Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2644: Life is like chess

The reason why all the creatures and monks in the sky are so stable, the reason why Huang Xiaoying is so happy is that they are happy to be "chess pieces" and enjoy the mission and tasks given to them by the creators of the game.

Qin Lang has always been unhappy. He always feels that there is no clue. It is because he is rejecting the world and rejects the traceless days. Because Qin Lang has entered the game, he refuses to accept his identity as a chess piece.

However, if you do not accept the identity of the chess piece, how can you integrate into the game?

In the end, Qin Lang was only thinking about breaking the game, but he did not consider seriously integrating into the game, so this is the problem.

"Oh, thank you for your reminder." Qin Lang smiled at Huang Xiaoxiao, and suddenly the turmoil of his heart suddenly went away, integrating himself and his spiritual power into the world.

At this time, Qin Lang looked at this no-mark day, and suddenly there was a feeling that "seeing the mountain is not a mountain, watching the water is not water".

At this time, Qin Lang finally "sees" the masters of the layout of the chess game, and is absolutely certain that this world without traces is indeed "artificial", but it can be called a skill!

This "smart craftsmanship" is definitely not an adjective, but the creator of the traceless heaven. It is indeed the level of "natural work", just like a heavenly hand has created everything in this world. This is not a real world. But have the real hands of heaven!

At this time, Qin Lang saw the true secret of the innocent sky, which is unimaginable for his cultivation and understanding.

Before Qin Lang had already smashed the most crucial self in the "three corpses", and released the power of Hong Meng Zi Qi, planted the seeds of the epoch hegemon, and then look at the many creations of this "hand of the sky", change all kinds, let Qin Lang finally understood how the era hegemony was made. At the same time, Qin Lang also really sensed the existence of the will of the destiny, and the operation of the universe.

The power of Hong Meng and Ziqi was originally the state before the formation of the universe. Before Qin Lang had the seeds of the epoch of the empire, at least there was not enough understanding. At this time, I saw the various kinds of heavens in the sky. Qin Lang finally understood. What happened to the epoch?

It must be said that although Qin Lang has become one of the pieces of the creator of the No Trace, but as a piece, the benefits of Qin Lang are unimaginable:

The creator of the world without a trace, all the processes that he created in this world, are completely preserved in this no trace of the sky, which is equivalent to the evolution of the entire universe of heavens in the direction of Qin Lang!

The world of no traces, compared with the universe of the whole world, is only a negligible space, but its essence is the same, so this world without a trace is not a "small world", but a "micro universe", " The little universe is right. This is also why, after hundreds of millions of years, the world of no traces still has no signs of decline.

Hundreds of millions of years are indeed long, but compared to the universe, it is just a blink of an eye.

If you want to become the lord of the era, you must transcend the destiny and build the universe. Only when you see yourself tempering into another universe can you get rid of the **** of this cosmic life.

Rumble! When Qin Lang realized this, the whole world without traces began to tremble fiercely, and Qin Lang immediately understood what was happening:


When Qin Lang realized the key to the road to the epoch of the epoch, he was immediately aware of the will of the destiny, so Qin Lang wanted to become the tyrant of the epoch and wanted to "super-sky", and naturally he would be countered by the will of heaven.

The will of heaven is absolutely not allowed in the universe, and someone can surpass its existence!

The number of sacred murders is different from that of robbing and robbing, but it is even more terrifying. Because the will of the destiny begins to "stare" at Qinlang alone, it means that it will use all the forces that can be used to kill Qin Lang. It is absolutely not allowed. Qin Lang crossed the "Lei Pool" and did not allow Qin Lang to become the new era hegemon!

For the will of the destiny, it controls everything in the universe, and all living beings and matter are under the control and **** of the will of the destiny. Even the immortal who can live with the heavens and the earth is actually under the control of the will of the destiny. All in all, all life, including monks and immortals, comes from the universe of the universe, so the ultimate fate of the monks and immortals is to completely "return" their power to the universe.

There is life in life, and there is an end in the beginning.

The will of the destiny controls the beginning and the end of all life. The will of heaven gives life and gives strength to life, but when it is over, it will withdraw all the things it gives, of course, through the way of "death". to realise.

If the will of the destiny cannot take back the things that have been given, then it is a "losing trade", which is the existence that Heaven will not tolerate! For the will of the destiny, there is not much problem for the monks and immortals to live for a long time, because no matter how long they live, there will be a death, then how much energy and energy they have gained from the universe will return. However, if someone succeeds in the era hegemony, then it is equivalent to "plundering" energy and vitality from the universe's heavens. This is something that cannot be tolerated by the will of heaven.

No matter how before, how is Qin Lang loved by destiny, this time will be destroyed by the number of fate.

The way in which the destiny of the gods destroys Qin Lang is "downgrading." In the way of the will of the destiny, it can mobilize any strong besides the empire of the empire, and naturally it can also influence the will of the celestial army. Therefore, when Qin Lang wants to transcend the will of the destiny, it immediately triggers the number of sacred lives. Big army!

It is too easy for the will of the destiny to influence the army of the immortal world. It only needs to arrange an "accidental" to let the spies of the immortal army discover the existence of a traceless sky. Then, the spy informed the army of the immortal world, and then naturally there will be a general army of the immortal world to "sweep" the traceless days.

Now, the Xianjie army has begun to attack the world without a trace.

The whole world of no traces began to turmoil, but the monks and creatures of this world did not appear too flustered. It seems that they all regard this as a mission.

"All the monks without a trace of the sky! Immediately resist the army of the immortals!"

Qin Lang shouted loudly. As the "savior" in this world prophecy, Qin Lang’s words certainly have a great appeal. His voice has just fallen, and many monks in the world without a trace have already acted. Under the leadership, began to resist the attack of the celestial army.


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