However, every time the flesh cracked, the power of Qin Lang's native death and the yin and yang dynasty reincarnation began to heal the cracked flesh quickly, so that Qin Lang could continue to resist the crushing of the demon.

"Oh... kid, I really admire your tenacity, knowing that you must die, you can still insist on it, it is simply admirable!" The sound of the tyrannical cold is like teasing a worm that is about to die. .

"I know that I must die?" Qin Lang smirked in his heart, but did not respond to the words of the tyrants of the cold. Since he insisted that he would die, then why bother with it? Anyway, for Qin Lang, although the tyrannical cold is very strong, it is only a sharpening stone of Qin Lang. Before the tyrants chose to kill the old ghosts of the Tianhu family, they had already made the most deadly wrong choice.

If Ba Tianhan sneaked Qin Lang in the first time, instead of dealing with the old ghosts of the few foxes, and then dealing with Qin Lang with the old ghosts of these foxes, then Qin Lang may really fall here, after all. He did not count to the tyrants of the cold and actually hidden in the Tianhan Peak.

Of course, this is not Qinlang's innate yin and yang gossip, but it is a mysterious existence, and the previous typhoon completely hides his own breath and everything, the old ghosts of the Tianhu family. And Qin Lang did not notice it.

All in all, the old ghosts of the Tianhu family are indeed damn, because they completely underestimated the strength of Qin Lang, and they did not count on the existence of the tyrants. The old ghosts of the Tianhu family existed for the sake of the cold. Chess pieces, and after being used, they are dead.

However, as for the tyrannical cold, he also made a mistake. He should not deal with the old ghosts of the Tianhu family for the first time. Maybe he is eager to get the blood and the foxes of these old ghosts to strengthen his own strength. , completely get rid of the suppression of the Tianhan Peak. However, Ba Tianhan underestimated the strength of Qin Lang, which means that he may overturn the ship.

Don't look at Qin Lang, who is now completely suppressed by the tyrannical **** of the demon, but at this time, Qin Lang is using the powerful pressure of the demon **** to temper his body, making his body's **** marks and **** marks More perfect. As for the pain of the demon gods on Qin Lang, it is nothing for Qin Lang.

"Hey! You still want to grind yourself under my **** demon, it is just a dream, give me death!" After all, he was not an idiot. After a while, he understood what Qin Lang wanted to do, but he How tyrannical is the tyrannical existence, of course, it is impossible to be willing to give Qinlang a sharpening stone and a stepping stone. Therefore, after realizing the real intention of Qin Lang, this tyrantic cold immediately showed a stronger and stronger strength, and the power of the demon **** To the extreme, this will definitely kill Qin Lang completely!

"Oh! Even if your body is tyrannical, but how about it, do you have an epoch overlord, and actually want to compete with my demon gods, after all, it’s just a flesh, you really think that you are not bad. Body, can resist the crushing of my demon gods? You are so naive! Now, you will completely destroy me!" The tyrannical roar, the power of the demon gods to the extreme.

As far as strength is concerned, the power of the tyrannical cold is still above Qinlang. After all, this guy has been cultivated for a long time, and it has already been a giant of the devil world, and it has been suppressed in the long years of Tianhanfeng. Being suppressed, but the mood and understanding of various exercises have reached the point where the fire is pure and the peak is reached. At this time, by taking advantage of the temperament of several old foxes, the tyrannical cold has completely surpassed. The state he used to be in his prime, so today's hegemony is indeed the capital of the world.

The Heavenly Devil's God Devil, at this moment, has completely suppressed Qin Lang, even though Qin Lang's body has been sturdy to the extreme, it seems to have begun to collapse, and the recovery rate of Qin Lang's injury has slowed down rapidly, apparently it is unable to resist from the tyrants. The strong pressure of the cold.

"It seems that your destiny has ended here." Ba Tianhan felt the situation of Qin Lang, and he speculated that Qin Lang had completely finished, and it was impossible to make any resistance. Under the strong pressure of the tyrants, Unless it is an epoch, it is just the same as a chicken.

Qin Lang still did not respond to the thoughts of the tyrants, because for Qin Lang, no matter how powerful the tyrants are, it is only a practice, nothing more than this time the experience is more dangerous.

Although Qin Lang is not an epoch, but Qin Lang also has eternal material, and the eternal material that Qin Lang received is not inferior to the tyrants, even more than the tyrants. Qin Yuan's original dead word, which is one of the original words from the eternal Tianlun disk, is an intangible eternal material, which should be more precious and mysterious than those morphological eternal materials. In addition, Qin Lang also got Kui Yu really cultivated and his burial scorpio, and the burial scorpion was also inlaid with eternal matter. Not to mention, Qin Lang also got a mysterious Wang Peng Wang Ling, although this thing Qin Lang has not fully figured out the mystery, but in Qin Lang's view, it is, after all, something that is made of eternal material, naturally belongs to " The thing of the super artifact. However, Xue Xiaopeng can't push the king of Peng Peng, and naturally he can't exert his power, so he has always been a symbolic object.

All in all, although the strength of the tyrantic cold is tyrannical, although it has such a super artifact as the demon god, it has been suppressed in the Tianhan Peak for too long. In Qinlang’s view, the tyrantic cold is just a frog at the bottom of the well!

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